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...idk i'll have a lot to say about this maybe when i have more time...but i think it is poorly written..and the insertion of god and jesus is completely unnecessary...added to the fact that, no one should get up on a soap-box and try to tell people what love is...no one...especially with religious tones and moments where you actually say "can't describe"...idk what you're intentions are but someone that knows love knows they can not describe it...they can sit back and look at someone that also knows and it's shared with a look and a nod...it's as simple as that...words will always fall short in these matters...if you do indeed know what it is...take it and enjoy it and pray and hope that others find it...but dont try to tell someone what it is...if anything, you're taking away from it, who you are, and what you've shared...

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if you do indeed know what it is...take it and enjoy it and pray and hope that others find it...but dont try to tell someone what it is...if anything, you're taking away from it, who you are, and what you've shared...

Phatman.. was it really that poorly written that you failed to grasp or understand any of it? heh.. I broke it down in my previous post into a single phrase. How hard is it to understand?

Praying and hoping that others find it is what ppl have been doin for centuries. It doesn't accomplish anything.

Btw in my opinion all I did was describe the very Basis of what it is; the Ultimate Truth or a (FOUNDATIOn of LOVE) Everyone will have their own experiences and relative truths while searchin for it (in another person) (-- that's where it starts anyway.

Phantom I'm telling ppl about this because it is VERY IMPORTANT; not to me.. I already have it :( but to everyone. Otherwise I wouldn't give a flyin f*ck who knows what Love is.


"Because I live, you should know the end is coming"

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GOD is an imaginary character in the most poplular work of fiction in the world...

and love is a chemical reaction in your brain...

you found love...

thats great...

its not the same for everyone dog...

nor is your truth the truth for everyone...

if you believe you have found the truth of love for all humankind...

you must be the naive one...

or just a deluded muthafucka...


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JEEZ.. how many times must i repeat myself. There is something called the "Ultimate Truth" and a Relative Truth. The Ultimate is broad, unchanging and Universal! It serves as a foundation for each person's Relative truths which will vary on the individual and their experiences. All i did was shed some light on the Ultimate Truth which states that GOD IS LOVE; which is true; not only for me but for everyone! You just haven't realized it. Anyway...


"Because I live, you know the end is coming"

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Originally posted by darlok

Phatman.. was it really that poorly written that you failed to grasp or understand any of it? heh.. I broke it down in my previous post into a single phrase. How hard is it to understand?

Praying and hoping that others find it is what ppl have been doin for centuries. It doesn't accomplish anything.

...saying that is poorly written does not imply i do not understand what you were stating...but you should note, however, that the mere fact that everything you initially wrote can be summarized into one or two sentences is evidence in itself that it was poorly written...i find it ironic that someone that made religious references will state that praying and hoping "doesnt accomplish anything"...but i'm not going to keep going on and on here...i dont feel it worth anything to dive deeper into this...you are too secure in what you've stated and i dont know if i find that scary or depressing right now...preach on mr. donahue...preach on...

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...saying that is poorly written does not imply i do not understand what you were stating...but you should note, however, that the mere fact that everything you initially wrote can be summarized into one or two sentences is evidence in itself that it was poorly written...but i'm not going to keep going on and on here...i dont feel it worth anything to dive deeper into this...

No.. I had to slightly break it down so an average joe schmoe like myself, could understand. Btw, I didn't know you were an English professor and this was college. But being that you understood everything so perfectly, summarize it for me in 2 sentences so i can finally stfu:)

i find it ironic that someone that made religious references will state that praying and hoping "doesnt accomplish anything"...

Keep praying/hoping to a God immoral society created with organized religion, and see where it'll get ya.

you are too secure in what you've stated and i dont know if i find thats scary or depressing right now

Something tells me that your either gonna be DEEP FRIED, or just stuck with a verrrry bad tan by the time you find out.


"Because I LIVE, you should know the end is coming :( "

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Originally posted by darlok

JEEZ.. how many times must i repeat myself. There is something called the "Ultimate Truth" and a Relative Truth. The Ultimate is broad, unchanging and Universal! It serves as a foundation for each person's Relative truths which will vary on the individual and their experiences. All i did was shed some light on the Ultimate Truth which states that GOD IS LOVE; which is true; not only for me but for everyone! You just haven't realized it. Anyway...


