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my bday sucked


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so today is my 22nd bday! yay! except my friends are all assholes and im sitting home crying. why bc i cry all the time, and this time i realized that my friends fucked me over. thanks alot people..hope next year wont suck this much...what a day..i wish it never happened. im just upset to see that my birthday didnt mean shit to these people...their so called boyfriends/girlfriends meant more...:boohoo: :boohoo:

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yeah i know i just realized that sometimes a friendship that goes back years and years doesnt add up for anything esp when the girls boyfriends wants ass...oh well...worst part is im going to DR with this one in 3 weeks...

sorry about b4 i was just venting...theres only so much crying that i can do...and bdays are not overrated...think of it as your very own special day that u should celebrate it with people u like and.,..whatever u dont wanna go in2 it

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ugh why do you have to be so negative tran . . .

babes . . i feel you, the same shit happened to me before . . . but I still love my girlies . . . vent all you want . . I'm sorry your b-day turned out shittie . . hugz and kisses . . . things will be better

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Why don't you be a good girl and come over here and sit on my face, I'll make you forget your friends. . . .

. . . my birthday was on the 4th of july, had built up the largest gathering of friends in a while, about 12, and my girlfriend said she wanted to come along and join the party. We'd gone out about 5 times before, all was good, shit was money. I arranged for her to come into where we were via train, join us for food, then watch the fireworks, go hit some bars etc, then i'd drive her back to her place and have my birthday present ;) . . .but she shows up with her underage brother, one of the biggest cockblocks i've ever seen. . .they drove in, and right after fireworks cockblock wants to go home. . . i wanted her to stay around, but she had driven him in. . . i ended up ditching my friends for her, and then he continued to cockblock to where they went home without me. . . painful cockblocks. . .

birthdays dont go well all the time, i got fucked over as well . . .

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my birthday has sucked almost every year for as long as i can remember. i won't go into specifics, but it's at a bad time of year. last year was the best one i've had in nine years, and here's how i did it:

i set up a gathering myself way ahead of time and invited people to meet up at a club (that offered us reduced admission 'cause it was my b'day). i knew that my real friends would come, and i just figured that the ones with boyfriends who said that they may or may not come probably wouldn't. if they came, i thought, that'd be nice, but i really wouldn't let their presence make or break my night. i had a great time with the friends who would've come no matter what :) .

happy birthday - i've been there too, and trust me, you won't always be :) .

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Originally posted by trancerxn112

one more birthday just means one more year closer to DEATH! besides i dont feel any different on my birthday then any other day.

WoW. Im sorry you feel that way. Im not going to get into arguments about life and death again... already did that yesterday. But talking like that begs the question: why don't you just kill yourself already? :blown::confused:

I concur with the other responses that birthday's can be great, or they can be a tragedy, for lack of a better term. But As long as you mentally prepare yourself, and say "whether it's a good day or not, Im not gonna sweat it, b/c its my day and i won't let herbs bring me down" then you should be allright.

yeah it's not kool when friends don't live up to your expectations, but take it as a learning experience, and hopefully you'll meet better friends in the near future

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Originally posted by sexxychicklett

so today is my 22nd bday! yay! except my friends are all assholes and im sitting home crying. why bc i cry all the time, and this time i realized that my friends fucked me over. thanks alot people..hope next year wont suck this much...what a day..i wish it never happened. im just upset to see that my birthday didnt mean shit to these people...their so called boyfriends/girlfriends meant more...:boohoo: :boohoo:

Your going to have a least 50 more, get over it.

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I'm sorry to hear that- my 22nd birthday sucked too!!! I was already stressed out- I was just out of school, and already bummed about that and whatever uncertain future lay ahead of me. My friends totally dicked me over... one cancelled w/me because of a date he had planned; another of my so-called best friends said she couldn't go anywhere with me because she was broke. She ended up going to a bbq at her bf's friend's place... and wound up buying a bunch of pills (broke, huh?) and getting really drunk as well.

I got to hear the story the next day- how her family stopped by the next day, and how she had to excuse herself to go puke every half hour or so. HA! Talk about poetic justice. It made me feel a little better, seeing as how I wound up crying myself to sleep on my birthday... :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by sexxychicklett

so today is my 22nd bday! yay! except my friends are all assholes and im sitting home crying. why bc i cry all the time, and this time i realized that my friends fucked me over. thanks alot people..hope next year wont suck this much...what a day..i wish it never happened. im just upset to see that my birthday didnt mean shit to these people...their so called boyfriends/girlfriends meant more...:boohoo: :boohoo:

I once celebrated a birthday without friends, I was completley sick and stuck in bed all day. But my family made up for it. The only thing you need in life is your family!

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thanks everyone...i feel better today...it looks like i wasnt the only one who ever got screwed on their bday...but oh well i hope the next year makes up for it...

but now i have a question...an ex called and wished me a happy bday, he left the message on my cell....do i call him back and just be like thank you or do i not even call....keep in mind this relationship was pretty good, then went bad, then good then bad....we havent spoken in months and the fact the he remembered made me feel good...but should i call him back? i need your honest opinions! thanks

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Originally posted by sexxychicklett

so today is my 22nd bday! yay! except my friends are all assholes and im sitting home crying. why bc i cry all the time, and this time i realized that my friends fucked me over. thanks alot people..hope next year wont suck this much...what a day..i wish it never happened. im just upset to see that my birthday didnt mean shit to these people...their so called boyfriends/girlfriends meant more...:boohoo: :boohoo:

aw.....dont worry...people are assholes! happy birthday

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