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Bullshit Govt. Keeps Inventing Bullshit Heroes..


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Originally posted by raver_mania

True the issues of poverty and illiteracy, etc have to be solved, but we can't just sit around and solve those while terrorists are blowing up our buildings. FIRST, we hunt down terrorists, and then we DEFINITELY should follow up with addressing poverty and education.

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but you miss the point.

bombing then addressing the issues will not work.

it will make the situation a lot worse.

the war on terror is complicated, there are governments who fake terror attacks on their own citizens to secure their power and get money from america.

if you leave the issues that the poorest 2 billion people have less money - combined - than the richest 240 in the world.

this is the crux of the matter.

in america the gap between rich and poor is widening.

I can't be arsed, there's a lot more. but trust me, killing, and only killing, whether temporary or permenant is not the solution.

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Originally posted by marksimons

I'm gonna take the piss out of your country's history mr mah. and it's easy.


fucking italy.

don't mention the romans, they weren't italians...

let's mention that italy was a *drumbroll pleaseeeee*

Nazi ally


at least france had some principles, even if they were shit at defending their countries.


I can see why mr mahs likes the current war so much. because it's in italian nature, and seemingly americas.

wannabee fascist dictator, loves war, needs something to do, oooh let's go bomb a fucked up country, fuck it up some more and fuck up fucking it up.

or something.

"Following yet another incident on 5 December 1934, the already strained relations between Italy and Abyssinia (today called Ethiopia) rapidly deteriorated further. The resulting conciliation efforts, particularly on the part of the League of Nations, came to nothing. On the night of 2-3 October 1935, Italian forces invaded Abyssinian territory from Eritrea. At the end of an unequal struggle, during which the Italian army used chemical weapons, Abyssinia was finally conquered at the beginning of March 1936 and annexed by the Kingdom of Italy."

"The Abyssinian government mainly protested about raids by the Italian air force aimed particularly at ambulances and medical units protected by the red cross emblem, and the use of gas - confirmed by the ICRC delegates themselves - by Italian forces in violation of the 1925 Geneva Protocol. However, when the ICRC approached the Italian Red Cross about this, its president replied that the Protocol contained no provision prohibiting the use of chemical weapons in reprisal for the ill-treatment of Italian prisoners of war. The ICRC, in turn, reminded the Italian National Society that, as far as humanitarian law was concerned, chemical weapons were very clearly prohibited."

btw I do love italy and italians. but not that much as I've not been there yet. and it's late. and this threat is fucking stupid. but anyway. fuckit.

Lets get into the glorious campaigns of your country hmmm which continent do you want to start with... i dont know how about simply your neighbor Ireland for starts how many years have you been pillaging that island for? Or how about how many native Americans you killed colonizing? Or how about how many Africans you enslaved and killed? Or how about how many Chinese died in incidents like the boxer rebellion? Or how about the near extinction of the Australian Aborigeny? The list keeps going for the honorable Great Britain. You name 1 shamefull Italian regime I you have a bloodline of so called "royalty"

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great britain, fuck that my man, it's the motherf'ing ENGLISH who did all that.


britain has fucked over a lot of the world. we fucked up the world by not keeping america.


the english have been invaded by so many people over the years, we're a bastard mongrol race, romans, vikings, french, our monachy is german for fucks sake.

the english over the years have behaved appalingly, but so has pretty much every country ever. none of the 'developed' nations has a spotless past, no nation has really.

England did get a pretty fucking shit hot empire going - poor america, so much bigger and more powerful, yet no real empire.


england can be a very bad country.

our governments sold weapons to saddam, blair is very unethical, weapons to indonesia and shit like that.

the point is.

we can see what america is up to.

been their, done that, lost the empire.

all rather recently. germany can see this as well, as they've been their tried that and failed spectacuarly.

france know what's going on because they know what went on in germany in the thirties.


what's my fuckign point. I dunno.


england is the best country in the world because...

we gave the world football.

we'll always have that one natch...

but we've also committed war crimes in WWII, the belgrano in the falklands was harsh, as was that dumbass thatcher.

we invented the concentration camp I belive.

we killed off the finest men of a generation in WWI

we played our part in the fucking over of africa.

we gassed kursd in the 20's

what else did we do, well there was bloody sunday in ireland

personally I'm against the royal family...

