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space 34= liars


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What Space 34 management was thinking 3 weeks ago:

Huh? What? Tell the people that Space 34 is just changing names? But that would mean we'd have to tell them the truth!!!Honesty? What's that? Why don't we trick our loyal followers into coming to a closing party so we can get a bunch of money so we can all give ourselves a bonus before we change management?!?!?! That way the clb doesn't ever close, all we did is trick those clowns into thinking it would be the last night of Space 34. Let the new management figure out what to do with the already signed contracts.

What Space 34 management was thinking the week after Erick Morillo closing party:

Shit guys. Lots of people came but I don't think we gave ourselves a big enough bonus! Why don't we have another closing party!!! If the populace came to one, they'll come to another! But just to make sure they realize that we're getting the last laugh, we'll post the dj listing from now until December all over the place!!! This way, we make more for ourselves, and the new management will love us cause we promoted for them!!!

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Originally posted by philippio

What Space 34 management was thinking 3 weeks ago:

Huh? What? Tell the people that Space 34 is just changing names? But that would mean we'd have to tell them the truth!!!Honesty? What's that? Why don't we trick our loyal followers into coming to a closing party so we can get a bunch of money so we can all give ourselves a bonus before we change management?!?!?! That way the clb doesn't ever close, all we did is trick those clowns into thinking it would be the last night of Space 34. Let the new management figure out what to do with the already signed contracts.

What Space 34 management was thinking the week after Erick Morillo closing party:

Shit guys. Lots of people came but I don't think we gave ourselves a big enough bonus! Why don't we have another closing party!!! If the populace came to one, they'll come to another! But just to make sure they realize that we're getting the last laugh, we'll post the dj listing from now until December all over the place!!! This way, we make more for ourselves, and the new management will love us cause we promoted for them!!!

Wow!!! You can read minds? Ok, good, what am I thinking now? Baked potato you say? You're right. I am hungry. You're good! ;)

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Originally posted by philippio

Nexusgroove, I really liked your last comment. It's dead on how I feel about this messageboard. Lots of fun though!

I say about 99.6 % of the people on this board don't take the stuff here seriously. But there is that 0.4% that take the comments and attacks on this site toooo hard. If you are going to get upset or worked up over some thread here, you shouldn't be here.

is all in fun....

My top site.... to let go sum stress..

go to,


and bbs.clubplanet.com

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Originally posted by nexusgroove

I say about 99.6 % of the people on this board don't take the stuff here seriously. But there is that 0.4% that take the comments and attacks on this site toooo hard. If you are going to get upset or worked up over some thread here, you shouldn't be here.

is all in fun....

My top site.... to let go sum stress..

go to,


and bbs.clubplanet.com

i will have to disagree with u there nexus... i think its a 50 / 50 split on those who take shit seriously & those who dont.. :D :D
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Originally posted by philippio

If there was nothing there, it wouldn't phaze me in the least! Pod, I have 6 very close friends (2 are dj's and all are househeadz), 2 from Athens, 1 from Paris and 3 from Londo

n who came to visit and when they compared Space 34 to clubs in their respective cities (I think Fabric London, Respect in Paris and +Soda, U-Matic and Venue in Athens), one phrase seemed to echo their opinion. "Space is cheese." They were here in April for Lawler and Zabiela. The one from London said something about Lawler being popular 1 1/2 years ago and asked me if anyone here had heard of Lee Burridge and Craig Richards Tyrant sets at Fabric or the sick Tyler Stadius work-up. Another friend from NYC came during WMC and went to see PvD. He couldn't stop laughing he almost shitted his pants!!! I can't remember his exact words... He said it reminded him of SF on a saturday night (Jonathan Peters) except more lame. Is that possible??? He said he'd take Halo + Hipp-E at Centro-Fly, DT at Vinyl or anyone at Sullivan Lounge or Julius Papp and Marques Wyatt at Shelter over Space anyday.

I have nothing against Crobar. In fact I was really sad when the Bang Wednesdays party was closed. The music at Backdoor Bamby is really funky and it attracts a very music-loving crowd. And although I'm not a huge fan, I occasionally like to hear a Cedric Gervais set.

My point is, Space (the club, not the universe) to me, is totally insignificant. And maybe I'm a purist, but I don't absolutely have to have extremely fancy lighting, vip areas or a billion decibels of sound deafening my ears to have a good time at a club. To me, it's the atmosphere (people and music and the dj's ability to connect the two) that make (or break) a night.

