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Did anyone see DJ Dan @ Nerve?


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Originally posted by ogmiami


I never said that Phillip's opinion was not valid. I am glad he has one and is willing to express it. Believe me when I say I am the least vane person you'll ever meet. Any of the Cp people who know me will tell you that I care more for the scene than anyone, I have brought tons of quality artists to Miami even when it meant losing money to do it, I have never told anyone their opinion was less than mine.

What I object to is the attitude that is inherent in his posts which says, "I know more about music than you clueless people" or "Me and my friends from europe think everything here is shit." Read his posts regarding Space34 and you'll see what I mean. This topic started when he attacked people for writing positive reviews and calling them "sheep". If someone loves Edgar V and has an amazing time whenever they hear him play, does that make their review any less valid? For some reason it does to Phillip.

Here are some quotes that bothered me and prompted me to get into the discussion:

Where's the respect in that post? Can't you say that Edgar was not doing it for you without being disrespectful? By the way, you could have read the marquee and seen that Edgar was there before going in. Also, does playing from CDs make the music less good?

Because Phillip says so and that's that!

I guess we can assume that you mean you, Phillip.

I'm just tired of the wanna-be DJs who think they have all the answers ranting about how everything sucks and they know how to do it better and putting down the guys who are working....while they are DJing at someone's house.

RIGHT FUCKING ON ! ! ! ! ! :aright:
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Originally posted by philippio

Cut the shit saleen!

Thanks Chaz!

OGmiami, like I said, I don't think I'd want to put my money in the promoting business, at least not in Miami. The music I like is not represented here and it would be a feat in itself trying to get people hooked on it. You were at Yousef. You saw what happened. The man came all the way from Liverpool and played a really funky set which I really liked. I counted no less than six people going up to the booth asking for hip-hop. The next night he played Avalon with Joeski & Onionz. A very close friend and west coast house aficionado said they rocked!!! Nothing short of amazing and the crowd was hopping. Like thephoenix said, I only promote parties by word of mouth and on this board. I will say to you what I have said to others: I sincerely apologize for being somewhat of a house connoisseur. I realize now that many promoters in the Miami scene do not like that some clubgoers are more informed than the general public because it means they have to go through the trouble of looking for quality. Such a hard task for a scene that's so deeply rooted in $$$. I do not think I know everything. I do not pretend to know everything. IMO, I know enough to be able to avoid cheese and mainstream dance parties. In addition, I'd rather dj than promote. I do not consider myself good enough to play a big venue.

I put on the Yousef show with Nick and Craig. We did it for free because we felt like it was a good opportunity to get Yousef some good exposure in the area. To compare that show to a Friday night at Avalon is not really fair. I also thought Yousef played a great set. I love that style and was annoyed by people asking him to play Hip-hop. What you left out of your comments is the fact that there were lots of people there who really dug Yousef.

As for the scene down here being rooted in $$$....well, it costs a lot to do these shows. DJ fees are higher than ever, clubs cost a fortune to build and maintain, promoting a show properly is very expensive, staff has to be paid.....and so on. The point is that money plays a big part and that's the way it is in every city.

Don't apologize for loving what you love. You certainly have that right as do the people who don't agree with you. What gets under my skin is the attacks on the people who don't agree with you or the attacks on the DJ. I have my own tastes in music and they change all the time as I am exposed to different stuff. I realize that everyone does not share my tastes so I try to be accepting of their opinions.

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Originally posted by ogmiami

Don't apologize for loving what you love. You certainly have that right as do the people who don't agree with you. What gets under my skin is the attacks on the people who don't agree with you or the attacks on the DJ. I have my own tastes in music and they change all the time as I am exposed to different stuff. I realize that everyone does not share my tastes so I try to be accepting of their opinions.

outstanding! :aright:
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OGmiami, let me start by saying that I do not EVER intend to rely solely on DJing for income. I have already worked in an aeronautical engineering firm and plan to continue my studies in business and project management. It is unrealistic to think that one can live in this city working solely as a dj. I did not attack Oscar G as a dj, I said his set at Space or whatever sucked when he opened for Danny. Meaning I THOUGHT IT SUCKED!!! ME, not Sobeton, not digital7, not anyone else. I did. Am I all of a sudden being raised on a pedestal to speak for the entire fucking board???

Second, I am a househead. I do not like most of the electronic music that comes out of Europe because it gets mainstream too quickly. IMO, the best house still comes from the US, I can't deny that. I apologize that I am from Greece and I apologize that many of my childhood friends still reside there... And for that matter, I apologize that my first exposure to house was when DT played in Athens.

Regarding your list of dj's...I don't think Nick Warren and Jody Wisternoff are all that. I saw Warren in Athens and although it was packed, his set did not appeal to me. And judging Jody W. only by his mixes on cd, I would rate him as average. Their latest release as WOW wasn't even mixed. Dave Ralph is from the Oakenfuck camp (just listening to his transport cd gives me a migraine). He's a sellout in my book.