I recognise that the country I happend to be born in has done things in the past, recent past, now and it's my duty to do my best to change things...


I just wrote that about italy for fun, jus' to piss you off a little.

I'm sure there was another reason as well. but I've forgotton.

actually. I wanted to try and draw some analogy between mussolini and bush, abysinnya and iraq...

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Originally posted by marksimons

England did get a pretty fucking shit hot empire going - poor america, so much bigger and more powerful, yet no real empire.

ur rambling has given me a headache....and u my friend are an idiot, not just for this comment, but for ur whole post in general...also i like to add, that u sound very much like ANOTHER current events regular, who spews just as much useless crap unto this board...please...stop being a "wanker" and get ur hands off the keyboard...ur making urself look foolish...

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

ur rambling has given me a headache....and u my friend are an idiot, not just for this comment, but for ur whole post in general...also i like to add, that u sound very much like ANOTHER current events regular, who spews just as much useless crap unto this board...please...stop being a "wanker" and get ur hands off the keyboard...ur making urself look foolish...

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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fuck it, I don't care if I look like an idiot.

is anyone ever gonna come up to me and tell me what an idiot I looked like on the clubplanet messagboards?

knowing my luck probably...

that post was stupid in places. but then I was replying to Mr Mahs who made this comment:

The lowlife immigrants that I speak of is YOU that come from a war ridden shit hole and COMPLAIN about how bad it is here, you dodging bullets here ? you see people getting "cleansed"? I asked you this before and you dodged the question what side of the fence were you on when Slobo was slaughtering thousands of Albanians?

and that realy got my goat.

I assumed it was him who replied to me about britians past. but I've just been checking and it erm wasn't. way to go me. and the post I'm replying to now I thought was mr mahs but, erm, it's mr matas2277, and given that I'm doing a lot of flicking between screens I've gotton a little confused.

but fuck it.

maybe if I said "poowr amerwicka doesn't have a proper empy-wempire" it'd have given you a better idea of the way I treat these things.

i.e. seriously and stupidly at the same time. because life is serious and stupid, and would be funny, if it wasn't so serious.

and my last post was a bit shit. oops, trying to avoid slipping into shitness, but sometimes it happens to us all.

more to the point I don't have enough space to go into everything here, else I'd probably kill you with a migrane, I wanna have a proper discussion about some of the issues, like the american economic empire and it's affect on the world - all three of the biggest american oil suppliers are destablised countries, and hmm, why, could it be ameriacn involvement.

there's a lot to it, the WTO, IMF, lack of coporate responsibility and a whole lot of other things that allows the american economic empire to run relatively unchecked, although the poor nations did do well at the cancun WTO trade summit and it appears change in the way the world works is inevitable, it just remains to be seen whether the American empire will realise the inevitable march of progress, and quietly adapt, as the british empire, a rather different, but similar beast, did at the end of the 2nd world war when britain could not sustain an empire any more, and could hardly justify it, given the new found loving for self-determination.

kudos for the correct use of wanker though.

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I bet lots of people told Jesus he was an idiot...

yeah, we talk too fast, I got shot in serbia for talking to fast.

admittedly it was only by water pistols, but still...

strangely enough when I was learning french I thought that the french talked too fast...

essex is an odd place...

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Originally posted by marksimons

I bet lots of people told Jesus he was an idiot...

that u even compare Jesus' plight and circumstances with urself...proves that u are not an idiot...but a moron...again...i am starting to feel that ur either: a) an alias or B) secretly getting ur info. from this board's most loved member....:rolleyes:

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jesus' circumstance was this:

big empire was acting nastily and repressing people and he led a peaceful passive resistance movement.

proto hippy.


