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UF / MIAMI Pool Party @ Shelborne


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This is for the football fans and clubbers. On September 6th we are having UF / Miami football pool party at the The Shelborne Beach Resort.

Time: 12 noon - 3am

The game will not be broadcast at many places in Miami since the game is local, but WE will have the game Live@ 8 pm

I am inviiting all of CP and all of your freinds. There will something for everyone, we have a great deal worked out for music, drinks, and food.

I will post the DJ's and guest list info, ASAP. Hope everyone can make it. More info to come

If you have never been to the Shelborne, here is what you can look forward to.


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Originally posted by pod

Well, duh! It's at the Shelbourne! :laugh:

UM'll kick ass though. Hicks from up north are no match.

(um class of 2001 here...hehe I'm edumacated)

actually, I would love to go too the game - football season!!:D :D -woo-hoo!:D

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Well POD, as much as I would like the place packed at noon, I doubt that will happen, but come early and enjoy the day! Its kinda like, DO you expect Space to be packed at 10 pm, NO. Later on in the day like 3 or 4 is perfect time to come hang out by the pool, get a little drinking in, relax, eat some food, watch the game, hang out with all the CP family, root for your favorite team, what else can you ask for.

Post game party @ Crobar tilll 5 am. Everyone present will get on guest list and 2 comp drinks. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you want free admission to the Pool Party at the Shelborne


Guest list is for free admission from noon tilll 2pm. Then it is only $10.

The game will be on and the music will be bumpin'

Also, anyone in attendance will also recieve Guest list passes for Crobar on Saturday night. These passes will be valid after midnight, after the game is over and pool party is winding down.

Join the maddness

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