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NE one been in intra racial relationship?


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Originally posted by therunner

According to webster - you're a fucking dumbass!! So yes it is surprising the amount of stupid people in the world!!!

Main Entry: ori·en·tal

Pronunciation: "Or-E-'en-t&l, "or-

Function: adjective

Date: 14th century

1 often capitalized : of, relating to, or situated in the Orient

2 a : of superior grade, luster, or value b : being corundum or sapphire but simulating another gem in color

3 often capitalized : of, relating to, or having the characteristics of Orientals

4 capitalized : of, relating to, or constituting the biogeographic region that includes Asia south and southeast of the Himalayas and the Malay Archipelago west of Wallace's line

: a member of one of the indigenous peoples of the Orient

you must have the ignorant redneck edition dumbass...

update your collection...

Usage Note: Asian is now strongly preferred in place of Oriental for persons native to Asia or descended from an Asian people. The usual objection to Orientalmeaning “easternâ€is that it identifies Asian countries and peoples in terms of their location relative to Europe. However, this objection is not generally made of other Eurocentric terms such as Near and Middle Eastern. The real problem with Oriental is more likely its connotations stemming from an earlier era when Europeans viewed the regions east of the Mediterranean as exotic lands full of romance and intrigue, the home of despotic empires and inscrutable customs. At the least these associations can give Oriental a dated feel, and as a noun in contemporary contexts (as in the first Oriental to be elected from the district) it is now widely taken to be offensive.:idea: . As with Asiatic, its use other than as an ethnonym, in phrases such as Oriental cuisine or Oriental medicine, is not usually considered objectionable.:idea:

now fuck off bitch...:cool:

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using a little logic & interperatation, we can say runner is wrong...

Usage Note: Asian is now strongly preferred in place of Oriental for persons native to Asia or descended from an Asian people. The usual objection to Orientalmeaning “easternâ€is that it identifies Asian countries and peoples in terms of their location relative to Europe. However, this objection is not generally made of other Eurocentric terms such as Near and Middle Eastern. The real problem with Oriental is more likely its connotations stemming from an earlier era when Europeans viewed the regions east of the Mediterranean as exotic lands full of romance and intrigue, the home of despotic empires and inscrutable customs. At the least these associations can give Oriental a dated feel, and as a noun in contemporary contexts (as in the first Oriental to be elected from the district) it is now widely taken to be offensive. However, Oriental should not be thought of as an ethnic slur to be avoided in all situations. As with Asiatic, its use other than as an ethnonym, in phrases such as Oriental cuisine or Oriental medicine, is not usually considered objectionable

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Originally posted by tommyarmani

Originally posted by therunner

According to webster - you're a fucking dumbass!! So yes it is surprising the amount of stupid people in the world!!!

Main Entry: ori·en·tal

U r mean! I was just trying to get some different perspectives & viewpoints as they pertain to my current situation. I didnt mean for this to turn into an argument/debate regarding proper terminology.

if you dont have something nice to say... make sure the other person is out of the room when you say it


I am mean :confused: - I do believe that I was called a moron for posting something that was actually correct and a bit more defined in describing my previous relationship and I was just trying to educate the uneducated on this board. Sometimes it takes a bit of humiliation to get it through their heads.

My co-worker married someone from south africa she is now african-american. However she is white - or is she caucasion or is she all three. Does she qualify for an african-american studit grant?

Anyway - my ex is oriental from the orient, which happens to lie in the middle of asia.

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Originally posted by tommyarmani

using a little logic & interperatation, we can say runner is wrong...

Usage Note: Asian is now strongly preferred in place of Oriental for persons native to Asia or descended from an Asian people. The usual objection to Orientalmeaning “eastern”is that it identifies Asian countries and peoples in terms of their location relative to Europe. However, this objection is not generally made of other Eurocentric terms such as Near and Middle Eastern. The real problem with Oriental is more likely its connotations stemming from an earlier era when Europeans viewed the regions east of the Mediterranean as exotic lands full of romance and intrigue, the home of despotic empires and inscrutable customs. At the least these associations can give Oriental a dated feel, and as a noun in contemporary contexts (as in the first Oriental to be elected from the district) it is now widely taken to be offensive. However, Oriental should not be thought of as an ethnic slur to be avoided in all situations. As with Asiatic, its use other than as an ethnonym, in phrases such as Oriental cuisine or Oriental medicine, is not usually considered objectionable

Where does is say that I am wrong?

At the least these associations can give Oriental a dated feel, and as a noun in contemporary contexts (as in the first Oriental to be elected from the district) it is now widely taken to be offensive.

I hope you are not talking about that. anyone can take anything as being offensive. And why do my vietnamese friends demand they be called oriental and not asian? Eye of the beholder. But according to Webster, which is the english dictionary that american english is corrected with, I am correct. End of topic.

