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yo FUCK Al-Jazzera


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Just out of curiosity today, I clicked on a link to read a story about how some guy hacked into Al-Jazeera's website and got sentenced for redirecting its traffic to a page w/ an american flag and the words "Let Freedom Ring."

so i decided hey what's the fuss, let me click on AJ's link and see their news site. What did I discover?

A very nicely done, professional webpage on http://english.aljazeera.net/ covering news all over the world.

but when i clicked on the standard arabic link - www.aljazeera.net what did I get?

this picture 1_185916_1_6.jpg

now YOU tell ME. You have a page for the english speaking population that covers worldwide news. You have a page for the arabic speaking population which MORE THAN LIKELY is in tune with Islam and MORE THAN LIKELY is wary of America's presence in the middle east... and then they load the page and see THAT picture.

The American holding the arab against the wall and "breaking his spirit". Looking away as if the arab's "plight" isnt even of any consequence to him. Al Jazeera could've chosen from thousands of other pics to put on their website - so why that one?

It doesn't matter what words come after it - a picture is worth a thousand words, right? To top it off, there's a nice dandy little poll on the left with blair and bush superimposed over the Iraqi flag. Now honestly - after seeing the pic to the right of one of their "arab brothers" being "oppressed" [he could've bombed a building for all we know but the pic makes him look completely innocent] do you really think bush is going to get a Yes vote?

I'm really sickened to see slanted shit like that.

A news service that shows one face to its global audience and another to its local audience. Why don't they just rename it "www.american-oppression.net"

fucking assholes

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Chill out dude. I've seen worse on the cover of the washington post where whole families are marched out in the middle of the night with children with their hands tied at gunpoint. Would that piss you off to see that on the cover of an american news site or paper just the same as al jazeera?

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

Chill out dude. I've seen worse on the cover of the washington post where whole families are marched out in the middle of the night with children with their hands tied at gunpoint. Would that piss you off to see that on the cover of an american news site or paper just the same as al jazeera?

I can't beleive you're sticking up for AL- Jazeera...

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Originally posted by cintron

Just out of curiosity today, I clicked on a link to read a story about how some guy hacked into Al-Jazeera's website and got sentenced for redirecting its traffic to a page w/ an american flag and the words "Let Freedom Ring."

so i decided hey what's the fuss, let me click on AJ's link and see their news site. What did I discover?

A very nicely done, professional webpage on http://english.aljazeera.net/ covering news all over the world.

but when i clicked on the standard arabic link - www.aljazeera.net what did I get?

this picture 1_185916_1_6.jpg

now YOU tell ME. You have a page for the english speaking population that covers worldwide news. You have a page for the arabic speaking population which MORE THAN LIKELY is in tune with Islam and MORE THAN LIKELY is wary of America's presence in the middle east... and then they load the page and see THAT picture.

The American holding the arab against the wall and "breaking his spirit". Looking away as if the arab's "plight" isnt even of any consequence to him. Al Jazeera could've chosen from thousands of other pics to put on their website - so why that one?

It doesn't matter what words come after it - a picture is worth a thousand words, right? To top it off, there's a nice dandy little poll on the left with blair and bush superimposed over the Iraqi flag. Now honestly - after seeing the pic to the right of one of their "arab brothers" being "oppressed" [he could've bombed a building for all we know but the pic makes him look completely innocent] do you really think bush is going to get a Yes vote?

I'm really sickened to see slanted shit like that.

A news service that shows one face to its global audience and another to its local audience. Why don't they just rename it "www.american-oppression.net"

fucking assholes

get over it. all the major media outlets do these kind of things.

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Originally posted by mr mahs

I would pay money to see that Marine with his hands around your skinny little neck...

ofcourse u would..as long as ur at home preaching war comfy in ur lil chair..while TRUE SOLDIERS (Not motherfuckers who play war games online) r out there riskin their lives..so UUUU can continue to sit in ur chair and talk about WAR WAR WAR...

i bet this marine would slap the shit out of u for half the stuff u say...im sure he loooooooooooooooves being in iraq..im sure he agrees with eeeeeeeverything the govt does..

