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Sh*t I'm replyin to my own posts.. *SIGH*

U know.. The hardest thing a person can do in life is be PATIENT and WAIT for that perfect someone... It is especially hard while watching ppl around (friends) having fun and being in in all these marvelous relationships :( This really sucks because u get jealous of what other ppl have. And why shouldn't u be happy as they are?? WTF GIVES?? Well.. I tell u the truth that.. What the other ppl have is PAIN/STRESS/Misery which hasnt manifested itself in their relationship, Yet. It will, in time and your gonna be the 1st person they're gonna come cryin to:( Hmm.. U know... the worst thing a person can do in life is make a MISTAKE... We all make them; some bigger than others.. but everyone strives to avoid them, especially in a relationship!!) Memories of f*cked up relationships carry SCARS which are next to impossible to forgive/forget and always remain a burden on the soul :( Ppl see 10 feet ahead, instead of lookin 10000. *SIGH*

There will be a time in ur life when u do decide to marry, and the worst thing of ALL is finding out that your spouse cheated on u couple of yrs into a relationship. When that happens u will see something in yourself which is more EVIL Than the F*CKIN DEVIL HIMSELF. Then u shall look back on ur life and say to urself.. MY GOD, where did i go wrong?? :( :( If I could only turn back the time, I would've made a better choice. Btw the day this happens your life is officially OVER. Actually it's already over when u "SUSPECT" something... (-- what kinda life or even a relationship is that.. ??

Most wise/older ppl nowadays would tell u they would GIVE EVERYTHING if they could turn back the time. Ask ur parents.. It's not so they can be young/healthy again. The real reason for their answer is to "Amend the mistakes they made in the past"

and the Greatest mistake they would wanna change, even though they will NEVER admit to u, (how can they?? your their offspring)!!! is (diff wife/hubby)


"Because I live, u should know the end is coming"

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Originally posted by darlok

I thought it'd be the 1st to let ppl know how love functions in the real WORLD . Okay, 1st. NO one here knows the meaning of it nor what it is in it's true form. You can delude yourselves into thinking that you know of it and even have it but you are greatly mistaken. Love is not what you assume it is. What 99% of the ppl in the world have is a mere "connection of the mind" which is a temporary and dies after a certain phase (fades with time) It's just a BOND :(

Maybe 1% if that much, share a connection of the HEARTs. This is the only LOVE that is ETERNAL; death doesn't affect it for you do not die. HEh.. This Love resides in a person that is total opposite of who u are (it's also hidden in the unawakend 1/2 part of your heart) the part that unconsciously makes everyone Depressed. In order to open your heart, you must go through a lot of spiritual punishment/lessons/sacrifices :( You must "WANT/YEARN for LOVE soo much that GOD, who is LOVE will manifest himself to u in BLISS and Ecstacy beyond human comprehension. A Heightened state where you are weightless, free from everything!!! Imagine a COLD breatheof GOD entering your heart with such magnitude that you become (aosdifaosidfaosiduf) (--- *SIGH* can't describe. You will cry for a day non stop because u'll realize that u touched PURE GOD :\

This Love can only be experienced by what is called a "TWIN FLAME" not soul mate.. Soul mates are weak compared to this because the bond in this relationship is GOD/PURE LOVE in Itself.

Your SOUL DOES actually MATE!!! (--

Now, how this affects a person physically. When in this relationship you can never be bored of each other, it is based on unconditional love. NO NEGATIVE thought ever enters ur mind; this is against ur will, and u can't control it. Now for the goodies . The bloood in ppl's bodies will RUSH Through the heart at such intensity it will make ANY guy's d*ck at least 10 inches! (even if u got like a 2 inch weener) The girls (any girl) will be so wet and horny she'd be ready to swim in that huge puddle of water that dripped down her legs. This can happen to everyone!! only if u have God/love in ur heart :( It doesn't matter if ur sick/impotent or whatever. None of it will matter :( When u have this, diseases like aids/cancer doesn't/can't affect u; and if you have it, it will be no more :( U will read anyone (ppl) like a book ;\

O yeah, and when you start braggin to ur friends about ur experiene, they will call u crazy ;\ But I tell u the truth.. Jesus said "If you believe in me (implying LOVE) u will be rejected and scorned at by many. See.. if you REALLY believe in LOVE/GOD and go up to anyone tellin him about ur FANTASY coming into a reality, he will call u CRAZY!!! Heh.. Everyone, even ur parents.