"Because I live, you know the end is coming"

you can kick your shit every hour on the hour for all i care...

it is still..

just your opinion...

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Originally posted by bodiii

you can kick your shit every hour on the hour for all i care...

it is still..

just your opinion...

It's a FACT you aren't willing to accept just yet. You will come to realize that everything I said is the true...

1. When you get a Decent Job, and are financially secure.

2. When you get tired of this f*cked up sugar coated, cheap degenerate society. And..

3. When you start to notice that "YOU" as an individual are worth more than this sleezy diseased generation has to offer. Then, when u have all these 3 things, u will get sooo bored and frustrated and suddenly you'll begin to open your eyes and see that the girls aren't even girls anymore;\ but fake b*tches who only think about d*ck and gettin Laid. The guys are no diff; herpe energizer bunnies attracted to pussies that are wider and filthier than my toilet seat. *cough* (-- and it is bad :\ Mildew and shit on it.

*DEEP SIGH* where is the world coming to ... Do u know that saying "I LOVE U" should be the hardest thing for anyone to do. Ppl right now flaunt it like it's nothing and dumbasses, usually the girls fall for it, realizin later how stupid they were when they can't see their feet while standin straight in front of a mirror.

Can't get any cheaper than that :\ Everyone is sellin themselves short!! See.. when u know you can have almost anyone u want in a relationship and that doesn't appeal to u because "deep down inside" u know something better exists and is more fullfillin than stickin ur d*ck into a girls cunt, then VOILA!!! Brace yourself for the next stage of evolution. Conversion of a Beast to an intelligent man/woman.. See.. I hate to get a lil spiritual here... But when you realize that ur all ALONE in this pathetic world and no one really gives a f*ck about u; (they just pretend they do) U will know what it is to LOVE the LORD UR GOD with all ur HEART/MIND/BODY/SOUL and when u do this u will merge with ur higher self and that clogged up brain of yours will begin it's expansion to it's full potential 100%, not just the 10% humans as animals use today :(

Life is not ($, wife/kids and a house with a white picket fence) That's a typical delusion. LIFE is: Eternal life, Eternal Love, Eternal everything.. Jeeeezus; I'm not tellin u ppl things u don't already know.. Just forgoten and are constantly runnin away from without even knowing. WAKE THE F*CK UP!


Funny thing is, (it's actually sad;\) That everyone will reject this because the negative ego inside u tells u that u already F*CKED UP in this life, so y should u bother to change? Heh.. NOT SOO.. But i'll tell u this... When everyone in NYC/ starst to walk around with a darker skin complexion than your typical INDIAN, u'll see how quickly u'll change ur mind.

"Because I LIVE, you should know the end is coming" (-- RJM :(

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Originally posted by darlok

...When everyone in NYC/ starst to walk around with a darker skin complexion than your typical INDIAN, u'll see how quickly u'll change ur mind...

i really don't have any hope for you or for having a discussion with you, but i would really like to hear an explanation of what the hell this statement is supposed to mean :shaky: .
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:blah: :blah: :blah: ...

its a fact...

no...no... really it is...

its a fact...

i know the absolute truth for everyone...

i am darlock...

a 20 year old moron...

entrusted with the key to the universe...

i have no proof... no evidence... no sense...

other than to write pages of bullshit...

its a fact...


a fact requires proof...

proof... of which you have none...

you made a realization...

a realizatin based on a false diety...

a fairy tale...

let it go...

then again you could always start a cult...

it looks like anotherway might join up...


get off the cross bitch...

we need the wood...

to build houses for all the degenerates...

ohh, and what is this crap...

Originally posted by darlok

Funny thing is, (it's actually sad;\) That everyone will reject this because the negative ego inside u tells u that u already F*CKED UP in this life, so y should u bother to change? Heh.. NOT SOO.. But i'll tell u this... When everyone in NYC/ starts to walk around with a darker skin complexion than your typical INDIAN, u'll see how quickly u'll change ur mind.

"Because I LIVE, you should know i'm cuming on your face" (-- RJM :(

what could the color of anyones skin have to do with love???

don't tell me you are a religious fanatic and a racist...

now that would be a surprise...

