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Boredom sex . . .


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. . . do you ever just have that one person you can call for ass, its like a booty call but it ain't. Like you don't really care to see the person but you are just bored and figure hey I can use some ass & something to do. . . ?:tongue: I know it sounds fucked up but a girl gotta do what a girl gotta do . . .

damn I sound really fucked up today :half:

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i've had relationships like that in the past. i think they're great, at the time they serve there purpose, you both get off, and go on your way.

the only downside is when one of the two gets emotional (a topic often discussed here on CP's Sex boards).

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I think everyone has had a relationship like this, or at least has the option to have this type of relationship. It all depends on what you want. At some point you may not want the booty call anymore, but just to be safe, you should still keep in some contact with these people :D

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Originally posted by fierydesire

. . . do you ever just have that one person you can call for ass, its like a booty call but it ain't. Like you don't really care to see the person but you are just bored and figure hey I can use some ass & something to do. . . ?:tongue: I know it sounds fucked up but a girl gotta do what a girl gotta do . . .

damn I sound really fucked up today :half:


or something ;)

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Originally posted by fierydesire

yo get off my jock :rolleyes:;) I'm just being me

ewww. y r u being so rude?? off your jock?? don't even wanna know. but while we're at it, i'll answer the answer to the other thread now, since this will prob be my last post of the day. in regards to the dude, u perhaps just need to stop fucking nubs and then you'd be alright. :love:


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Originally posted by fierydesire

. . . do you ever just have that one person you can call for ass, its like a booty call but it ain't. Like you don't really care to see the person but you are just bored and figure hey I can use some ass & something to do. . . ?:tongue: I know it sounds fucked up but a girl gotta do what a girl gotta do . . .

damn I sound really fucked up today :half:

It seems like someone has sex on the mind more than I...

That is scary... :shake::worry::shake:

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Originally posted by fierydesire

. . . do you ever just have that one person you can call for ass, its like a booty call but it ain't. Like you don't really care to see the person but you are just bored and figure hey I can use some ass & something to do. . . ?:tongue: I know it sounds fucked up but a girl gotta do what a girl gotta do . . .

i dont ever call "one person."

since i live in a tent with many beautiful women, i need only snap my fingers to be pleasured by several of them for hours on end.

After i'm finished, they feed me grapes and exquisite wine from the casks we keep in the north wing of the palace.

you see, when youve got it all like I do, you need never concern yourself with these ghetto urges, to which you so coarsly refer.

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Originally posted by cintron

i dont ever call "one person."

since i live in a tent with many beautiful women, i need only snap my fingers to be pleasured by several of them for hours on end.

After i'm finished, they feed me grapes and exquisite wine from the casks we keep in the north wing of the palace.

you see, when youve got it all like I do, you need never concern yourself with these ghetto urges, to which you so coarsly refer.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: LMAO . . . nice fantasy babes

element: you don't know me to well do you;) sex well pleasure is on the brain 24/7

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Originally posted by ladyshady

well there was "johnny punani"..well thats what we called him:laugh:

this guy would come over and eat my box, just whenever i asked him to....no hanging out afterwards..no cuddling..no kissing even...........he sure was a great guy :D

Wow, so u snap your fingers and go "hey - yo whats your face cmon get to work!"

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Originally posted by fierydesire

. . . do you ever just have that one person you can call for ass, its like a booty call but it ain't. Like you don't really care to see the person but you are just bored and figure hey I can use some ass & something to do. . . ?:tongue: I know it sounds fucked up but a girl gotta do what a girl gotta do . . .

damn I sound really fucked up today :half:

of course.

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Originally posted by wideskies

firey, maybe you should look into discovering some new hobbies that aren't people?

i mean that seriously... you'd probably be a lot happier if you could rely on YOURSELF for entertainment and pleasure of various kinds.

first off you picked the wrong day to try and not be rude . . .

Do you know me? No so before you go and tell me to discover new hobbies get a clue . . . not trying to be rude. This is the sexboard right, I can post as I like . . . there is no need to explain myself to you nor anyone else

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Originally posted by fierydesire

first off you picked the wrong day to try and not be rude . . .

Do you know me? No so before you go and tell me to discover new hobbies get a clue . . . not trying to be rude. This is the sexboard right, I can post as I like . . . there is no need to explain myself to you nor anyone else

get a clue? i HAVE been getting "clues"... from what you post on this messageboard. and since i only know you from what you post, and you tend to complain a lot about how you're not satisfied with the way your "love" life goes, i was attempting to offer some advice.

my comments are sincere and meant with your best interests in mind.

sorry you can't deal with them rationally.

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Originally posted by phatman

...if youre having a bad day Z dont take it out on the wrong people...she wasnt being rude or mean or any of that...

I wasn't tryin to be rude to her as she wasn't trying to be rude to me :rolleyes: you really shouldn't take sides here . . . it was a mere misunderstanding

Wideskies: your comments didn't seem to come off sincere, I may have jumped the gun and took it the wrong way . . . as for my love life and what I post, its things that occur or don't occur, just ideas that come up . . . as for other things, I am happy as can be with the "love" life . . .

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Originally posted by fierydesire

I wasn't tryin to be rude to her as she wasn't trying to be rude to me :rolleyes: you really shouldn't take sides here . . . it was a mere misunderstanding

...wtf...this isnt about sides...this is about me trying to clear shit up....esp between two people i semi-know and like...i dont care who the fuck it is, if someone is yelling at someone and i think it is misdirected, then you know what, i will step the fuck up and say something...wanna hold that against me, go right ahead...wanna say that its none of my business, go right ahead...it's who i am...take it or leave it...but dont dramatize what just went down...this isnt a war or a he said, she said...its not about sides...i wouldve responded the same way to ANYONE who did what you just did...blah...this is so fuckin yesterday....

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