Married in LOVE is not in front of an alter where all the couple does is lie to each other with false vows, to keep/cherish/honor till death does them part.. LMAO.. yea right. Divorce comes right after. *SIGH* It's Married in (GOD)

Organized religion manipulated this society into thinking that "religion" is the only way to find GOd.. It's False!!!!! Greatest book on Sex/LOVE is actually the bible ;0 But the REAL/TRUE BIBLE resides in your Clogged up heart, ready to be opened; at a certain price of course.

Btw, no, i'm not a christian or of any religion; don't drink nor smoke, and never taken any drugs. I'm just a regular joe schmoe who discovered the TRUTH. Without any yoga/meditation or BS like that. It's FREE :)


"Rich want it; poor have it; kind show it" What is it?

1 since according to you , we dont know what love means, than you dont know shit... and

2 long posts suck

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Main Entry: re·li·gion

Pronunciation: ri-'li-j&n

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English religioun, from Latin religion-, religio supernatural constraint, sanction, religious practice, perhaps from religare to restrain, tie back -- more at RELY

Date: 13th century

1 a : the state of a religious <a nun in her 20th year of religion> b (1) : the service and worship of God or the supernatural (2) : commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance

2 : a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices

3 archaic : scrupulous conformity : CONSCIENTIOUSNESS

4 : a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith

- re·li·gion·less adjective


darlok - i know you hate to be grouped with any of the rest of the weak-willed and minded human race, but you do belong to a religion.

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Originally posted by weyes

Main Entry: re·li·gion

Pronunciation: ri-'li-j&n

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English religioun, from Latin religion-, religio supernatural constraint, sanction, religious practice, perhaps from religare to restrain, tie back -- more at RELY

Date: 13th century

1 a : the state of a religious <a nun in her 20th year of religion> b (1) : the service and worship of God or the supernatural (2) : commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance

2 : a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices

3 archaic : scrupulous conformity : CONSCIENTIOUSNESS

4 : a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith

- re·li·gion·less adjective


darlok - i know you hate to be grouped with any of the rest of the weak-willed and minded human race, but you do belong to a religion.

y? because I said Amen? and that there's hope for humanity after all? Lol... Weyes what you failed to notice is that all my posts are based on something called the MORAL IMPERATIVE. U do know the definition of that don't u ? and all i did was support it with LOVE.

Seems like u haven't seen a hard headed christiain.. They'll try to sell u a bible and a T shirt that says "Christiains for Jesus" and after that, try to convert u to a blind Faith which they have no clue about. Or go on the internet and try arguin with one.. They'll spam u with QUOTEs from the bible.. Morons.


Btw.. the whole bible is actually 32 pages of either Matthew/Mark/Luke chapters.. Chapters by either of these ppl teach the moral imperative. That is the WHOLE BIBLE... Such a big fat book, yet can be summarized into any of these 32-35 pages. Everything aside those pages is boring and useless.

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Originally posted by bbbooom

1 since according to you , we dont know what love means, than you dont know shit... and

2 long posts suck

U don't know because u don't have what I described. Some ppl are closer to finding it than others. Some are just lost and will be until they die. And yea, I know long posts do suck. That was my 1st on this message board :D OOps

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Originally posted by fliptoniaaa

When people talk about love it always turns into some type of heated conversation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

im gonna sum it up...since no 1 person can ever tell u what love is.

this is what it is

"Love is a theory, not a fact"

and thats the bottom line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The search for God began since life began. U can't find Love with logic or research.. The day someone does and can prove GOD is the day this world will cease to exist. It's such a simple thing to find 2 :( Everyone is always lookin...


You ppl don't know how lucky u are to read this. There aren't many ppl who can break this down into such simplicity your average idiot wouldn't have a problems understanding. But if u disagree, try reading some books on spirituality. All are confusing and misleading and loaded with such difficult terms that u'd have a harder time defining them in dictionaries than actually enjoying the readin .. Or better yet, drop into a church for a priest/rabbi lecture. U have no clue as to WTF he's talkin about.. I sure as hell don't. Everything has to have an arm and a leg.