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Originally posted by weyes

i really don't have any hope for you or for having a discussion with you, but i would really like to hear an explanation of what the hell this statement is supposed to mean :shaky: .

Weyes.. uhmm.. It's called a Radioactive tan. Heh

Deep fried means your at Ground 0... Dark tan means ur close to it :\

a 20 year old moron entrusted with the key to the universe...

23 yrs old.. and u said it Bodiii..

Btw.. this sums everything up:

"Strange times are these in which we live when old and young are taught in falsehoods school. And the one man that dares to tell the truth is called at once a lunatic and a fool" PLATO

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Love is meaning. Love is what you are. Love is God because to know love is to know God. God is the creator. God is Love. Love creates love. You are love, a creation of love, a miracle. Love creates love. Love is actually all there is. Everything else is but a block to the awareness of love's presence. We are living eternal life right now. Fear is the opposite of love, but fear does not actually exist.

Love can be seen and known in yourself, in others, and in the world around you.

All positive relations between one or more people involve love. Sex is an act of relating, and so must involve love. It just depends what level you are experiencing things on. For we have bodies like animals and can experience our bodies having sex as if we were animals. But we are not of the earth, dead as the cement, we are of life, (as are all LIVING things in this world for that matter), so it matters WHO we are experience sex _with_ because on another level we are relating to whomever we are having sex with.

OTHERwise, sex would just be a mechanical action. Think of having sex with someone you are UNattracted to. Think of having sex with a supermodel. Ultimately good or bad sex will on some level depend upon how you RELATE to the other person. OTHERwise, why not just get one of those blow up dolls and fuck that? Also, I think it's all in your mind. And this shouldn't be surprising since all is thought!

While all thoughts of love are true, and forever remain eternal, what passes for love in this world is often twisted and warped. It is important to realize that freedom is the only gift you can give to one another. Love and truth always go hand and hand with freedom, and freedom always goes hand and hand with love and truth, because God gives us freedom, and we are free in God.

Truth, Love, Freedom, Light, Life. You know all these things naturally, and all else is a meaningless journey. But the truth of life (love) is so important and dear and real, that we must be insane to ever look upon anything else.

Love is all there is, but it matters what you are experiencing, and on what level, and with who. As you choose to find your awareness grow, you shall see that all is love is everywhere and in everything as you are.

Our bodies are communication devices, WE are love, makers through our thoughts of the world we see. God, the Father, Love, creates our true identity, which is limitless, all encompassing, the Christ, Love, the Son of God. This world is at once a flash in the pan, and eternity in a single moment. The world is samsura..... illusion. The truth is life, and can be known while still in the world, or after leaving the world. God is everywhere.


If you want to know, you will. If you don't want to know, you won't (until you do).

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Originally posted by cool2223423123

Love is meaning. Love is what you are. Love is God because to know love is to know God. God is the creator. God is Love. Love creates love. You are love, a creation of love, a miracle. Love creates love. Love is actually all there is. Everything else is but a block to the awareness of love's presence. We are living eternal life right now. Fear is the opposite of love, but fear does not actually exist.

AMEN to that! It's a lil 2 sophisticated for the ppl here to comprehend but alas it is the TRUTH. A fragment of LOVE/GOD is what everyone is.... NO ONE here knows what it is to LOVE (another person) because before u can express Love to anyone, u must know God (not from any literature or from any books) but u must know him in yourself. What everyone epxresses now is LUST :(

Originally posted by cool2223423123

All positive relations between one or more people involve love. Sex is an act of relating, and so must involve love. It just depends what level you are experiencing things on. For we have bodies like animals and can experience our bodies having sex as if we were animals. But we are not of the earth, dead as the cement, we are of life, (as are all LIVING things in this world for that matter), so it matters WHO we are experience sex _with_ because on another level we are relating to whomever we are having sex with.

Nope: Positive relationships between ppl involve a mediocre type of connection called "FRIENDSHIP" Because it is only friendship it fades away in time.. it is farrrr from God. Sex is not an act of relating... WTF? Sex without GOD(BOND in it's true form) is cheap and could be regarded as a shameful sin. (-- if u wanna get religious. To know Ultimate Love/God in it's truest form is to Value Virtue.

