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Originally posted by pyrrosdimas

The reason people whistle, chant, scream and generally 'act out' like they do is because of 'pills'. You have heard of pills right??? ;)

sorry buddy but ur wrong......i saw many people last night that were goin nuts and u could tell that they were not fucked up on pills

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If I scream, chant or whistle (most everyone I know too), you could not tell whilst I was making those motions whether or not I was pilled out or not. Now the very fact that more than 1 out 10 people would do that tells you that they are fucked up.

Maybe 1 out 10 people that are TRULY sober would ever, ever do silly, stupid shit like that.

If nearly eveyone (or at least the vast majority of the people) would whistle, chant or scream that would likely tell you that more than half of the peop;e there were rolling...

After all you are talking about Roxy w/Vicious right? Are you that naive? I not saying like many because people were rolling that they weren't there to enjoy the vibe and the music. What I am saying is that it goes with the territory.

I can see it now. "No! No! No! Those people there chanting, whistling and screaming (screaming for Christ's sake) there sober. There just really, really into the music!" Give me a fucking break...

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Yeah fuck the haters!

;) I was pretty impressed last night. They did a pretty good job of promoting the reunion, there was plenty of space but the crowd was soooo into the evening. Sooo many fans, just listening to everyone chant and watching them go nuts to song after song definetely open my eyes. It was great seeing the stage crew again, things will never change.

The only thing lacking was some big lanky Irish mother fucker drunk off his ass falling of the stage. :tongue:

I missed Bugout's set but I caught most of Nero... good job man!

The JV fans were definetely eating up that set, I had a great time.

See you people next time. :hat:

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what can i say about last night?

it was amazing the opening djs had the vibe goin no bullshit fuller up music all nice beats

then vicious came on and dropped soooooo many hard classics

FLIGHT 643 WITH VULCAN ACCAPLLA OVER IT he teased us iam very maddd he dident play it

the mix of final chapter was rediciolous

dido- here with me AHHHHHHHHHHH

mmmmmoooommmmeeeennnntttsssss iiiiiinnnnn lllllooooovvvvvveeeee

binary finary, beauty of silence

and the list keeps goin on and on

i wish vicious would have played more of his own productions

but he was makeing very classy speaches and just buggin out with other djs

the vibe was great

i hope next time alot more people come out and stay later so this party could go longer so more sickkkkk beats can be droped

thanks vicious

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Originally posted by joediesel

who cares it was a sick night...evey club has their drug users and their alcohloics but who gives a fuk as long as its a sick time

yeah no one cares, except those above that deny there were a lot of drug users and those who insist there were.

It's probably those who deny it, were on pills, while those who say everyone else was on them, wasn't.

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Originally posted by djinnom

yeah no one cares, except those above that deny there were a lot of drug users and those who insist there were.

It's probably those who deny it, were on pills, while those who say everyone else was on them, wasn't.

ummm no one ever sed that there werent any drug users there cause im sure there was........what we are sayin is that just because u are having fun and goin nuts doesnt mean that u were on drugs

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sickkkkkkkkkkk....thats all i can say...the crowd was awesome, the music...wow...when vicious came-insanity...there was this one track i wanted an id for...wish there were some vocals, but it was kinda like a hiphop beat and the bass just went faster and faster and then just dropped...it was sickk.....i dont know..whatever, all in all awesome night. cant wait till part 2... :D

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Originally posted by daveespa

ummm no one ever sed that there werent any drug users there cause im sure there was........what we are sayin is that just because u are having fun and goin nuts doesnt mean that u were on drugs

Although it may not be the case in your clique of friends, hooting, hollering and whistling and generally amiable behavior in public places is typically associated with drugs and has been since the early 1900's. It comes with the territory. If you weren't on drugs and/or alcohol (which in itself is a drug) and you were behaving that way due to the music, good for you. As for the instigators who claim you were on something, screw em and be happy that you had a good time and let it go. Why even bother to feed the negativity if you had a good time?

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Originally posted by i3itch

I was sober and I had a great time

My friends were also sober and they enjoyed the night just as much


Yup I was sober and still had a sick time.

Towards the end of the night i was just sitting by the stage though, 3 hours sleep not enough lol...

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Originally posted by t0nythelover

damn, i wish i went to this party, is there gonna be another? and did anyone take pics?

a friend of mine tried to bring in a disposable cam and they told her they werent allowing them inside anymore....

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Originally posted by dazed

Yup I was sober and still had a sick time.

Towards the end of the night i was just sitting by the stage though, 3 hours sleep not enough lol...

At least you slept.. :laugh:

I was dancing by dragging my feet at the end of the night

Good times tho :cool:

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