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Drama at AIR


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Originally posted by tinybutterfli

Signs your night isn't going to go well:

While being wanded by a male security guard he leers at you when he's "inspecting" your chest area and says "Niiiiiiiiice" :rolleyes:

I actually ended up going to Air on Sat too and that security guard at the front basically did the same thing to me. It was ridiculous.

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I don't post much :D but I emailed Lainie about this asking for contact info to voice my displeasure/grievance about the situation. We all know it totally sucks they got kicked off stage, and I wanted to give you all the same opportunity to voice your opinion to those responsible about your thoughts/feelings on it. I spoke to Saeed really quick as he was leaving and he seemed rightfully pissed and hurried off, hah. No one knew anything about the change in music, etc. Anyway, here's the info for you to use at your discretion. I'll be busy crafting my emails today. :mad:


Adam Keith




East End Promotions

Howard Kitrosser

Phone: 202-298-6476

Email: kitrosser@aol.com

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I stumbled across this posting. As one of the patrons close to the stage last Saturday night; I overheard and witnessed things that may put the whole “drama†in perspective.

I have been at AIR a few times this summer and generally have had a good time. I haven’t had most of the issues people complained about here, because I avoid the long lines by getting there early and I get my drinks by the auxiliary bar near the entrance that no one seems to notice. I wish they played a little but more deep, soulful House, but since I love hip-hop & Latin just as well, I don’t really have complaints. My only issue is the bathroom situation. It does suck that you have to go through security to take a p*ss! But, I guess that is to be expected in a post 9/11 world whenever you enter a Federal facility.

Well, back to the issue at hand. The “drama†at AIR probably had to do more with the composite of the crowd and the club’s usual format, which S&P were a serious departure from. As Vicman stated, “70% [of the crowd] probably were just thinking ‘wut's up with this techno music?’†(I would say it was more like 75-80%, but u get the point). Though S&P fans were obviously grooving to their DJ set, about 3/4 of the crowd was NOT feeling them. As I stood by the DJ booth, I witnessed firsthand numerous people complaining about the music and asking for hip-hop.

Around midnight, I overheard, what appeared to be the promoters of the club and S&P’s representatives talking about how the musical format of the club was hip-hop, house and international and that the crowd wanted to hear hip-hop. I also overheard the promoters say that they were going to play some hip-hop for a sort set and then have S&P come back on sometime after 1:00 am. What happened next was childish and unprofessional.

The promoters went to talk to Saeed to – I assume -- inform him about the change in music. A few minutes later, it got ugly as Saeed turned off the music, started yelling & cursing and subsequently got into some altercation on stage that required security to escort him off the premises.

I am sure the figure pointing continues, but I think all sides are to blame. S&P’s management and whoever booked them should have done their homework. You don’t book a Hip-Hop DJ to spin ALL NIGHT to an overwhelmingly techno crowd, so why book tribal-tech DJ’s for a crowd that is overwhelmingly NOT into that type of music?

If S&P’s management would have done their homework, they probably would have concluded that 1223, 5, Nations, HOME, etc., would have been a better place for their artists to spin all night.

Though this episode did put damper on things somewhat, I still had fun that night. The other 2,000 or so people who stayed also seemed to have fun as well.

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Originally posted by deephouse

Well, back to the issue at hand. The “drama†at AIR probably had to do more with the composite of the crowd and the club’s usual format, which S&P were a serious departure from. As Vicman stated, “70% [of the crowd] probably were just thinking ‘wut's up with this techno music?’†(I would say it was more like 75-80%, but u get the point). Though S&P fans were obviously grooving to their DJ set, about 3/4 of the crowd was NOT feeling them. As I stood by the DJ booth, I witnessed firsthand numerous people complaining about the music and asking for hip-hop.

Around midnight, I overheard, what appeared to be the promoters of the club and S&P’s representatives talking about how the musical format of the club was hip-hop, house and international and that the crowd wanted to hear hip-hop. I also overheard the promoters say that they were going to play some hip-hop for a sort set and then have S&P come back on sometime after 1:00 am. What happened next was childish and unprofessional.