I'm not comparing him or me in any way, just said that I bet people called jesus an idiot, which I bet they did.

it's like the film chopper "bethoven had is critics too, see if you can name three of them"

perhaps I should have used that instead...

jesus was anti war, do you think he would be for or against the war on iraq? or what do you think his views on the situation in his hometown? how's about the state of the religion that has sprung up to worship him? do you think he ever wants to see a cross again?

I ain't an alias, I just have too much time on my hands at the moment, and I certainly ain't getting my info from Igloo - he's my most loved member, if we can just get past the cold hard shell into the warm cosy place that must be inside...


there's a line, and on this side of it, we aint gay...

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

correction...i came here in 1986..way before the war..way before anything..my father was Consul...my father has his PhD...my mom finished law school..i'm halfway thru my CPA and will probably be going to law school in the near future....we came here because we were INTELLECTUALS...because the US wanted us here...

dont pass judgement on me because of where im from and them lambast me for doing the same thing to u

a lowlife immigrant im not..i dont mooch off ur healthcare..im not on welfare..i dont run insurance scams...im the type of immigrant U WISH u had more of...u know..the taxpaying law abiding ones that dont blow up ur buildings?

as for my stance on the kosovo crisis..i hated slobodan milosevic more than anyone..but what ignorant fucks like u will never understand is when the US started bombing Serbia in 99...people had to choose the lesser of 2 evils..and that happened to b Slobo at the time..better to back him than to cheer Tomahawk missiles slamming into your neighborhood..

the ethnic cleansing..fuck it..shit happens..would u give Texas back to Mexico because it was theirs @ one point? if mexicans moved into Texas..and comprised more than 90% of the population there..does it give them a right to annex it to Mexico? NO OFCOURSE NOT....thats the same shit with Kosovo...

what claim do albanians have to a piece of Serbia? the fact that a lot of them live there? FUCK THAT...if thats the case..then pack up southern cali and give it back to mexico..give miami to cuba..and new york to puerto rico...

to be honest..when i was watching the twin towers fall from campus with my own naked eye...what magnatized the pain even more was realizing that my country was bombed because the US thought it was right to protect muslim interest in the balkans..and then these same people you protected shoved their foot so far up ur ass ...not to mention Kosovo is one HUGE ASS TERRORIST HUB...where drug money is funelled thru to the Middle East..and drugs r funnelled thru to Europe and the US...

in closing...eat a dick

My hat goes off to you if you and your family have come to this country and made a better life for themselves like mine did but don't bite the hand that made it capable of escaping that HELL HOLE... On that note I will proceed to point out youR LUNACY

The bile coming from your rechid soul is sickening my freind... I have witnessed time and time again the anti-american retoric coming from you to the tune of "America bombed my country"

Last I checked it was a NATO lead operation to eradicate a maniac ruler from wiping out the Albanian muslim population in Kosovo but to you "shit happens" but we (NATO) are the bad guys? How twisted is your logic? If I remember correctly it wasn't the U.S that pushed the buttons and in fact, the US Generals at the time complained they didn't have enough control in dealing with that lunatic...

Granted the Mexican population is increasing in California but is the National guard going to East LA and slaughtering them? Following your logic why don't we send the Marines to Miami and and cut every cuban in half and create MASS GRAVES in South Beach you want to know why we wouldn't? YOUR PEOPLE ARE FUCKING ANIMALS!!! why? because they and YOU went with a Lesser evil in your sick, twisted and backward minds plain and simple.. I can't beleive you can justify Genocide in any way..

