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Will have the hottest and craziest people that NYC has ever seen...

So make sure you dont miss a thing... A bunch of CPers will be there

so come and join us make this a Crazy and WILD night.

Ladies are FREE before midnight...

$15 if you use the Guestlist,

$20 if you dont...

If you want reduced admission just say SAMMY K's Guest |ist

*THE guest |ist will be open untill 2AM*



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Originally posted by rizzo

Nothing defines "hottest" and "craziest" more than a room packed with Club Planeteers's.

So you'll be there, you know being that you post on this site as well. You know I really shouldnt have to point it out but obviously your dissing yourself in that statement.

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Originally posted by naughtybabe

Do you know who the guy is??

Cause I know both of the guys who are throwing it..

He's from brooklyn I cant remember his name right now, my friend's name is elisca. Ive never met him though, I think he's Italian, if that helps.

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Originally posted by nympho69

He's from brooklyn I cant remember his name right now, my friend's name is elisca. Ive never met him though, I think he's Italian, if that helps.

Not dropping any names but yea the kid is friends with my

friends and they are all throwing the party together :)

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Originally posted by nympho69

So you'll be there, you know being that you post on this site as well. You know I really shouldnt have to point it out but obviously your dissing yourself in that statement.

Main Entry: sar·casm

Pronunciation: 'sär-"ka-z&m

Function: noun

1 a : a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual .

Maybe I should make it easier for you to understand.

Nada define la más caliente y la más loco más que un cuarto embalado con el Club Planeteers.

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Originally posted by rizzo

Main Entry: sar·casm

Pronunciation: 'sär-"ka-z&m

Function: noun

1 a : a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual .

Maybe I should make it easier for you to understand.

Nada define la más caliente y la más loco más que un cuarto embalado con el Club Planeteers.

And it only took you half an hour for that comeback, I guess it takes that long to look up definitions and translations. However your missing one thing, humor. Now if you like you can look up that term in the dictionary and find a website that does translations for degenerates because apparently you don't understand plain english.

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Originally posted by nympho69

And it only took you half an hour for that comeback, I guess it takes that long to look up definitions and translations. However your missing one thing, humor. Now if you like you can look up that term in the dictionary and find a website that does translations for degenerates because apparently you don't understand plain english.

now it took me another half an hour to reply to that.

dont worry, if your still drooling like a great dane in a mid summer heat over my posts, i will set you straight tomorrow, until then assume the usual position on your knees faster than Cristopher Lowell on a gerbil-stuffed Richard Gere and buff any monolithic phallus that comes into your sight with that Snak Pak swirling contents of a dental dam you call a mouth.

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Originally posted by yelloweyez

why do you always feel that your part of everything? your under 21, you have nothing to do with this party, stay out of it!

Listen buddy

Your "Yellow Eyez" days have been long over and you come back crawling out of the woodwork doing another party...GOOD FOR YOU :aright:

Did I attack you personally on any level with promoting?? nope..I said something that in my eyes was the truth but apparently it was wrong and I changed it so what. Get over it, you and I both know as promoters everyone tries to have a bigger name in a party, that's just how it goes, clash of the egos.

Do I care I have no part in this party? Eh not really I got a lot more shit going on. Do I wish it the best of luck of course, Luis is one of my dear friends and I help him out in any way I can so his parties can do better. In what way to I have to be a part of "everything"? I have no part of this party nor did I even ask to, am I promoting? YEA cause Luis asked me to but don't try to pull some bullshit with me...go cry me a fucking river

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