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Originally posted by darlok

The search for God began since life began. U can't find Love with logic or research.. The day someone does and can prove GOD is the day this world will cease to exist. It's such a simple thing to find 2 :( Everyone is always lookin...


You ppl don't know how lucky u are to read this. There aren't many ppl who can break this down into such simplicity your average idiot wouldn't have a problems understanding. But if u disagree, try reading some books on spirituality. All are confusing and misleading and loaded with such difficult terms that u'd have a harder time defining them in dictionaries than actually enjoying the readin .. Or better yet, drop into a church for a priest/rabbi lecture. U have no clue as to WTF he's talkin about.. I sure as hell don't. Everything has to have an arm and a leg.

o.k. so basically if we dont believe and read the stuff u do...were not as good as u....o.k. get the !@#$ out of here....this is a sex board...which u need alot more of.....dont get me wrong i understand where u r in life, i was once thinking myself out of almost everything that was dear to me....but one day i said u know what MY PHILOSOPHY is going to be im going to get along with any1 who wants to get along with me....the second they tell me the oh u should believe like i do...then i will no longer chiill with them...i will respect them, but i dont need to be around people who think what they think is better than what any1 else thiks....no1 here is really better than any1 else.....so have a coke and a smile....and lets party our asses off....and have as much sex as possible...thank u very much and have a nice day!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by fliptoniaaa

o.k. so basically if we dont believe and read the stuff u do...were not as good as u....o.k. get the !@#$ out of here....this is a sex board...which u need alot more of.....dont get me wrong i understand where u r in life, i was once thinking myself out of almost everything that was dear to me....but one day i said u know what MY PHILOSOPHY is going to be im going to get along with any1 who wants to get along with me....the second they tell me the oh u should believe like i do...then i will no longer chiill with them...i will respect them, but i dont need to be around people who think what they think is better than what any1 else thiks....no1 here is really better than any1 else.....so have a coke and a smile....and lets party our asses off....and have as much sex as possible...thank u very much and have a nice day!!!!!!!!!

Shorty, how old are u ? Didn't u say me say that the only diff between me and u or anyone else is the fact that i came into realization of God's Love? Btw.. the day u changed ur philosopy on life was the day u succumbed to a filthy whorish society, and ur so called "FUN" is a delusion. Heh.


"A Girl is HOT before sex; but become CUTE right after; until the man's sperm replenishes, then she is HOT again" True or no? My definition of HOT/CUTE :) ehehe

Btw.. Flip.. I can get more p*ssy in reality than u can get d*ck in ur imagination.

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Originally posted by darlok

Shorty, how old are u ? Didn't u say me say that the only diff between me and u or anyone else is the fact that i came into realization of God's Love? Btw.. the day u changed ur philosopy on life was the day u succumbed to a filthy whorish society, and ur so called "FUN" is a delusion. Heh.


"A Girl is HOT before sex; but become CUTE right after; until the man's sperm replenishes, then she is HOT again" True or no? My definition of HOT/CUTE :) ehehe

Btw.. Flip.. I can get more p*ssy in reality than u can get d*ck in ur imagination.

its funny how ur attacking me when u have no clue to what ur talking about...im not gonna start an argument with u....theres enough people hating in this world for me to contribute to it....all i know is that to me u seem a bit more angry and loved deprived than i do....but hey....i dont hate i appreciate....so ill leave u to ur world of whatever it is u do...ive lived my whole life without even knowing of ur existence...ill continue living in that same manner, and not even give it a second thought...so u have a nice life now o.k.....oh and thanx for the cheap laugh u just gave me...later daze:D

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Originally posted by darlok

"A Girl is HOT before sex; but become CUTE right after; until the man's sperm replenishes, then she is HOT again" True or no? My definition of HOT/CUTE :) ehehe

Btw.. Flip.. I can get more p*ssy in reality than u can get d*ck in ur imagination.

It's just that unlike you.. I have enough Willpower/self worth/common sense To say NO

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Originally posted by darlok

It's just that unlike you.. I have enough Willpower/self worth/common sense To say NO

Are we talking about love here? Or religion?

