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how soon is too soon...


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...to ask a girl out? what sorts of hints to you guys look for to know that its the right opportunity to ask out...in the past i've made the mistake of asking chix out too early i guess...i dont have a problem starting the convo but asking too soon doesnt seem to work...i usually just ask if she wants to 'hang out'...dont know if thats the right term to use ;)


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Originally posted by anotherway83

in the past i've made the mistake of asking chix out too early i guess

Na. It ain't you, It's the girl. If a girl really wants to hang, she's already thought in her mind "I hope he asks" and is waiting for you to ask.

The biggest mistake poeple make is thinking if someone doesnt wanta hang THAT week right after you meet them, they just dont wanta hang with you at all. Sometimes people's schedules are busy (work, personal life etc) for a week, even a month and you just gotta have patience.

Best techique - if you meet someone, figure out what they like while you're talking with them and suggest something ... if they seem interested, then when you call em up in a few days re-suggest that activity again ... all that will remain is finding a free schedule.

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Originally posted by anotherway83

...to ask a girl out? what sorts of hints to you guys look for to know that its the right opportunity to ask out...in the past i've made the mistake of asking chix out too early i guess...i dont have a problem starting the convo but asking too soon doesnt seem to work...i usually just ask if she wants to 'hang out'...dont know if thats the right term to use ;)


yr gender says stud, perhaps not lmao

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hey no problem.

here's LALate's theory on it --

If the other person is interested, then just move it along, move it along, ask them out, get their number, etc. If they say, "wow, slow down, not so fast" on whatever you are doing, then trust us, the next day you'll be content with yourself because you'll know you tried your best. The worse is sitting around the next day thinking "what if I HADDDD done" this and that, because you didnt .

Another point - remember people generally go hot and cold. So dont think cuz they are hot one moment they will be hot another time.

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