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:eek: I tried shrooms for the third time on saturday and let me tell ya, it was in no way like the other two times. I think I took too much. Me and my friends were flipping out I'm still in shock from the whole thing. Does anyone know how much you are supposed to take ? cuz I want to do it again but don't want to go overboard again. Toodles!
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take as many as you can get your hands on.........

usually for an amateur ... 3...4. grams dry.... of street shrooms....... homegrown could be alot less.... heheh

then again ... everyone reacts differently ....

eat as many as it takes to experience extreme laughing, brighter colors and freaky looking shit ... but don't eat em at all if you're miserable to begin with....

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I was in Amsterdam like 2 1/2 weeks ago and took a package of these little yummies! Let me just tell you that you can't buy them dried because they don't like to treat anything, the drugs there are all natural. So you buy them fresh, like they have just been picked. Picked up 2 packages of these for my boyfriend and I and let me just tell you that we got so f'd up I don't think I have ever been like this before, it was crazy, the tops of trees where blowing high up into the air. We where sitting in a park and the grass in front of us was like an ocean with waves, we just sat there for about 2 1/2 hours just like WOW, look at that, WOW, look at that.... It was crazy but fun!:D:rock:

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uhm.... the reason they sell fresh shrooms in amsterdam is because dried shrooms are illegal.......it's a pretty dumb concept but in many parts of europe dried shrooms are illegal while fresh ones are perfectly legal... it works out good for the coffee shops though... it usually takes 8-10 times the weight to get you off when you eat them fresh....you pretty much need to eat around an oz of fresh shrooms to get the same trip you would get from 3 grams dry

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Originally posted by bumpdaddy

uhm.... the reason they sell fresh shrooms in amsterdam is because dried shrooms are illegal.......it's a pretty dumb concept but in many parts of europe dried shrooms are illegal while fresh ones are perfectly legal... it works out good for the coffee shops though... it usually takes 8-10 times the weight to get you off when you eat them fresh....you pretty much need to eat around an oz of fresh shrooms to get the same trip you would get from 3 grams dry

I think the reason it is illegal and the reason they don't do it is because they aren't allowd to treat drugs they sell. In other words it has to be all natural for them to sell it no processing. Or atleast that is my understanding of it.

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Originally posted by bumpdaddy

uhm.... the reason they sell fresh shrooms in amsterdam is because dried shrooms are illegal.......it's a pretty dumb concept but in many parts of europe dried shrooms are illegal while fresh ones are perfectly legal... it works out good for the coffee shops though... it usually takes 8-10 times the weight to get you off when you eat them fresh....you pretty much need to eat around an oz of fresh shrooms to get the same trip you would get from 3 grams dry

are you out of your mind?? Go to amsterdam and eat an ounce... I would love to see that.

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Originally posted by bumpdaddy

fresh mushrooms are 90 percent WATER.... you dont trip on water last time i checked......it takes about 10 times the amount of WET shrooms to get the same effect as dry ones... do the math

ok... you and your math will have a real good time if you do that in the dam.

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Originally posted by prplhz

I think the reason it is illegal and the reason they don't do it is because they aren't allowd to treat drugs they sell. In other words it has to be all natural for them to sell it no processing. Or atleast that is my understanding of it.

Maybe it's different now, but when i went Amsterdam 3 years ago, I was able to get dried shrooms. In fact the place i bought it from only sold dried shrooms. It was da' bomb. We tripped our asses off and walked through the red light district. I never laughed so hard for so long in my life.

*note to self* plan another trip to Amsterdam in the near future :D

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the law banning the sale of dried shrooms in amsterdam passed in december of last year....

As far as how much fresh shrooms you should eat.... i'll leave it up to you ....


check out this link and see for yourself....

a level four trip ---- visuals etc ... calls for over 25 grams fresh

a level 5 - extreme visuals etc ... calls for over 35 grams

of course if you just wanna get giigles and see bright colors you can do less.... I'm beyond that phase:deal:

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