The promoters went to talk to Saeed to – I assume -- inform him about the change in music. A few minutes later, it got ugly as Saeed turned off the music, started yelling & cursing and subsequently got into some altercation on stage that required security to escort him off the premises.

I am sure the figure pointing continues, but I think all sides are to blame. S&P’s management and whoever booked them should have done their homework. You don’t book a Hip-Hop DJ to spin ALL NIGHT to an overwhelmingly techno crowd, so why book tribal-tech DJ’s for a crowd that is overwhelmingly NOT into that type of music?

If S&P’s management would have done their homework, they probably would have concluded that 1223, 5, Nations, HOME, etc., would have been a better place for their artists to spin all night.

if that was the case, AIR should not have booked them for their event. they know what type of music they spin, it's no secret to anyone. if that was the case where the music style might prove to be a conflict to the clubs interest, this is something that you talk about and discuss BEFORE you book them and BEFORE you sign the contract.

whether the crowd was "feeling them" or not is another issue, but given that AIR decided to change their mind in the middle of the night, unless it was explicitly written and/or discussed before they were booked, this is a situation that could end up in court.

at least from S&P reaction what I get is that they were not aware that this was going to happen in the middle of their set, not with standing during the entire night.

as for the crowd not feeling them, AIR should have done a better job at promoting the Saeed and Palash night at AIR better in order to get the Saeed and Palash type of crowd into their establishment and ensuring a good night for their patrons.

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in essence what i am getting to, is that a lot of this could have been avoided had all the parties talked about it before they were booked. i think some of us were aware that S&P were going to be there 3 weeks ago, so AIR had time to promote this event. at the end it makes AIR looks bad, in more ways than one and tarnishes their name.

i really don't know if S&P lose much by not spinning there anymore in the future.

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S&P play all over the freakin world at clubs that are not normally tech-house, techno or whatever. But on those nights, they play what they play. Why should THEY have to do their homework? It is not, and never should be up to them to play to the crowd if the crowd wants the antithesis of what the DJs normally play (see S&P's Interloop article about hating hip hop). If that's what your normal crowd wants then don't book them.

DJs are artists just like bands, or singers, or dancers. You don't ask Dave Matthews to do some Snoop Dogg covers bc the promoters fucked up and booked him at a hip hop club. Saeed's bad reaction or not, the fault is squarely on the shoulders of the promoters.

I'm glad their info was posted so we can avoid their nights in the future.

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Originally posted by deephouse

I stumbled across this posting. As one of the patrons close to the stage last Saturday night; I overheard and witnessed things that may put the whole “drama†in perspective.

I have been at AIR a few times this summer and generally have had a good time. I haven’t had most of the issues people complained about here, because I avoid the long lines by getting there early and I get my drinks by the auxiliary bar near the entrance that no one seems to notice. I wish they played a little but more deep, soulful House, but since I love hip-hop & Latin just as well, I don’t really have complaints. My only issue is the bathroom situation. It does suck that you have to go through security to take a p*ss! But, I guess that is to be expected in a post 9/11 world whenever you enter a Federal facility.

Well, back to the issue at hand. The “drama†at AIR probably had to do more with the composite of the crowd and the club’s usual format, which S&P were a serious departure from. As Vicman stated, “70% [of the crowd] probably were just thinking ‘wut's up with this techno music?’†(I would say it was more like 75-80%, but u get the point). Though S&P fans were obviously grooving to their DJ set, about 3/4 of the crowd was NOT feeling them. As I stood by the DJ booth, I witnessed firsthand numerous people complaining about the music and asking for hip-hop.

Around midnight, I overheard, what appeared to be the promoters of the club and S&P’s representatives talking about how the musical format of the club was hip-hop, house and international and that the crowd wanted to hear hip-hop. I also overheard the promoters say that they were going to play some hip-hop for a sort set and then have S&P come back on sometime after 1:00 am. What happened next was childish and unprofessional.