I am not about to sit here and read these ridiculous long posts you're writing....but it seems like you're attacking on a subject that is an opinion.

You seem like a religious fanatic.

Get over it.

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Originally posted by fliptoniaaa

its funny how ur attacking me when u have no clue to what ur talking about...im not gonna start an argument with u....theres enough people hating in this world for me to contribute to it....all i know is that to me u seem a bit more angry and loved deprived than i do....but hey....i dont hate i appreciate....so ill leave u to ur world of whatever it is u do...ive lived my whole life without even knowing of ur existence...ill continue living in that same manner, and not even give it a second thought...so u have a nice life now o.k.....oh and thanx for the cheap laugh u just gave me...later daze:D

I'm attackin u ? WTF?? *scratchin his head* Uhmm.. Lady, u sure have issues. Talk to a friend or a parent or someone; just get some help.

Me angry?? At what? I'm just a lil depressed that "normal girls" are Extinct like the f*ckin dinosaurs. As for cheap laugh.. It's what ppl do right after they tool ya. Enjoy your misery :)


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Originally posted by darlok

I'm attackin u ? WTF?? *scratchin his head* Uhmm.. Lady, u sure have issues. Talk to a friend or a parent or someone; just get some help.

Me angry?? At what? I'm just a lil depressed that "normal girls" are Extinct like the f*ckin dinosaurs. As for cheap laugh.. It's what ppl do right after they tool ya. Enjoy your misery :)


You have issues. You really do.

Read back to everything you've written....you seem very upset.

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Originally posted by themrs

Are we talking about love here? Or religion?

I am not about to sit here and read these ridiculous long posts you're writing....but it seems like you're attacking on a subject that is an opinion.

You seem like a religious fanatic.

Get over it.

U read the posts.. Why don't u tell me what they're about? If you think religion u guys are dumber than i f8ckin Thought.. *SIGH*

Themrs.. have u ever heard a religion sermon or whatnot? Do a f*ckin comparson. I'm addressin real life issues!!!


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Originally posted by darlok

Enjoy your misery :)


Believe me, he is far from miserable. ;)

Married, 2 beautiful children, nice house, lots of friends and good times....

I feel really sorry for you buddy.

Go read a bible or something.

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Originally posted by themrs

Believe me, he is far from miserable. ;)

Married, 2 beautiful children, nice house, lots of friends and good times....

I feel really sorry for you buddy.

Go read a bible or something.

Themrs.. U wouldn't know what happiness was if it manifested itself in front of u and slapped u in the face. I thought he was a she.. lol... but he's in a big shithole. Just because he has kids doesn't mean he's happy. Look at the pimples on his face. Stress causes those. Look on the inside not the outside.


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Originally posted by darlok

Themrs.. U wouldn't know what happiness was if it manifested itself in front of u and slapped u in the face. I thought he was a she.. lol... but he's in a big shithole. Just because he has kids doesn't mean he's happy. Look at the pimples on his face. Stress causes those. Look on the inside not the outside.


:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

so much for love with this person huh?

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by darlok

Themrs.. U wouldn't know what happiness was if it manifested itself in front of u and slapped u in the face. I thought he was a she.. lol... but he's in a big shithole. Just because he has kids doesn't mean he's happy. Look at the pimples on his face. Stress causes those. Look on the inside not the outside.



MUAH! Big kiss to you sweetie. I think you need a little love in your life.

Only in your dreams could you be as happy as he is ....... ;)

Did u have a difficult childhood growing up? Seriously speaking here now.....I'm not attacking your or anything, really, I'm just wondering why you are so angry at the world?

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...the countdown to this post being moved has begun...rather humorous if you think about it...a topic of love created in association with sex...but wouldnt you know it, a new home will be found in drama...if not complete deletion...goes to show ya - never put sex and love in the same category...;)

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Originally posted by themrs


MUAH! Big kiss to you sweetie. I think you need a little love in your life.

Only in your dreams could you be as happy as he is ....... ;)

Did u have a difficult childhood growing up? Seriously speaking here now.....I'm not attacking your or anything, really, I'm just wondering why you are so angry at the world?

I did, 2000 yrs ago. I am a lil angry and pissed off because u ppl are walkin corpses :(

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