I wouldn't say for sure though that Space would bring down the small joints with it. Some people seem to have the right formula for success. Who knows??? The superclub idea has gotten stale. As many people said earlier, the scene evolves. So let go of the cash vacuum known as ex- Space 34 and bring talent to smaller clubs (Mark Farina, James Lavelle, dj Heather, Miguel Migs, Tony Humphries, Doc Martin, Terry Francis, Todd Terry, MAW, Mazi, Pete Moss, Thievery Corp., David Alvarado, Pete Heller, Terry Farley, Jason Bye, Jori Hulkkonen, Jasper Dahlback, Danny Rampling, Jazzanova, Laurent Garnier, Francois K. Marques Wyatt, Lance deSardi, Julius Papp, Cevin Fisher...any of these would be nice)!!!

Wow, you really are pissed off.

I've been to all the clubs you mentioned except for the two in Greece. What makes them so great in your friends' opinions? Is it the music? Is it the design? The sound? From your post it seems that they simply play the style of music you and your friends are into.

Almost every DJ you listed plays Miami. Maybe not Space...but Miami. Why did you and your friends go to Space if you didn't want to see a washed up Lawler?

All the guys in the bottom section are here semi-regularly. The party is called Aquabooty and moves around. Most of those guys have played for them or for me over the last couple of years. Where were you.....at Space? We had Yousef at an intimate venue in Coconut Grove a week and a half ago. How did a "househed" like you miss that one? Lee Burridge was at Nerve a few weeks ago. Tyler Stadius was in town recently as were Zabiela, Demi, LTJ Bukem, Slacker, Stryke, Seb Fontaine, Timo Maas, Oakenfold, Sandra Collins....I can't even remember all of them. Space does their thing and are good at it but it may not be for you. Miami definately has something for everyone. Go somewhere else. It's that simple.

If people love Space all that means is they have a different opinion than you do. If you can't find music you love in Miami, you don't know where to look.

For the record, I don't work for LP...never made a dime from him. In fact, I am opening a place next door to him. I've known him for a very long time and we have a relationship of mutual respect. He called me when he decided to close the club. He was planning to close after Morillo (BTW - Is Morillo considered shit by your group as well?). He had actually planned a vacation. He spoke to DT and DT wanted to close the club he opened. LP decided to do it and now you call him a liar. When he printed the Morillo flyer he really thought it would be the end........does that make it a lie when the plan changes? He thought he would be able to do a transfer quickly and have the new management honor the pending contracts. It's not going to be that quick. Should he pay for the gigs and not do them? Should he fuck over the artists and cancel? Should the staff go without paychecks for a month and a half? I think he's doing the right thing. Selling a business like that does not happen over night. I know from experience. His real mistake was letting his customers know what was happening before he really had the details nailed down.

It sounds to me like you and your friends just need to stop going to Space and go to the many other great parties that suit your tastes. Try Jazid on Sunday or any Aquabooty event or I/O Lounge or Layo & Bushwacka @ Opium in a couple of weeks (cheap plug since I'm promoting the night with Nick from Cooljunkie) or Wednesday at Pearl or any one of the 20 great events a week that happen here. That's what I do.

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wuz up birthday boy biz. i know ur b-day is coming up sir. on the 24th. will try to celebrate with you my friend. as far as space34 closing. i really do hope that it doesn't close. regardless of what my feelings are towards the stupid ass policies that the club has. such as no re-entry. no digital cameras. no cut-off sleeve-less shirts for guys. i do know the magnitude of space34 on the scene here in miami. good fortune biz. but, unfortunately, you will not see my grill @ space34, or space until the policies change.:confused:

p.s. dj roland is da man. damn, i miss listening to him. i think for ur birthday, i will represent biz. regardless of what happens biz, i wish you (the best promoter in da biz) the very best


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Nobody gets it!!!

I'm not singling out Louis Puig. And I don't give a flying fuck what goes on in the management ladder leading up to him. As you said, if he didn't have his shit finalized, he should have flown low until he did. I don't ever intend to get involved in the ruthless club business cause I wouldn't make it in this city but I can be honest. That's a principle that Puig and his management team need to learn. I was not suggesting that all the dj's that had signed contracts should be dicked over. How hard can it possibly be to quietly change management without a big fuss (and completely fake unnecessary hype and 2 closing parties) while still booking Erick Morillo (I think he's a great dj, by the way) and Danny Tenaglia and all the other people that were signed on? It all comes down to greed in the end, my man!!!