The promoters went to talk to Saeed to – I assume -- inform him about the change in music. A few minutes later, it got ugly as Saeed turned off the music, started yelling & cursing and subsequently got into some altercation on stage that required security to escort him off the premises.

I am sure the figure pointing continues, but I think all sides are to blame. S&P’s management and whoever booked them should have done their homework. You don’t book a Hip-Hop DJ to spin ALL NIGHT to an overwhelmingly techno crowd, so why book tribal-tech DJ’s for a crowd that is overwhelmingly NOT into that type of music?

If S&P’s management would have done their homework, they probably would have concluded that 1223, 5, Nations, HOME, etc., would have been a better place for their artists to spin all night.

Though this episode did put damper on things somewhat, I still had fun that night. The other 2,000 or so people who stayed also seemed to have fun as well.

:blah: :blah: :blah:

It's management's fault end of story. They knew what they were getting when they booked S&P, so why try and switch mid set? They(S&P) have every right to be pissed if I was them I don't know what I would do, that sucks, they got screwed.......

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what you just stated is complete and utter bullshit. why the fuck would you, as management, book an edm dj act to spin HIP HOP? if you look at the flyers for s&p at air, it is a most decidedly "saeed and palaash cd release kickoff" event. if you don't believe me, look at this thread.

does s&p spin hip hop? NO. does s&p have any hip hop tracks on their new cd? NO. would it be an insult to the artists to ask them to spin something completely not in their genre during their cd release gig? YES.

and oh, we too were right up front by the stage and someone throwing a full glass of water at saeed while he was on the decks was decidely UNCOOL but something i would totally expect from a hip hop crowd.

don't blame the rape victim for the rape. you blame the attacker, which in this case was very much air management.

so take your flame bait and shove it up your ass because no amount of spin control can convince me that i wasn't gypped out of my cover charge for something that was PROMOTED by AIR MANAGEMENT as a SAEED AND PALAASH event... NOT FUCKING FITTY CENTS.

fuck you in your stupid ass.

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People are so quick to assume they know the whole story and shoot off rumors like they are hosting hard copy. The bottom line is i dont even truly know what happened as i was at the front handling the door. I have heard stories from all parties involved and they are all different. All of you are entitled to your own thoughts and can make complaints if you feel you were cheated but the fact of the matter is most of you dont know what happened or anything about the contracts for the gig. All of this shit talking is not gonna get anyone anywhere. Maybe it makes you feel better to run your mouth on a message board but if you actually have concerns about the night feel free to email me.



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Originally posted by adamkeithdc

People are so quick to assume they know the whole story and shoot off rumors like they are hosting hard copy. The bottom line is i dont even truly know what happened as i was at the front handling the door. I have heard stories from all parties involved and they are all different. All of you are entitled to your own thoughts and can make complaints if you feel you were cheated but the fact of the matter is most of you dont know what happened or anything about the contracts for the gig. All of this shit talking is not gonna get anyone anywhere. Maybe it makes you feel better to run your mouth on a message board but if you actually have concerns about the night feel free to email me.



whatever is the case bro. it was your party and you are held accountable. if someone from you team is to blame then fire them and get new help.

a lot of us went because it was Saeed and Palash, you could have provided us with a good night thus convincing us to come back to AIR, instead we get this. there are a lot of options out there for us to choose from, the same thing applies with any business, you don't deliver the goods, your client goes elsewhere and you are left w/o their business. i deal with that everyday of the week as many others on this board, if we mess up, we are held accountable in the eyes of our bossess and of our clients, if you can't understand that, i don't know what we can do for you.

seriously, if it was not your fault, then get to the bottom of it and make the necessary changes to assure that this does not happen again.

