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Who will be the new "King Of The Space Patio"?


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INFUSION (one can dream!)






<<<<<< RIP CHEESLINI:laugh: >>>>>>


Space should do a bi-monthly guest (Along side Roland) to see who the crowd reacts too the best:idea:

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here is the scenario....

roland deserves it, but lunar sessions wouldnt be the same without him ... its cuz of him we get there at three on the dot, not for some wak hip hop dj!!!!:mad: shit totally ruined the mood when i walked in last week!!!

Oscar ive heard does a killer job out there!!! but who will rok the main room like oscar does??? I just can appretiate Og's sound in the blue room, and cant picture him up to full potential in the patio... and saleen isnt totally accurate, i think you guys have RECENTLY started marketing oscar well, but he could use more!!!:eek:

banging tunes on the patio is a must!!! ivano used to rock the old space with bomb after bomb untill he got stuck in his 126 bpm rut...

maybe jimmy could take over the lunar sessions, and move roly to the sunrise???:eek::D

OR gaby fain or edgar v could do the main room after oscar switches upstairs????

i hope the best for ivano... despite what most people thought about him, he still was and is a talented dj!!!

Ps- if you honestly ask me though, Lp should build a loft on top of the patio and move steve lawler over here and make him the sunrise resident!!!! :eek::laugh::tongue:

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Originally posted by spacious

Well, CPers it is official. You finally got your wish. No more Bellini in the Patio. Ivano has left Space to go on to "greener pastures"(NV). Who will be the new "KING OF THE PATIO"? Who will have sovereign supremacy over "Sunrise Sessions?" Suggest now or forever hold your comments. Or should we outbid NV and get Ivano back? Let the posting begin...


LP - first I would like to give mad props for seeking opinions.

Please refer to my post entitled "New King of the Patio is . . ." :


I have had many a great time with IB at the old and new patio and at one time was one of his biggest defenders on this website. The fact is that I don't blame you for letting him go. He had a great run but the bottom line is that his ego was getting too big for the DJ booth.

As I previously stated, I would love to see OG on the patio for "sunrise sessions". He tore it up a couple of weeks ago as well as during WMC.

Please leave Roland during "Lunar Sessions". His style is perfect for that timeslot and his loyal following will continue to support him at that time slot.

Could you please post who will be filling the slot this weekend.

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This board is fucking stupid, I dont bad mouth anyones music and If I DO I just say It doesnt Fit not it Sucks.

Markus Schulz is a DJ not a Trance DJ, Not a House DJ, Not a Homo with a camera.

He knows what to play when, hence a nice opening set for tiesto and hence yes trance afterwards and FUCKING idiots a Sick Patio Set, Like G&D whom will rock the patio and for LP's Info, because I am busy at Crobar or You would see them somewhere here (Limebar maybe), there are cool as fuck and are free on August 8th and want to spin in Sobe and Are CHEAP, could get a 5 dollar cover and make that on the door.

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Everytime I've seen OG on the patio he's rocked. I think him doin Sunrise sessions every once and a while and letting Roly do some more marathon sets would be a great idea.

Having Howells do the Patio would be sick. He absolutely rocked it out last time and I'm sure he wants to do it again.

I think you should also check out the Ramirez brothers (Serge and Johnny) their music is a perfect fit for the patio. I think they would really turn it out.

You could always have a contest and have people vote for their favorite dj or something neat like that. :)

I would definitely stay later at Space if OG played the patio more often. :)

I'd also like to see more guests on the patio. Ashley Casselle comes to mind as one of them. He's in the states right now make it happen! :)

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ok heres my advice: 2options

Have roly stick with lunar sessions and bring in Markus for sunrise sessions.. KEEP OG IN THE MAIN ROOM






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Like I give a shit? Homo with a camera, please, my own parents have called me worse before I was old enough to pick up an SLR.

I wasn't picking on you at all. Just the fact that you're insinuating that a trance DJ should do a sunrise session...not gonna work...I've said it a million and one times. Trance only "works" in a dark room with lots of intelligent lighting, lasers, and a massive sound system. It's a very visual form of music...the terrace is for a more deeper sound, like what Roland purveys, or Stryke at the beginning of his sets....trance at 9 in the morning out there wouldn't work, you'd have the same bellini-nation crowd if you get my drift.