OTHERwise, sex would just be a mechanical action. Think of having sex with someone you are UNattracted to. Think of having sex with a supermodel. Ultimately good or bad sex will on some level depend upon how you RELATE to the other person. OTHERwise, why not just get one of those blow up dolls and fuck that? Also, I think it's all in your mind. And this shouldn't be surprising since all is thought!

partially right: Hot or not, it's still cheap. Okay...a person has 7 energy pts aligned vertically in his body. From Feet all the way up to their head. They are called chakras (=== this is really unimportant btw but anyhoww.. The most important one is the HEART CHAKRA (middle) When a person has sex and only his 3 lower energy pts are activated the sex is cheap/boring.. However when a person has all his energy points "open' and when he makes LOVE, he's Not on the physical plane (earth) anymore:( The environment and surroundings around u is(undescribable) It's like bein beamed directly into paradise. *SIGH* (---- 1/2% of ppl or less share this.

Ex.. I don't know if this is true for a lot of u but were u ever soooo excited that u had goosebumps and noticed these lil sensations run up ur spine? Hehe.. Well, multiply those sensations 100x (which u cannot do) but imagine that and u will know what Weightlessness feels like.

While all thoughts of love are true, and forever remain eternal, what passes for love in this world is often twisted and warped. It is important to realize that freedom is the only gift you can give to one another. Love and truth always go hand and hand with freedom, and freedom always goes hand and hand with love and truth, because God gives us freedom, and we are free in God.

AMEN again!! the man has spoken the truth. Love in this world is perceived as LUST. Heh.. Ppl really don't realize how short they sell themselves.

Truth, Love, Freedom, Light, Life. You know all these things naturally, and all else is a meaningless journey. But the truth of life (love) is so important and dear and real, that we must be insane to ever look upon anything else.

Love is all there is, but it matters what you are experiencing, and on what level, and with who. As you choose to find your awareness grow, you shall see that all is love is everywhere and in everything as you are.

A person begins to see this only when his body is ready to ascend into heaven. Then your body vibrates at the speed of light and u merge into a diff realm :( Where u can move urself with a mere thought, anywhere in a universe :( (-- trippy... but true :)

Our bodies are communication devices, WE are love, makers through our thoughts of the world we see. God, the Father, Love, creates our true identity, which is limitless, all encompassing, the Christ, Love, the Son of God. This world is at once a flash in the pan, and eternity in a single moment. The world is samsura..... illusion. The truth is life, and can be known while still in the world, or after leaving the world. God is everywhere.


If you want to know, you will. If you don't want to know, you won't (until you do).

MY GOD!!! THERE IS HOPE AFTER ALL... Cool2223423123. Thanks for sharing bro. Most of what u said is for ppl who already underwent drastic spiritual changes. It's really 2 much information for beginners here as it can confuse the f*ck out of everyone. :) It seems like u know almost everything nless u copied and pasted from some book or website.. Lol.


"Because I live, u should know the end is coming"

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Btw... see.. I bet most ppl here would assume i'm some f8ckin Bishop or some priest tryin to lecture them but not soo..

Hell.. i'm a normal person who probably cusses more than most.. am attracted to hot chicks like a magnet. Just because I know these things doesn't make me Diff from anyone here. Nope.. the only difference that separates me from most ppl here is that I"VE REALIZED that God Loves me :) and I know where to draw the f*ckin line in all circumstances.

When a person learns to know GOD (NOTTTTTTT Through organized religion) (--That's BS... Anyway, when a person learns to know GOD.. NOTHING really changes in his life.. It's not like he prays day and night.... HELL F*ckin NO!! U do not need to pray at all nor read any books, not even the bible!! Nothing really changes. It's just that you don't cheapen yourself.. and u can spot a liar/faker from a mile away. And in the advance stages u can read them like a f*ckin book.

Ur are like superman/superwoman.. and an animal at that 2.:) LOL.. Imagine unleashing the FULL POWER Of your animal savage beast sex starved self durin sex (what u now have is 1/10 of it) with the perfect image of your mate. U NEVER STOP F*CKIN!!! U NEVER GET BORED and u could go on forever.. Not 2 or 10 mins. There is no such thing as "ENOUGH" for guys or girls... U just don't know what ur missin out on :(


"Because I LIVE, u know the end is coming"

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