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Originally posted by adamkeithdc

People are so quick to assume they know the whole story and shoot off rumors like they are hosting hard copy. The bottom line is i dont even truly know what happened as i was at the front handling the door. I have heard stories from all parties involved and they are all different. All of you are entitled to your own thoughts and can make complaints if you feel you were cheated but the fact of the matter is most of you dont know what happened or anything about the contracts for the gig. All of this shit talking is not gonna get anyone anywhere. Maybe it makes you feel better to run your mouth on a message board but if you actually have concerns about the night feel free to email me.



yes it does make me feel better to run my mouth on this message board and others because i know people here and there will listen and NOT GO TO YOUR PARTY... and less money going into your pocket would indeed make me feel good.

plain and simple. we paid expecting a show. we didn't get said show. you can flaunt crap like "contractual obligations or stipulations" but bottomline is, we paid, we didn't get what was ADVERTISED. do i need to bring out the flyer again?

and obviously, you don't care that you didn't deliver. so, if you don't care, why do you care if we are "talking shit" on a message board? why do you even care that we are even running our mouths off on some message board? why go out of your way to register for a message board and then post saying you don't care? it's obvious that air was full of people who didn't care anyways for edm and wanted hip hop, and they got what they wanted. so why bother with us peons?

let us run our mouths off if we want. still a free country last time i checked.

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i especially like how even though they don't deliver the goods they come on saying "well you guys suck because you are trashing me because i did not deliver the goods" instead of like "hey we are sorry about what happened, we do not know exactly what went on, we are working to get to the bottom of this and once we do we will let you know and do something about it."

i like the client first approach they always take. :rolleyes:

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Actually i took the time to register and post to show that I DO care about what happened. That would explain why i put my email address in the post for others to email me and speak on a personal level. You dont have to show me the flyer again kken because i designed it. Get over your anger and lets deal with this like adults. My post was completely misunderstood. I will make this really simple. I DO CARE ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED AND THAT IS WHY I POSTED ON HERE.

If this is not understood then i give up.


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Originally posted by adamkeithdc

Actually i took the time to register and post to show that I DO care about what happened. That would explain why i put my email address in the post for others to email me and speak on a personal level. You dont have to show me the flyer again kken because i designed it. Get over your anger and lets deal with this like adults. My post was completely misunderstood. I will make this really simple. I DO CARE ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED AND THAT IS WHY I POSTED ON HERE.

If this is not understood then i give up.


ok then let's talk about it like adults. shit happens. i can understand that. but what i will not put up with is us, THE ATTENDEES, being told that we are wrong as to what happened, that we are full of shit, that we don't know what we were talking about. and so far, i haven't heard one single consolation overture from either air the club or the promoters of the s&p gig. we were right there when it all went down and we're not happy that we were sold a bill of goods that were only half delivered, if that.

we are not asking for our money back. we are not asking for rain checks. and honestly, and i'm sure i speak for everyone that went last saturday, even if such things were offered, we would not accept them. what would probably "buy" us off at this point is an apology for last weekend. plain and simple, coz we'd accept that like the adults that we are.

people who own clubs have a business to run, sure. and probably in this day and age, when catering to the beautiful people who like to look at other beautiful people with beautiful things going up their noses, you play to what the masses want. these days, that's hip hop. that's fine, it's all economics. and that's why most of us in cp dc don't frequent such clubs. but when a certain musical act is being actively promoted as the main event, and we happen to like that musical act, we'll come out for it. air had the additional draw of being outside on a very nice ending summer night. so when we show up, and get the rug pulled from underneath us, do you not expect us to be pissed? do you not expect us to spread the word about what happened? do you not expect many of us to save never again to this club and promoter?

and walking into that kind of situation, don't you think it would be wise, as the promoter of said clusterfuck, to at least have your arm out forward holding an olive branch? i sure didn't see that from you. what i saw was "you don't know what you are talking about."

we were there. we do know what we are talking about.

fact: air for sept. 6 was billed as saeed and palash's cd release party.

fact: saeed and palaah are local boys made good on the world stage who spin ELECTRONIC DANCE MUSIC.

fact: everyone right now who is bitching showed up to air because they are saeed and palash fans... so they were specifically there for s&p.

fact: s&p left the decks at 12:30 a.m., visibly angry.

fact: the resident hip hop dj came on right after.

i'm failing to see where you are getting the leg to stand on right now.

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