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DJ ALY DN @ FIVE with PROXXY and X-DREAM 3D Party!!!


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hey kiddies! Unexpected party plans have arisen! Looks like I'll be spinning Friday night at FIVE as part of a special lil' night :D


Cds & 3-D glasses for everyone!

-DJ ALY DI NAS - Il Caldetino - Ex-Mud - ITALY

-DJ PROXXY Luvchildentertainment.com - RaversOnly.com

$10 all night - NO DRESS CODE - 9pm til 5am

guestlist, email: Contact@Mthre3.com

Hope you can all come out! You know you can't resist 3D glasses :D

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Thanks everyone :D

I'll be spinning a mix of various types of house - Proxxy and I will be tagging a bit.. I'm planning to mix up some funky with some nasty. I think this should be a good opportunity to break out some of those nifty dark and/or tribal records I can't usually play to the more mainstream crowds. *dusts off some fave tracks from Italy* :D

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Wow, that's very impressive. :eek: I should've heard you at Andalu! As I'm playing at Gua-Rapo with Reval on Friday, I hope to hear ya sometime soon...

And this discussion raises a fair question -- what are DJs (fairly) allowed to list as their affiliations and locations? Personally, I think affiliations and locations should be present tense (no offense Vixen, its an open debate IMO and other DJs have made me question this before), excluding any labels that DJs have had releases on (which would almost always be past tense!) I think this is fair b/c the purpose of such listings are to entice someone to come out to the show.

For example, I'm from FL and have dj-ed there in the past. So can I list myself as "Barrett Atwood - Broken Soul - FL"? Some potential party-goer could think "wow, I should really go b/c they've flown this DJ in from FL so he must be good!"

Of course, in the end, its all marketing so its no big deal IMO...

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If you're a DJ, its your home, your mgmt agency, and your label only if you own it and produce under the same name as you DJ.

if you're a producer, you list the label that consistently signs you or the label with which you are still under contract. If you have one track signed to one label once, list it in the bio, but not as a title.

My friends in NY that are professionals and do both produce and DJ, don't put anything at all. So I take my cues from them.

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I don't really subscribe to the idea that DJing needs a rule book. Honestly, I try to make everything I do heartfelt and tie it to the core experiences that shaped me and what I do. I apply that same rule to DJing - the affil's I listed are there because the time I was fortunate enough to spend DJing in Italy was very formative for me. A lot of what I spin and much of what I learned was brought back from there, and it was those people who were extremely patient and supportive of me when I was over there.

Also, I use that little space to pay a little thank you to the ones who helped me - if I can stick the name Il Caldetino or Ex-Mud or Blob Club in the minds of some people who will later go hit up those venues on a vacation that's my small way of helping them out like they helped me.

OK last one - I still have open bookings with the places listed. I was monthly resident at Il Caldetino and when I move back to ITaly that will resume again. When I go back to visit, there are gigs waiting for me at that venue. Yada yada, etc. etc. I can't believe we're wasting our breath on a little parenthetical. Let's all get over ourselves, stop picking and move on. :aright:

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Originally posted by funkyfreshdc

so how was it?

Sweet! I had a great time. This was the first time I'd ever tagteamed with anyone, so it was definitely a challenge, especially because I'd never heard Proxxy spin and vice versa. It was a great experience though, I got positive feedback from everyone, things sounded very good and Proxxy is not only a great DJ but also one of the nicest ones out there! Huge thanks to him for giving me the opportunity to play out there - I love the booth, and they set up this little stage thingie in front with all these plants on it - I felt like I was DJing in the jungle hehehe :tongue: Definitely thumbs up on the night :D

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