As a sidenote, I went to see Yousef (I posted a review the next day after Craig Demo's review). I had seen Lawler at Vinyl with the same friend who came down to Miami and Lawler kicked ass. I thought he would be good. Another disappointment. I also was there for Lee Burridge (another great dj who luckily did NOT play at Space 34). Another great night!

And I don't like Zabiela, Seb Fontaine or Timo Maas and don't get me started on Paul Oakenfuck!!!

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Originally posted by happyface

Why the hate? Who cares? Im not Spaces biggest fan but I do appreciate that they bring in talent from all over for all different music lovers..more than anyone else in this city.If it bothers you just dont go plan and simple. Space also has some of the best local DJs Oscar G,and Roland and theres no place better to hear their sets then in SPACE!!! I can careless how LP runs his club or if hes and asshole or a great person all I care is that there is good music and a place to go to when the weekend comes.

In your other post you mentioned that you had friends from europe come down to Space and say it was cheese.SPACE is known to be the best club in the states not in the world.Im pretty sure that the clubs in europe will kick any clubs ass in the U.S. Electronic music is the main music gene in europe.Its really not that smart to make that comparison.Its like RAP being played in Germany and have 50 cent and PIff Diddy go with some friends and check out the RAP scene over there....they be like THATS CHEESE!!! Say what ya wanna say about SPACE im just glad we have it and it allows us to see our favorite DJs and other talents around the globe and its home to our locals(some of em).

:):D i totally agree

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Originally posted by mrmovement33

wuz up birthday boy biz. i know ur b-day is coming up sir. on the 24th. will try to celebrate with you my friend. as far as space34 closing. i really do hope that it doesn't close. regardless of what my feelings are towards the stupid ass policies that the club has. such as no re-entry. no digital cameras. no cut-off sleeve-less shirts for guys. i do know the magnitude of space34 on the scene here in miami. good fortune biz. but, unfortunately, you will not see my grill @ space34, or space until the policies change.:confused:

p.s. dj roland is da man. damn, i miss listening to him. i think for ur birthday, i will represent biz. regardless of what happens biz, i wish you (the best promoter in da biz) the very best


Thanks for the good word Abe.. Hopefully catch you out sometime soon. Don't be a stranger, I'll call you later in the week to catch up... ;)

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This nico character needs a job !

Can anyone help her?

Qualities..... shady, bitchy, and bitter

To sit at home and just write bullshit on the board

about space is truly sad.

Get a life !!!!!!!!!!! nico

Space is a nightclub that people go to dance, drink, listen

to good music and have a good time.

You take this shit too serious Ms. nico

and if you dont like then just don't go. There's more clubs

out there for you to bash.

We will truly miss you.

I've work for many clubs on the beach and space definetly has an amazing crew. Everyone Dj's, bartenders, promoters, managers, security, busser's, the LIGHTING TEC'S and the owner's work real fucking hard to make that place run tight and enjoyable for everyone, but then tacky people like you come along to bash our club.

You once probably had a bad experience at space and your fealings are still hurt and so your revenge is to lash out on the message board. I would seek counceling. My advice to you is


Dont come to space and those feelings wont surfice.

As for me I love being part of the team that makes space 34


Yours truly,

one fucking happy space trooper:D

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I love elite, know-it-all, wanna-be djs who ramble on and on about their "purist" ideals and wordly knowledge....

I have been to all the clubs you mentioned (and played in most of them) and none of them can hold a candle to Space....

When Djs like Deep Dish, Dj Vibe, Tom Stephan, Steve Lawler, Danny Howells and Sander Kleinenberg tell me how lucky I am ,as a DJ, to have a home like Space it just reaffirms my beleif that Space IS the best club in the world!!!

When one of the owners of GLOBAL UNDERGROUND says to me "this is hands down the best club in the world right now" I have to agree with him...

When the DANCE STAR MUSIC AWARDS name Space the "BEST CLUB IN THE US" it doesnt surprise me...

When DJ TIMES voted me "BEST RESIDENT DJ IN THE US" it was thanks to the opportunity to play in the best club in the world...SPACE

When I play gigs all over the planet and people are wearing Space t-shirts I understand the impact it has had....