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Originally posted by pod


Like I give a shit? Homo with a camera, please, my own parents have called me worse before I was old enough to pick up an SLR.

I wasn't picking on you at all. Just the fact that you're insinuating that a trance DJ should do a sunrise session...not gonna work...I've said it a million and one times. Trance only "works" in a dark room with lots of intelligent lighting, lasers, and a massive sound system. It's a very visual form of music...the terrace is for a more deeper sound, like what Roland purveys, or Stryke at the beginning of his sets....trance at 9 in the morning out there wouldn't work, you'd have the same bellini-nation crowd if you get my drift.

Do your home work thats all im saying. Have we tried a Tiesto Patio set.

Have you ever heard of ummmm Homelands for instance, Im as anti eurooo trash as salleen most of the time but Tiesto, Oakie and every TRANCE Dj in the world does Shows outside with NONE of the above and ohhh yeah a Bright Fucking Sun.

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You guys, I highly doubt Space can afford (well not that they can't afford it, but think economically) a huge-name DJ week in, week out. I mean, we all ready have the best DJ in the world (hands down) in Oscar G... Sure, brining in Howells and/or Tiesto each week would be great, but I know I, for one, couldn't afford no $40 a week to hear some out-of-town DJ spin afterhours....

That's why I think LP should do a huge nation-wide search of the next Sunrise Sessions DJ...

This is my brain storm (see how smart I am while baking pies and drinking wine!!):eek:

First of all, Space is known world-wide, but lets think economically... What up and coming DJ wouldn't relocate to Miami to spin at the hottest club in America? Shit I'd do it for $500 a week, but I don't Dj (thank God for that, I'd suck thats for sure!) But maybe LP should put together a team to listen to demos of people, then pick. say the top 10 and do a 10-week search of Spaces next after's DJ. Imagine.. we all ready are blessed with Roland, and i don't want to steal his thunder... but imagine HOW HARD these DJ's would have to work to get this job?!?! We are talking PHAT ASS music for 10 straight weeks... Trance, house, hard house, prog house.. cheesey cheeselini music... whatever. All options should be open. I'm sure LP can walk his own ass out to the patio to see what the crowd reacts too...

Whoops, that was kinda long winded... but you catch my drift.

IF not, I say (besides Roland/OG) JIMMY T or Stryke. Support your local scene (or in my case, support another glass of wine!)

:D :D :D :D :D

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I agree support your locals. I think it would be fuckin great to seee Stryke on the patio, but having a guest do Sunrise sessions would be nice as well. Space in Ibiza has a killer fuckin terrace lineup sometimes better than the inside.

How sick would it be to have Carl Cox inside and Sasha and James Zabiela on the Patio. :)

or Richie Hawtin on the Patio and Oscar G and Roland inside. :)

I'm being hopeful here but I think it could work. The patio is one of the best fuckin reasons to go to space atm make people stay longer. :)

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Gabriel &Dresden would own the fucking Patio hands down anyone that disagree's is out of there fucking mind!!!!!

Now for a reality check as to whom would be affordable to play there on a regular basis I agree with Markus Shultz he has serious skills and mix it up with variety to make everyone happy

I remember the early patio days of SPACE when there was that Ibiza,Pacha ambient chill groove going I really used to dig that shit tunes like "Tracey in my room" & " Central Reservation(Ben Watt remix). There used to be a really good vibe feel early in the morning like 8-9 amish. I am not into the whole tribal drum feel at that hour but hey that's just my 2 cents....................

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Originally posted by rcrespo

Space in Ibiza has a killer fuckin terrace lineup sometimes better than the inside.

Space Ibiza patio blows away the inside - There the patio closed down at midnight due to time restrictions. On their biggest day/night Sunday - most of the crowd leaves when the patio shuts down to rest up and go to DC-10 in the early morning.

LP - you've got your work cut out for you. It will be interesting to see how this all transpires!

P.S. Please leave Roland at Lunar Sessions. Thank you!

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