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The "FIVE-FINGERED" Discount:Who has ever taken

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AHA, Theft by conversion!!!

thats pretty common...I always oversample he produce: grapes, berries, apples, etc as I see respectable old and young ladies, gents do many times....all tooo common....but can be viewes as a misdemeanor

Originally posted by podes881

this summer...romina and i would walk around the supermarket eating bagels and drinking bottled milk...cause we were poor and needed food:)

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When I use to go down the shore and get all liquored up. I use to rob the clothing stores on the boardwalk. Remeber when those weight lifting pants was in style? I would walk down the boardwalk with like three people. I would run up on the store and take a whole rack of clthes and run. I would run down to the street and back to my hotel. The other guys were there to tail me and stop anyone from chasing me. I only did once maybe twice, but I did get away with it.

This was also 10 to 12 years ago. I DO NOT steal anymore.

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Hows this, I got into a fight with my girlfriend while on Vacation and she stormed out of the resturant and left me there, I went outside and got into one of the cars that the valet had left running while waiting to move it. Nothing too fancy, just a S600 Benz:eek: . Proceeded to drive it back to the hotel and park it in the lot. So technically I didn't STEAL it, I just borrowed, without the intent to return. :D

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I've stolen alot of shit over the years.

I've taxed:

Charms Blowpops, Bazooka Joes, Garbage Pail Kids trading cards, Matchbox cars, 2 ltr. bottles of pepsi, Sega Genesis video games, books, Pellet guns, permanent markers, all types of stationery, car air freshners, handballs, cartons of Newport lights and Montclairs, almost every rap album that came out during 1992 and 1993, movie posters, cat treats & toys, a pair of cat nail clippers, a cat fur brush, bottles of cologne, underarm deodarant, replacement cartridges for the Mach III razor, Gillette Shaving gel, dog biscuits, pillow cases, floppy disks, a label maker, and other various shit.

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You sure know how to rack em up rude...even thoough it's allotta minor crap...so how do u see yourself: are u a compulsive klepto with a problem that might need some attention...or u think your habit is fine bacause it's small stuff?:confused: And u must be good if u haven't been caught once:eek:

the klepto therapist LOL

Originally posted by rudeboyyouth

I've stolen alot of shit over the years.

I've taxed:

Charms Blowpops, Bazooka Joes, Garbage Pail Kids trading cards, Matchbox cars, 2 ltr. bottles of pepsi, Sega Genesis video games, books, Pellet guns, permanent markers, all types of stationery, car air freshners, handballs, cartons of Newport lights and Montclairs, almost every rap album that came out during 1992 and 1993, movie posters, cat treats & toys, a pair of cat nail clippers, a cat fur brush, bottles of cologne, underarm deodarant, replacement cartridges for the Mach III razor, Gillette Shaving gel, dog biscuits, pillow cases, floppy disks, a label maker, and other various shit.

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Indeed!!;):cool: And I might add, pyblic msg board confessions like these from the shady defendant herself makes her case very weak:

Originally posted by ladyshady

i "stole" mine from housediva

Re: Von Dutch

quote:Originally posted by executress

Who knows where in the city I can find Von Dutch clothing???

Originally posted by ladyshady

oh how very deep and insightful of you


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Shit no one wants to share stories, I will share another. I went to a house party once. Just drinking and chillin out. I didnt know anyone there, or who's house I was at. I scoped out the house and got (took) a brand new VCR w/ remote and the instruction booklet. This is when VCR was a new thing. Went out the next day and sold it for $50

Yes when I was younger I loved to steal. These days are long gone, and I do feel bad for the shit I stole. Cause I would never want anyone to steal from me.

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Funkyfresh, don't be a dumb-ass. :rolleyes:

The majority of people posting their thoughts and admissions on this topic are doing so because it's fun, not because they're asserting how proud they are of what they've done.

We're not talking about robbing banks here, so don't bother with the half-assed "Congratulations," kid.

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Originally posted by housedog

Shit no one wants to share stories, I will share another. I went to a house party once. Just drinking and chillin out. I didnt know anyone there, or who's house I was at. I scoped out the house and got (took) a brand new VCR w/ remote and the instruction booklet. This is when VCR was a new thing. Went out the next day and sold it for $50

Yes when I was younger I loved to steal. These days are long gone, and I do feel bad for the shit I stole. Cause I would never want anyone to steal from me.

hey I didnt know you were a hardcore theif....hehehe j/k :tongue:

Ive stolen (a Lonnnng Time Ago) nail polish & make-up from Genovese and Rockbottom...But one time my friend & I got caught in Rockbottom and NEVER stole anything ever again!

We felt soooo stupid,humiliated, & scared....

We definetely learned our leason... ;)

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The sad thing I was a hardcore thief, from 20 to 22 years old, I didnt work just hung out and did ALOT of STUPID SHIT.

Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

hey I didnt know you were a hardcore theif....hehehe j/k :tongue:

Ive stolen (a Lonnnng Time Ago) nail polish & make-up from Genovese and Rockbottom...But one time my friend & I got caught in Rockbottom and NEVER stole anything ever again!

We felt soooo stupid,humiliated, & scared....

We definetely learned our leason... ;)

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