SPACE has had a HUGE impact on the Miami scene (and globally for that matter)...if one can't admit that then you are just plain ole' hatin'

as for "real house music":

It is funny how as house music has evolved and grown.. the very people who created it are being questioned and labeled "commercial" by the newbies.....sorry to dissapoint you buddy, but house music isnt just for you and your elite buddies....IT IS FOR EVERYONE!

It always amazes me how the people that have the most to say about Space are the people that rarely go there....yet they are experts on what goes on there....mind-boggling!


as for Saturday night...I had a great time (as usual) with my old pal DT and my co-pilot Roly...It was a truly memorable night for all of us....

Those of us who truly appreciate Space for what it is will share many great memories from the last three years...and it was great to see so many of the faces I have shared music with every Saturday for the last three years there to celebrate one last time...

My theory has always been the same....I play for the people who come out every week and have a good time and share the music with me...not the bitter, frustrated, music-know-it-alls who sit home and bitch and moan about the scene and the clubs that are working....

To those of you who have supported myself and SPACE...THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!!!! I look forward to Saturday night every week as if it was my first week there...It is a DJs dream to have a home like Space and I have enjoyed and cherished every second of it...I feel nothing but fortunate to have been a part of it...

as for Space and its closing...I dont think it could have been more clear...the fact is that SPACE 34 no longer exists....as for the future...it is not as concrete as you all think...dates (contracts) had to be honored...beyong that remains to be seen...whatever the case will be...it will certainly involve new ownership...just who that will be is not clear yet (but it will not be LP anymore)

as for me...

I have been approached by most of the clubs in town for residencies (and I appreciate the courtesy and respect all of them have shown me) and I have also received some offers from NYC...but for now I will be hitting the road with Ralph for a little bit..I will try to figure out what to do in the next couple of weeks...Space has meant alot to me and I have a hard time picturing myself somewhere else...but we shall see

I hope I can count on the support of my friends on here where ever I may end up;)



(why did I post on this board again? I promised myself I wouldn't ...and I got sucked in again!!!):D

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Originally posted by djoscarg


I love elite, know-it-all, wanna-be djs who ramble on and on about their "purist" ideals and wordly knowledge....

I have been to all the clubs you mentioned (and played in most of them) and none of them can hold a candle to Space....

When Djs like Deep Dish, Dj Vibe, Tom Stephan, Steve Lawler, Danny Howells and Sander Kleinenberg tell me how lucky I am ,as a DJ, to have a home like Space it just reaffirms my beleif that Space IS the best club in the world!!!

When one of the owners of GLOBAL UNDERGROUND says to me "this is hands down the best club in the world right now" I have to agree with him...

When the DANCE STAR MUSIC AWARDS name Space the "BEST CLUB IN THE US" it doesnt surprise me...

When DJ TIMES voted me "BEST RESIDENT DJ IN THE US" it was thanks to the opportunity to play in the best club in the world...SPACE

When I play gigs all over the planet and people are wearing Space t-shirts I understand the impact it has had....

SPACE has had a HUGE impact on the Miami scene (and globally for that matter)...if one can't admit that then you are just plain ole' hatin'

as for "real house music":

It is funny how as house music has evolved and grown.. the very people who created it are being questioned and labeled "commercial" by the newbies.....sorry to dissapoint you buddy, but house music isnt just for you and your elite buddies....IT IS FOR EVERYONE!

It always amazes me how the people that have the most to say about Space are the people that rarely go there....yet they are experts on what goes on there....mind-boggling!


as for Saturday night...I had a great time (as usual) with my old pal DT and my co-pilot Roly...It was a truly memorable night for all of us....

Those of us who truly appreciate Space for what it is will share many great memories from the last three years...and it was great to see so many of the faces I have shared music with every Saturday for the last three years there to celebrate one last time...

My theory has always been the same....I play for the people who come out every week and have a good time and share the music with me...not the bitter, frustrated, music-know-it-alls who sit home and bitch and moan about the scene and the clubs that are working....

To those of you who have supported myself and SPACE...THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!!!! I look forward to Saturday night every week as if it was my first week there...It is a DJs dream to have a home like Space and I have enjoyed and cherished every second of it...I feel nothing but fortunate to have been a part of it...

as for Space and its closing...I dont think it could have been more clear...the fact is that SPACE 34 no longer exists....as for the future...it is not as concrete as you all think...dates (contracts) had to be honored...beyong that remains to be seen...whatever the case will be...it will certainly involve new ownership...just who that will be is not clear yet (but it will not be LP anymore)

as for me...