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about the whole immigration factor, i think most of the people who came here will not go back to their former country. Also one must not forget that this country was built on immigrants! No country is perfect and it will have its faults. I don't agree with Bush's administration and that's my right, but I don't trash this country or say that I hate it cause even when my life was better financially and personally in another country, I still respect usa. Now my life is here and I contribute to the society and usa by paying taxes, working for the man, and looking pretty :D

I don't think you can really deferintiate between immigrants, you've got your Nazi scientists who were brought here by usa after WWII, that you got your latin americans who mostly do your dirty work and etc. It all contributes to the progress of america.

Although my INS friend has a much different outlook on immigrants since he deals with them on day to day bases.

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Originally posted by mr mahs

My hat goes off to you if you and your family have come to this country and made a better life for themselves like mine did but don't bite the hand that made it capable of escaping that HELL HOLE... On that note I will proceed to point out youR LUNACY

The bile coming from your rechid soul is sickening my freind... I have witnessed time and time again the anti-american retoric coming from you to the tune of "America bombed my country"

Last I checked it was a NATO lead operation to eradicate a maniac ruler from wiping out the Albanian muslim population in Kosovo but to you "shit happens" but we (NATO) are the bad guys? How twisted is your logic? If I remember correctly it wasn't the U.S that pushed the buttons and in fact, the US Generals at the time complained they didn't have enough control in dealing with that lunatic...

Granted the Mexican population is increasing in California but is the National guard going to East LA and slaughtering them? Following your logic why don't we send the Marines to Miami and and cut every cuban in half and create MASS GRAVES in South Beach you want to know why we wouldn't? YOUR PEOPLE ARE FUCKING ANIMALS!!! why? because they and YOU went with a Lesser evil in your sick, twisted and backward minds plain and simple.. I can't beleive you can justify Genocide in any way..

from what I remember..supreme NATO commander at the time was GENERAL WESLEY CLARK...AMERICAN

from what I remember..every NATO leader wanted to cease with the bombing except for Clinton and Blair...

from what I know..the Mexicans arent killing farmers down in Texas...they also havent waged a guerilla war on ur Police Officers....or begun to smuggle arms into the US with intention of annexing Texas to Mexico...if this did happen..i seriously doubt the US would show restraint..

listen..coming from a person who's last 2 presidents r liars..draft dodgers..adulterers ...morons..u are in no position to question the integrity of my people...

how come when the US drops bombs on Japan its called "necessary evil"...yet when Serbs to try resolve a terrorist situation WITHIN their own borders..its labeled genocide....

why is ur genocide justified and mine cant be?

once again i go back to my earlier statement..i can admit my country is fucked up..and i cant justify everything we've done...but at least im fucking real. u live in this little bubble..where everything is peaches...and keep lying to urself that the US is immaculate in all its doings..OPEN UR EYES man...

in closing...im not biting the hand that feeds me. this country gave me NOTHING.....

my scholarship..I EARNED

my job ..I EARNED

my education..I EARNED

ive never taken a handout from this country and never will

u can talk all that BEING HERE IS A PRIVELIGE IN AND OF ITSELF crap...but u dont even know where i came from..as a matter of fact...u dont know anything about me..or my country..so ur opinions dont even count...unlike me..who lives in ur world..and can tell u about it

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What i notice from you ghhhhost is that you choose to focus all your attention on the faults of the united states and never mention once the good things about this country. Trash this country every chance you get but the fact is your here. You were not recruited nor forced to come here you choose it and your enjoying the freedoms this country provides like being able to badmouth the govt. This mentality of focusing solely on the faults of our nation has gotten out of control. Also you say your real? WTF is real anyway? because your countrymen are trying to kill eachother your more real than americans? We dont know the shit you've gone through in your life and you have no clue wtf we've gone through so shut the fuck up with the "im above u" mentality.

And for the attempt at a correlation between Hiroshima/nagasaki bombs to Kosovo situation you really need a history lesson. Stop making assumptions and actually read up about the planned invasion onto mainland Japan. Find out the estimates of casualties not only on the Allied side but on the Japanese side as well, which was arming 8 year old girls preparing to fight to the end. See if they surpass the casualties from the 2 bombs.

