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I just don't understand women anymore...

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I've seen this shit that women do all the damn time. WHY do women go back to ex-boyfriends after they treat them shit, dumped their ass? Why? Do women get off on that?

Why doesn't a woman see a guy that she knows truly likes and cares for them deeply. They're on the same wavelength, have everything in common, makes them laugh...basically know each other inside out, what makes each other tick.....but yet they go back to a guy who's an asshole in every sense and treats like them crap.

Could someone explain this to me if they know why. Maybe I'm just blind to see it or I should give up caring all together?



"I feel a great disturbance in the force...every single day."


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The short explanation:

They're insane.

The long explanation:

They're insane... but they think they can change the asshole, oh yeah, he's changed alright... for about as long as it takes to say it...


Dream a little dream...

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goddamit ezdreamer!! Why you always gotta be on point?!?!?!?

To me, women are exactly like cars!!!

I don't know shit about cars.




<I'm a Fire-starter>

<Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!!> <I got the glow, baby!!

Can ya feel it?!? Now back up and give me some dancin' room!!>

--- When the Artful speaks

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comparing how men and women think is like comparing apples to oranges - two different breeds, like putting square pegs into round holes...

don't think about what it takes to understand how a woman thinks - you'll hurt yourself.

women LOVE to keep men on their toes. THEY LOVE IT. Unpredictable, keeping you guessing - they love a good chase. ask any lady and they'll tell you. it's like foreplay without the flesh.

give up caring about this one, sounds like a lost cause. she obviously cares for someone else, and is dragging you around/you are letting yourself get dragged around. be a friend if you can, but if not walk away and save your heart some pain.


you can judge the quality and content of one's character by the way they treat someone that can do nothing for them...

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all i have to say is that a real woman doesn't let a guy treat her like shit.....when you are secure with yourself and have self-esteem, you realize that life is too short for losers and all of sudden things fall into perspective........no one with any sort of commonsense let's another person treat them like shit...especially a boyfriend or girlfriend...this is what separates the women from the girls and the men form the boys.......


The entertainment business is a cruel and shallow money trench - a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free and weak men die like dogs.......


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I think this girl has a specific female trait.

you are everything she wants... so she keeps u as a friend, easier, and you won't fuck her over...

meanwhile.... she likes the "bad boy" so she fucks him and gets the things she needs from a man in u.


Run to the bedroom, in the suitcase on the left you'll find my favorite ax.

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Originally posted by shadowchaser:

I've seen this shit that women do all the damn time. WHY do women go back to ex-boyfriends after they treat them shit, dumped their ass? Why? Do women get off on that?

Why doesn't a woman see a guy that she knows truly likes and cares for them deeply. They're on the same wavelength, have everything in common, makes them laugh...basically know each other inside out, what makes each other tick.....but yet they go back to a guy who's an asshole in every sense and treats like them crap.

Could someone explain this to me if they know why. Maybe I'm just blind to see it or I should give up caring all together?


WOMEN LIKE BEING ABUSED ...whether the're willing to admit that or not it's true



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Well I can only speak from experience and what I know. Men do the same exact thing (not all). If there is a guy I know and we know each other as well as you say you have known your friend, he would do the same to me. He would go after some chic that he hardly knows and is a chickenhead (I have a good nose for those). I already can tell she is not interested or hangs around him because he will spend money on them. All in all it just made me realize that if he has something right in front of his face that cares about him and is a good person and doesn't play games (tricks are for kids), then he is not worth my time investing in trying to make a relationship out of it, but I will there as a friend for him.

So shadowchaser, my advice to you is to move on, b/c if she can't see it and you have to "prove it" then friends are all you are going to be until she resolves/dissolves her relationship with the "asshole".



...I can't see you, you can't see me! :)...

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All I can say is that the girls who do that are girls with very low self esteem and a whole lot of insecurities. And those are the girls that YOU (shadowchaser) does not need. She probably haven't gotten hurted enough to wake up . . . so let her hurt a lil' more. Believe me they all wake up after enough kicks and buises.