I have been approached by most of the clubs in town for residencies (and I appreciate the courtesy and respect all of them have shown me) and I have also received some offers from NYC...but for now I will be hitting the road with Ralph for a little bit..I will try to figure out what to do in the next couple of weeks...Space has meant alot to me and I have a hard time picturing myself somewhere else...but we shall see

I hope I can count on the support of my friends on here where ever I may end up;)



(why did I post on this board again? I promised myself I wouldn't ...and I got sucked in again!!!):D

tisk tisk oscar.... broke ur own promise.....

I'm sure ur following will follow u to the end of the earth after what I heard u did this last weekend..... wow.... all great reviews as always

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This is a joke. Please do not be alarmed. My entire series of messages has only been posted to generate a very heated argument. That said, the following is in no way a threat or even a warning. It is an opinion voiced by a concerned Househead...

Woah there Mr. Happy Space Trooper!!!

First of all, don't blame this on Nico! I definitely give him or her credit for starting the post and speaking his or her mind. And I acknowledge anyone else who despises your pitiful institution with a passion (but only if it's for the right reason: dishonest, deceitful, disorganized management).

If you're not in management, this does not concern you! But I recognize that you have every right to respond!!! And I really appreciate that you did. I'm glad this message is getting through to someone at Space 34.

You're right, I don't have a job cause I'm going back to school. So right now, I have all the time in the world to rip your club a new asshole!!!

Let's just say that Space 34 made a HUGE mistake...Some don't care at all, but let's just say it rubs others the wrong way!!! So make a note of that for the next management to keep in mind. Who knows, maybe Club X will also be the first in the world to boast a customer service department or even a comments/complaints box???

I've been going to Space for quite some time and I have every right to post my opinion on Clubplanet. Therefore, I insist on continuing to bash this institution (and will support anyone who is ethical and honest and who understands the principle behind this debate) until people start to realize that...


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Originally posted by philippio


Give me a club that is about the music. People open them to make money, and that money is in DJs, be it Danny Howells, Mark Farina, or Tiësto. No club that I know of is 100% about the music. Those that are or have been, usually close in months unfortunately. Welcome to clubland 2003, land of profiteering. It's capitalism, but it beats the alternative of being a stinking communist.

Space may be about the hype, but it's about the hype all the way to the bank. Don't tell me for one second you wouldn't want to reap the profits of said club for a month! Hell, a weekend! You'd be rolling around naked in the dollars giggling like a little girl I bet. Louis tried to open a "for the music" club, but it barely lasted a year...even with the help of it's "hype" big brother, Spin couldn't survive...and they took chances on DJs all the time...Feelgood, Armand Van Helden, Desyn Masiello, Burridge, and other DJs that aren't the "usual" Miami guest DJs.

For the music clubs don't work in Miami...Nerve comes close, but they have 2 other nights which are about beer and bitches to support the quality music night. Little lounges like Blue go over well, but it's not hard to find 150 music heads in a county of 3 million...but Miami's club scene cannot survive on the little lounges alone. Miami needs a megaclub to draw them in, lest it become a forgettable backwater like Liquordale or any number of duplicate oceanside towns...which is what Miami would be if it wasn't for the 3 megaclubs in town. People come for Space 34, Level, and crobar...then the little lounges grab them on the other 4 or 5 nights they're in town...or in the case of Space, it's "come party here at little-lounge-x, then head over to Space if you want.."

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I want to thank Biz Martinez & Alex Bugaloo for making me feel like i was @ cheers it felt like i knew ever body there. The music was great i remember when oscar.G started working @ space in the red room with his house music. I was into Trance at that time in 1999 when edgar v was doing the blue room. people were saying who the fuck is this oscar g guy he sucks house sucks. I said to them hear it its slower then trance but its kind of funky disco beat to it u could dance better to it any way thanks oscar , edgar, rolly , Biz Martinez , alex Bugaloo for the music. You guys have my support where ever u guys go to Louis. P thanks for all the clubs and music u have gave us Miami . Club downtown,609 @the beach,609 @ the grove,club Space, And last Club space 34:confused:

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