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I need info. on HGH, Deca, and Win.


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I've been thinking about using something to give me a jump start. Does anyone know anything about HGH, Deca, or Win? Or maybe a good website to get info. on the effects or better yet the side effects?

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Hey rackham, Thanks for the site. If you saw me you would never think I would even think about using steroids, trust me. This all came about when I busted up my knee at work several months ago. It's not healing up and someone told me HGH may help restore the damaged tissue around the knee. I haven't decided what I'm going to do just yet. Thanks again!!!

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At the risk of getting flamed, steroids can be used intelligently with minimal risk. I don't use them myself, but I know that many people do without significant side effects. Gotta be careful not to fall victim to the stereotypes... at least this guy wants to be informed about the risks...

well said, i dont use either although a lot of my friends do with no problems. one guy i know actually used to get strength back in his arm after an accident, and its worked wonders for him.

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Originally posted by rackham

At the risk of getting flamed, steroids can be used intelligently with minimal risk. I don't use them myself, but I know that many people do without significant side effects. Gotta be careful not to fall victim to the stereotypes... at least this guy wants to be informed about the risks...


No flame at all you're right this isn't the Gearhead forum this is the health and fitness forum we don't need talk of gear on this board. there are plenty of other board Geared( no pun intended) towards the topic of steriods

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Originally posted by gabe

Hey rackham, Thanks for the site. If you saw me you would never think I would even think about using steroids, trust me. This all came about when I busted up my knee at work several months ago. It's not healing up and someone told me HGH may help restore the damaged tissue around the knee. I haven't decided what I'm going to do just yet. Thanks again!!!

dude, if it's not healing up... GO TO A DOCTOR. he might actually prescribe a something with steroids in it.

my opinion is that you should give yourself a "jump start" by designing a rigorous workout and being healthy in general. why start out with substances that have possible side effects instead of seeing how well you do on your own?

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Originally posted by siceone

No flame at all you're right this isn't the Gearhead forum this is the health and fitness forum we don't need talk of gear on this board. there are plenty of other board Geared( no pun intended) towards the topic of steriods

You're right, and I definitely prefer to discuss ways of getting fit cleanly. I just think it's better to send this guy off informed than give him the boot without any info. It's kind of like sex ed... abstinence is the only safe sex, but kids gotta know about condoms... ;)

Originally posted by wideskies

dude, if it's not healing up... GO TO A DOCTOR. he might actually prescribe a something with steroids in it.

my opinion is that you should give yourself a "jump start" by designing a rigorous workout and being healthy in general. why start out with substances that have possible side effects instead of seeing how well you do on your own?

Great advice. See how far you can go naturally, and if you decide that's not enough, *THEN* consider steroids.

I feel the same way about all supplements actually, expect protein. No creatine for me until I feel I "need" it. As long as I'm making good gains naturally, I'm happy. :)

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wideskies, I've been going to the dr. for four months now. The insurance is taking their sweet ass time doing anything to find out what's really wrong. "F" workman's comp. insurance agencies. All they do is send me to P.T. I just want to get better so if a riot kicks off I can handle it. I don't want to be in a position where this can cost me or one of my coworkers our life.:box:

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workman's comp can be very bad, it's true. i'm sorry it's taking so long.

i still think that following the doc's advice, or getting a new doc if possible, is better than self-prescribing. unless you've been trained to know how various substances will really affect you, and react with other medicines you might be taking, i would think you would be taking a further risk with your health if you put other drugs into your system.

but that's my boring and overly sensible opinion.

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After way too many volleyball injuries, too many sports doc's and being with an nurse for years and years, I can say that I have talked to several doctors who would prescribe steroids and HGH to speed the recovery of injuries it it wasn't for the fact that they are not FDA approved for that function and they could lose their licenses if they did.

While I was never to the point of making a living at beach volleyball, I could empathize with the guys who were, and if they could take a few shots of juice and pay the bills, or not and become a waiter.

The bad part is that it really got to the point that if you didn't juice you were at a huge disadvantage to the thousands of guys who were just as naturally talented as you were but did, so they were injured less often, recovered quicker, had more muscle and thus were often quicker could jump higher (the single most important ability in volleyball IMO) than you could.

It really lead to many of my friends starting on steroids just to compete on a level playing field or to take that next step to the pro's, and I hate to say it, but many of them got exactly the results they were looking for and did make it to that next level.

The point, not all juicers are oversized guido's with a small dick complex (while all oversize guidos are juicers!)

Many of them are the average cut up athletic guys with that incredibly low body fat and hard hard look.

It is so unfortunate to that you had to make the choice (not me, I was close, but not that close) of doing something illegal and detrimental to your health in order to chase your dream.

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Originally posted by siceone

Can someone erase this post please

wrong board juicer

I am confused:

"Substance Abuse / Harm Reduction "

Is this not the name of this forum. Are you saying it is okay to talk about how to safely use "K" but not juice.

And btw gabo - if you have any questions in particular about any of these substances - whether it be for recovery or for cosmetic purpose - I will be glad to help.



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Originally posted by elitesnautica

I am confused:

"Substance Abuse / Harm Reduction "

Is this not the name of this forum. Are you saying it is okay to talk about how to safely use "K" but not juice.

Read siceone's post... this was originally on the Health & Fitness board... :aright:

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Originally posted by elitesnautica

Okay, then explain why it can not be on the health and fitness board. Would not be related to both health and fitness???


Steroids are illegal. Though I probably would have left this thread on that board myself, I can see the reasoning for bringing it over here, too...

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Originally posted by shroomy

After way too many volleyball injuries, too many sports doc's and being with an nurse for years and years, I can say that I have talked to several doctors who would prescribe steroids and HGH to speed the recovery of injuries it it wasn't for the fact that they are not FDA approved for that function and they could lose their licenses if they did.

While I was never to the point of making a living at beach volleyball, I could empathize with the guys who were, and if they could take a few shots of juice and pay the bills, or not and become a waiter.

The bad part is that it really got to the point that if you didn't juice you were at a huge disadvantage to the thousands of guys who were just as naturally talented as you were but did, so they were injured less often, recovered quicker, had more muscle and thus were often quicker could jump higher (the single most important ability in volleyball IMO) than you could.

It really lead to many of my friends starting on steroids just to compete on a level playing field or to take that next step to the pro's, and I hate to say it, but many of them got exactly the results they were looking for and did make it to that next level.

The point, not all juicers are oversized guido's with a small dick complex (while all oversize guidos are juicers!)

Many of them are the average cut up athletic guys with that incredibly low body fat and hard hard look.

It is so unfortunate to that you had to make the choice (not me, I was close, but not that close) of doing something illegal and detrimental to your health in order to chase your dream.

Who did u play ball for??

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