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do opposites really attract???


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if birds of a feather flock together... and when ppl meet someone new they typically say " wow we have so much in common " and in the securities industry they say you acquire clients that resemble you... then do opposites really attract??? im going to have to go with no... ppl attract a certain demographic or certain type of person because thats how they portray themselves... so if you attract crazy ppl, chances are you are crazy... if you attract guys who only want to fuck you chances are you portray yourself as a girl who only wants to fuck... if you attract guys who are assholes chances are youre a bitch... its a weird thing to fathom, its even weirder to write but i think its true...

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They do to a certain extent....

From personal experience...it's all fine and dandy until shit hits the fan and you get comfortable with the other person and you or them are doing things that the other one can't stand...Usually it's good to stick with people who share the same interests...makes the relationship a lot less hetic

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Originally posted by marcid21

i don't think i've ever attracted a true opposite.

professions, personalities, etc may vary....but there always has to be certain shared characterisitics that bind us together.

Exactly. Someone on the outside might see two opposites, but that's because the things a couple have in common may not be apparent to anyone but themselves.

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me and my boyfriend are complete opposites....but it works out perfectly...

whatever he needs to work on, i know how.....whatever i need to work on he knows how....

so its all good....plus we never get boring because we are so different....:D

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Originally posted by dgmodel

if birds of a feather flock together... and when ppl meet someone new they typically say " wow we have so much in common " and in the securities industry they say you acquire clients that resemble you... then do opposites really attract??? im going to have to go with no... ppl attract a certain demographic or certain type of person because thats how they portray themselves... so if you attract crazy ppl, chances are you are crazy... if you attract guys who only want to fuck you chances are you portray yourself as a girl who only wants to fuck... if you attract guys who are assholes chances are youre a bitch... its a weird thing to fathom, its even weirder to write but i think its true... [/ QUOTE]

Actually your insight is quite interesting. However you have drawn two seperate conclusions If I read this correctly. One you attract people like you, and whoever is attracted to you must be a reflection of yourself. Well I think both are debateable especially the latter. For starters I agree with the notion that people are typically attracted to things or people that are like themselves, familiar, etc. On the same note, there exist people who are attracted to things, people, ideas that they do not quite understand. With that said, my conclusions are, one you can attract people who are like you or differ from you. And whoever is attracted to you is not necessarily a reflection of yourself.

I would also like to add something from the many replies. Someone in particular mentioned never being with an exact opposite, but in a sense could you ever find an exact duplicate of yourself?

I apologize for the length, I have a tendency to get carried away and lost in words.

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very valid point... i dont think there is a set rule or protocol for dating, and or ppl you meet... however there seems to be a reason why some relationships last longer than others... and i think those that do last longer are simply because the ppl just have more in common and are similar... i know if I am with a girl who shares similar intrests in what i do, and vice versa we'll have a lot more to do and talk about and etc. then just have sex/fuck/ or make love... who knows... im a lil loopy i am not running on full tank so im not sure if this makes sense...

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i think when they started saying opposites attract... quite possibly they were talking about just male/female as in our bodies are opposites... but that now doesnt even hold true with this whole homo-chic thing thats going on... but in any event i have to see, (not saying it doesnt happen) two ppl who are complete opposites have a healthy, and prosperous relationship...

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Her boyfriend

He don't know anything about her

He's too stoned

He's too stoned

He's too stoned

He's too stoned

Her boyfriend

He don't know anything about her

He's too stoned


I wish that I could make her see

She's just the flavor of the week

Yeah she's the flavor of the week

She makes me weak...

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Originally posted by dgmodel

i think when they started saying opposites attract... quite possibly they were talking about just male/female as in our bodies are opposites... but that now doesnt even hold true with this whole homo-chic thing thats going on... but in any event i have to see, (not saying it doesnt happen) two ppl who are complete opposites have a healthy, and prosperous relationship...

You do realize this is the exact opposite of what you said in the previous post?

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Originally posted by starvingartist

Actually I misread what you wrote. In any event, just because you have not seen something does not mean it does not exist. Also what do you consider healthy and prosperous? I think see very little relationships whether the people be similar or dissimilar to be healthy, hehe.

IMO what a healthy relationship is and or should be... is something that is too long to get into at 1am and at this moment...

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