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Originally posted by therunner

IMy co-worker married someone from south africa she is now african-american. However she is white - or is she caucasion or is she all three. Does she qualify for an african-american studit grant?

That makes no sense??? One does not become african-american by marriage, only by descent.

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Originally posted by tommyarmani

using a little logic & interperatation, we can say runner is wrong...

Usage Note: Asian is now strongly preferred in place of Oriental for persons native to Asia or descended from an Asian people. The usual objection to Orientalmeaning “easternâ€is that it identifies Asian countries and peoples in terms of their location relative to Europe. However, this objection is not generally made of other Eurocentric terms such as Near and Middle Eastern. The real problem with Oriental is more likely its connotations stemming from an earlier era when Europeans viewed the regions east of the Mediterranean as exotic lands full of romance and intrigue, the home of despotic empires and inscrutable customs. At the least these associations can give Oriental a dated feel, and as a noun in contemporary contexts (as in the first Oriental to be elected from the district) it is now widely taken to be offensive. However, Oriental should not be thought of as an ethnic slur to be avoided in all situations. As with Asiatic, its use other than as an ethnonym, in phrases such as Oriental cuisine or Oriental medicine, is not usually considered objectionable

yo runner...

this is from a new dictionary... ok...

it been a long long time since oriental was an acceptable term...

please read it slowly...

up herrrrre...in the big city...

i'm half asian...and i find it offensive...

which is why i called ya a moron...:D

if ya wanna sound like an ignorant redneck...

be my guest... keep using it in the same context...


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Originally posted by bodiii

this is from a new dictionary... ok...

it been a long long time since oriental was an acceptable term...

please read it slowly...

up herrrrre...in the big city...

i'm half asian...and i find it offensive...

which is why i called ya a moron...:D

if ya wanna sound like an ignorant redneck...

be my guest... keep using it in the same context...


It's basically like calling a black person "colored" or a "negro."

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Originally posted by tastyt

It's basically like calling a black person "colored" or a "negro."

i dont think its has a strong of a connotation of the above slurs , but yes even the runner said it.. 'its dated"

personaly i would prefer to be called asian, not oriental, but i dont normally correct ppl who do use this term to describe myself or others as "oriental" (haha my friends usually pipe up though)

it does set off a flag in my head that if this person before me is ignorant :blank: that if they are using the term Oriental, than i am sure their views are prety dated about eothertypes of ppl as well

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Originally posted by nycchic24

i dont think its has a strong of a connotation of the above slurs , but yes even the runner said it.. 'its dated"

True- I just meant that, at one time, these were the "politically correct" words of their time (cuz they do sound a whole lot nicer than the alternative), but these days they just sound ignorant.

My boyfriend's roomate- they are both from Ireland- uses the word "colored." I feel like I should explain to him that it's not a good word to use- I just don't quite know how to broach the subject...

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Originally posted by tastyt

True- I just meant that, at one time, these were the "politically correct" words of their time (cuz they do sound a whole lot nicer than the alternative), but these days they just sound ignorant.

My boyfriend's roomate- they are both from Ireland- uses the word "colored." I feel like I should explain to him that it's not a good word to use- I just don't quite know how to broach the subject...

no i totally understand.. and you are correct :)

in regards to your bf's roommate - imo maybe play it off as a joke at first and then explain to them that its just not a "cool" word to be spoken (espcially in public) i am sure they will appreciate it more to know, than to blindly walking around using that term.

in college, i had a roommate that was nicaraguan (sp ) anyways... i had always used the term hispanic and she explained to me that it wasnt the phrase of choice amonst that community. and that they/she prefers "latin" i apologized, but ihonestly just didnt know.. she knew that and thats why she told me. :) and from that point on i have always tried to use word "latin or latino, latina " in describinb ppl of that ethnicity.


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Originally posted by tommyarmani

hey runner, fuck you! if you want to disect every little detail of everyones threads, im sure we can designate you the proofreader. Is that your major contribution?

now get off my dick & if you dont have any other response, have a nice day!

That's a big detail, not a small one

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Originally posted by tastyt

That makes no sense??? One does not become african-american by marriage, only by descent.

the on he married is from south africa. she is african by descent. but now she is an american citizen. Is she african american?

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Originally posted by therunner

the on he married is from south africa. she is african by descent. but now she is an american citizen. Is she african american?

I gotcha now. I guess that technically speaking, she would be.

I don't care much for the term african-american to begin with, not the way it's commonly used, anyway. It doesn't mean "black," which is how most people use it- what about Jamaican-Americans, Haitian-Americans, etc. It only applies to people who are actually of african descent (or in this case- who have immigrated from africa).

And in this case- we have a white woman who is an african-american.

I guess the term ain't so bad, it's just being applied incorrectly.

And I don't want to sound overly-pc or anything... I just use the word black anyway.

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