Regarding EV at Crobar. I saw the marquee but I was with a group of friends so we just said what the fuck we'll go upstairs. But none of us like hip-hop so we went back to the main room.

Every single time I have dj'ed somewhere so far, I haven't gotten paid. I do it cause I like to do it. I do it as much for myself as to please my friends.

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Originally posted by philippio

OGmiami, let me start by saying that I do not EVER intend to rely solely on DJing for income. I have already worked in an aeronautical engineering firm and plan to continue my studies in business and project management. It is unrealistic to think that one can live in this city working solely as a dj. I did not attack Oscar G as a dj, I said his set at Space or whatever sucked when he opened for Danny. Meaning I THOUGHT IT SUCKED!!! ME, not Sobeton, not digital7, not anyone else. I did. Am I all of a sudden being raised on a pedestal to speak for the entire fucking board???

Second, I am a househead. I do not like most of the electronic music that comes out of Europe because it gets mainstream too quickly. IMO, the best house still comes from the US, I can't deny that. I apologize that I am from Greece and I apologize that many of my childhood friends still reside there... And for that matter, I apologize that my first exposure to house was when DT played in Athens.

Regarding your list of dj's...I don't think Nick Warren and Jody Wisternoff are all that. I saw Warren in Athens and although it was packed, his set did not appeal to me. And judging Jody W. only by his mixes on cd, I would rate him as average. Their latest release as WOW wasn't even mixed. Dave Ralph is from the Oakenfuck camp (just listening to his transport cd gives me a migraine). He's a sellout in my book.

Regarding EV at Crobar. I saw the marquee but I was with a group of friends so we just said what the fuck we'll go upstairs. But none of us like hip-hop so we went back to the main room.

Every single time I have dj'ed somewhere so far, I haven't gotten paid. I do it cause I like to do it. I do it as much for myself as to please my friends.

If you do a little homework and learn what Oakenfold was doing for the Dance scene while you were still singing along with Big Bird and the Sesame Street Crew, I think you'll see how disrespectful you're being. If you ever get to be half as good technically as Dave Ralph I'll be amazed. I was talking about WOW LIVE not as DJs...but Nick Warren can play with the best of them. But let's not beat around the bush here. What I really want to know is who the fuck do you think you are to make these kinds of judgements? You have the right to your opinion but when you start talking this kind of crap about guys who have earned their bones around the globe from YEARS of hard work, you just sound stupid. When you say "I am a househead. I do not like most of the electronic music that comes out of Europe because it gets mainstream too quickly.", do you mean that you're one of those elitist assholes who loves a track until it gets played on the radio and then labels it "commercial crap"? Why is it that you are disgusted by a DJ who spins CDs? Is music only good if it comes from vinyl?

This is a waste of time. You obviously don't get what I'm trying to convey so I'll stop trying. You keep up the good work.

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You're right. When Paul Oakenfold was all about acid house the vibe was great. Then people started catching on. He became a marketing ploy in and of himself. Now he'll do a 1 or 2 hour set and call it a night and he'll ask for $40,000. My goal is not to become technically half as good as Dave Ralph. What really amazes me about you is that you specifically take my personal opinions so seriously and you are so defensive that you don't realize, first of all, that I'm arguing for the sole purpose of arguing and second, I speak for, and only for myself. Therefore, any judgments or opinions that I express are my own. And about using tables (even final scratch) versus cdj's, I believe that the authenticity of vinyl keeps the art of the dj alive. In addition, I think it is literally much more hands-on than pressing a cue button and watching the bpm counter on a mixer while adjusting pitch.

To conclude, may I add that yes, I will continue the good work of always supporting the dj's that I like, I will continue voluntarily promoting for weekly parties that I enjoy, and I will certainly continue voicing my opinions whenever and however I like.

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That probably would have been me who said "wtf is he playing?" and then we left!

yes you got me there. you were one of a few i overheard..... but it all depends on your style and what you enjoy. enjoyed dan's funky house set. we all have different tastes:) i am not condemning you of your tastes and i know we will differ, but we have also agreed before. and thats whats what makes hanging out intresting

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Originally posted by ogmiami

If you do a little homework and learn what Oakenfold was doing for the Dance scene while you were still singing along with Big Bird and the Sesame Street Crew, I think you'll see how disrespectful you're being. If you ever get to be half as good technically as Dave Ralph I'll be amazed. I was talking about WOW LIVE not as DJs...but Nick Warren can play with the best of them. But let's not beat around the bush here. What I really want to know is who the fuck do you think you are to make these kinds of judgements? You have the right to your opinion but when you start talking this kind of crap about guys who have earned their bones around the globe from YEARS of hard work, you just sound stupid. When you say "I am a househead. I do not like most of the electronic music that comes out of Europe because it gets mainstream too quickly.", do you mean that you're one of those elitist assholes who loves a track until it gets played on the radio and then labels it "commercial crap"? Why is it that you are disgusted by a DJ who spins CDs? Is music only good if it comes from vinyl?

This is a waste of time. You obviously don't get what I'm trying to convey so I'll stop trying. You keep up the good work.

nicely put, Dade.....

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