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Originally posted by seximofo2k

What i notice from you ghhhhost is that you choose to focus all your attention on the faults of the united states and never mention once the good things about this country. Trash this country every chance you get but the fact is your here. You were not recruited nor forced to come here you choose it and your enjoying the freedoms this country provides like being able to badmouth the govt. This mentality of focusing solely on the faults of our nation has gotten out of control. Also you say your real? WTF is real anyway? because your countrymen are trying to kill eachother your more real than americans? We dont know the shit you've gone through in your life and you have no clue wtf we've gone through so shut the fuck up with the "im above u" mentality.

And for the attempt at a correlation between Hiroshima/nagasaki bombs to Kosovo situation you really need a history lesson. Stop making assumptions and actually read up about the planned invasion onto mainland Japan. Find out the estimates of casualties not only on the Allied side but on the Japanese side as well, which was arming 8 year old girls preparing to fight to the end. See if they surpass the casualties from the 2 bombs.

Good points..

They were expecting 2milliuon plus deaths if the invasion of Japan was the only option to END the war.

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Originally posted by seximofo2k

What i notice from you ghhhhost is that you choose to focus all your attention on the faults of the united states and never mention once the good things about this country. Trash this country every chance you get but the fact is your here. You were not recruited nor forced to come here you choose it and your enjoying the freedoms this country provides like being able to badmouth the govt. This mentality of focusing solely on the faults of our nation has gotten out of control. Also you say your real? WTF is real anyway? because your countrymen are trying to kill eachother your more real than americans? We dont know the shit you've gone through in your life and you have no clue wtf we've gone through so shut the fuck up with the "im above u" mentality.

And for the attempt at a correlation between Hiroshima/nagasaki bombs to Kosovo situation you really need a history lesson. Stop making assumptions and actually read up about the planned invasion onto mainland Japan. Find out the estimates of casualties not only on the Allied side but on the Japanese side as well, which was arming 8 year old girls preparing to fight to the end. See if they surpass the casualties from the 2 bombs.

i could honestly care less for ur actuarial estimates regarding the death toll from invasion vs. dropping nukes.

the point is that americans seem to believe their country can do no wrong..and thats pretty retarded. I know the sins my people have comitted..and i admit to them without a problem.

and spare me the 8 YR OLD GIRL FIGTHER propaganda bullshit...just like Iraq had nukes...just like that Sudanese aspirin factory was building chemical weapons...etc etc

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Just my 2 cents.....I only read the first post and I have to agree about the Jessica Lynch shit....How is she exactly a hero??...She basically gave up to the enemy....Her weapon jammed and she didnt even bother clearing it so she can defend herself....Thats on top of the fact that the only reason they got into that situation was because they didnt pay attention to detail and got fuckin lost....She's an example of what bad soldiers do.....Meanwhile the guy who killed about 8 Iraqi's doesnt get shit....Go figure...:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

fuckin jessica lynch...didnt fire a single shot..the only hero in this story is the iraqis who captured her and didnt put two in her fuckin cerebellum...

same shit with Cpt. Scott O'Grady..."survived in the forest eating bugs" bullshit as welll.....

and u wonder y so many of us r so jaded...

I do not understand how the Iragis can be considered heros? If Jessica Lynch and the others were carrying supplies, they should not have been captured in the first place. It is quite disturbing that anyone would label soldiers from any side of the front line a hero for the capture and torture of a non combat unit. Further going back to what someone wrote previously, I believe that a hero is someone who in the face of immediate danger of their own lives is willing to take a risk to either make a positive statement or for the greater good of a situation. However when it comes to this war in particular it is quite debatable "what the greater good" actually is. Further I would say those who voluntarily join the armed forces because they believe they are fighting for the right cause are heroic in some sense. Even if I disagreed with their viewpoints.

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