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

ofcourse u would..as long as ur at home preaching war comfy in ur lil chair..while TRUE SOLDIERS (Not motherfuckers who play war games online) r out there riskin their lives..so UUUU can continue to sit in ur chair and talk about WAR WAR WAR...

i bet this marine would slap the shit out of u for half the stuff u say...im sure he loooooooooooooooves being in iraq..im sure he agrees with eeeeeeeverything the govt does..

When did you and the idiot crew here decide I was a armchair soldier? Why because I show SUPPORT for my country and the troops? I have never said anything bad about anyone in the military IN FACT my hat goes off to every last one of them and thank one every time I get the chance because they have balls of stone to put that uniform on...

I bet that marine would squeeze the life out a little punk like you who blast this countries every move especially in Iraq . I bet he doesn't appreciate the doomsday, glass half filled sentiment by the left and vaginas like you who would rather run in th face of challenge then stand up for our FREEDOMS... You don't know me or my character so don't say what I will or won't do because the only thing I am guilty of is 150% support for this country...

Oh and Jerkoff the troops returning from Iraq have one complaint.

The media coverage in the states is incorrect and misleading in portraying only the negatives in Iraq but I bet YOU enjoy it. The troops have been smacking around journalist ESPECIALLY the ones from Al-Jazeer who are notorious, like the pic posted above

of being INCORRECT and only reporting the negatives not the progress from the front lines...


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Originally posted by mr mahs

When did you and the idiot crew here decide I was a armchair soldier? Why because I show SUPPORT for my country and the troops? I have never said anything bad about anyone in the military IN FACT my hat goes off to every last one of them and thank one every time I get the chance because they have balls of stone to put that uniform on...

I bet that marine would squeeze the life out a little punk like you who blast this countries every move especially in Iraq . I bet he doesn't appreciate the doomsday, glass half filled sentiment by the left and vaginas like you who would rather run in th face of challenge then stand up for our FREEDOMS... You don't know me or my character so don't say what I will or won't do because the only thing I am guilty of is 150% support for this country...

Oh and Jerkoff the troops returning from Iraq have one complaint.

The media coverage in the states is incorrect and misleading in portraying only the negatives in Iraq but I bet YOU enjoy it. The troops have been smacking around journalist ESPECIALLY the ones from Al-Jazeer who are notorious, like the pic posted above

of being INCORRECT and only reporting the negatives not the progress from the front lines...


Could you be any more of a boot licker?

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

Could you be any more of a boot licker?

I have a great idea. Since the yuppie boot licking armchair soldier supports this obviously illegal and obviously racist war so much, why don't we make him go fight it. Lets locate him, bash his comtrash computer, physically pry his pre-fucked by a dog ass off his computer chair and drag him to the nearest recruiting center to enlist at gunpoint? We should do the same thing to Igloo too.

And about mr mahs sig??? VERY GOOD OBSERVATION!!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



^A four year-old is frisked by U.S. soldiers in Iraq last week


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Originally posted by mr mahs

When did you and the idiot crew here decide I was a armchair soldier? Why because I show SUPPORT for my country and the troops? I have never said anything bad about anyone in the military IN FACT my hat goes off to every last one of them and thank one every time I get the chance because they have balls of stone to put that uniform on...

I bet that marine would squeeze the life out a little punk like you who blast this countries every move especially in Iraq . I bet he doesn't appreciate the doomsday, glass half filled sentiment by the left and vaginas like you who would rather run in th face of challenge then stand up for our FREEDOMS... You don't know me or my character so don't say what I will or won't do because the only thing I am guilty of is 150% support for this country...

Oh and Jerkoff the troops returning from Iraq have one complaint.

The media coverage in the states is incorrect and misleading in portraying only the negatives in Iraq but I bet YOU enjoy it. The troops have been smacking around journalist ESPECIALLY the ones from Al-Jazeer who are notorious, like the pic posted above

of being INCORRECT and only reporting the negatives not the progress from the front lines...


yea i honestly think that alot of the media doesn't realize tthat this is an actual war and not the sensationalist binge that was the monica lewinski BS

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