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Sleeping Preferences?

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Can't wear socks unless it's freezing in my room.....

Usually go to sleep just under the sheet, but always wake up under the comforter too

Must have 2 pillows

Must have my kitty next to me

Must be completely dark - big shades!~

Either sleep on my side of my stomach, NEVER on my back

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besides having sex till i'm exhausted...

i need...

a fan... wind and noise...

slow trip hop or rain storm... noise...

(after living in battery park and the south side of chicago ...i need noise to sleep)

1 cold pillow :D :D

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I can't stand a/c but I will keep my windows totally open...even when it rains....:)

Three pillows....in the summer: no covers...in the winter: fully emerged under sheets, blanket and a comforter....

I sleep on my stomach...with my arms tucked under the pillows....;)

winamp is always on so I usually just fall asleep to whatever set is playing at the time....

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If there's a steady rain and an occasional thunder...:zzz: nothing short of a grenade going off will get my ass up. You should see my snooze button on the radio clock...its worn down.

I'm a sound sleeper when its kinda quiet and cool. I hate humid environs, hell, I hate waking up to get a beer..oops, I mean cold water :D

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Can't sleep with clothes. Always sleep with a light blanket over me no matter the weather w/ the AC on. I love it when it rains => so much easier to sleep. And I need 2-3 pillows => 1 goes under my head and the other goes between my legs. I need something to straddle in my sleep.. :...:

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