Besides, when you're with girls like that . . . they just end up sucking up all your life force. You'll become her savior and that's a very hard role to uphold. Either that or she'll start walking all over you subconsciously thinking that she can take revenge of her past pain on YOU. Either way, you really don't need a person like that.



"Every generation laughs at the old fashions, but follows religiously the new."

- Henry David Thoreau


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Originally posted by Ph0eniX:

WOMEN LIKE BEING ABUSED ...whether the're willing to admit that or not it's true

POX! Did you say that? What a sterotypical thing to say about women. No one likes to be abused. Women or men for that matter, allow themselves to be abused only because they are scared to move on and are insecure about themselves. Believe me men allow themselves to get abused too.

BTW- I'll let you abuse me anyday. Hee Hee..

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I could probably explain this real well being that I was one of those woman a few years back. Basically, when you are in a relationship with someone that is a complete asshole to you - usually they have some sort of mind control over you and it is hard to break away from that even if you want to. You also become very dependant on them and have a hard time handling things without them. As pathetic as that is - it is true. It is even sadder when you know it and feel trapped in your own life. It becomes very hard to trust people even if you know they are good for you - when the person that you are with treats you badly it makes you second guess everyone elses motives. You might seem "too good to be true" and that can scare someone off. Do you really think that we initially choose to be with someone that is a complete asshole - NO. Trust me when we met these guys they seemed to be the "perfect guy" and before you know it they change into this horrible person and when that happens you are already trapped. Don't you think it would be hard for you to give someone else a chance after that? It is like why bother trying to trust someone else if this is what can happen - might as well just stay with what you know. I know it is frustrating as hell, but trust me it is more frustrating and confusing for her.

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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

The short explanation:

They're insane.

The long explanation:

They're insane... but they think they can change the asshole, oh yeah, he's changed alright... for about as long as it takes to say it...

Hate to say it but BINGO. Been there, done that myself. Learned from my mistake though. Definitely not worth the time to even attempt to change someone.

Shadowchaser, there is an old proverb that says something to the effect of "the less you love a woman, the more she's interested in you". Why? I guess it's all a game for some women. Or maybe they just want a challenge. Who knows.. But don't worry, there are still many nice good women out there who will appreciate you and not run after some asshole who mistreats them. Good luck smile.gif

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Hey Frank...

I agree with what all these girls are sayin..but also...

There comes a time when people (yes, male and female) get a harsh slap in the face and realize what really is important...(ie stop playing games and running to /tolerating assholes)

If this girl hasn't felt her slap yet (god fucking knows I felt mine!)..she isn't ready for you smile.gif



" I give in to sin ..Because you have to make this life liveable "-DM


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all i have to say is..........to all you men that know how to treat women right....we DO appreciate it...don't lose faith......and don't think we like assholes...because we don't..........


The entertainment business is a cruel and shallow money trench - a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free and weak men die like dogs.......


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Originally posted by shadowchaser:

I've seen this shit that women do all the damn time. WHY do women go back to ex-boyfriends after they treat them shit, dumped their ass? Why? Do women get off on that?

Why doesn't a woman see a guy that she knows truly likes and cares for them deeply. They're on the same wavelength, have everything in common, makes them laugh...basically know each other inside out, what makes each other tick.....but yet they go back to a guy who's an asshole in every sense and treats like them crap.

Could someone explain this to me if they know why. Maybe I'm just blind to see it or I should give up caring all together?


This exact thing happened to me not so long ago. I was seeing this really cute girl for about 5 months. I knew about her previous relationship, and I personally know the guy also, a complete asshole with no brains whatsoever, who would treat her like shit (even got physical with her once). Everything was going great for us until one day I realized she was occasionaly sleeping with him. This was about 6 months ago. I didn't say a word, stopped calling her, and never talked to her again. My advice is just forget her, it's not worth it. A couple of weeks ago I met her at a party at a friend's house, she was all over me trying to get back... but no hun, you're the one who blew it....


I came, I saw... I saw, I came...

[This message has been edited by dzadza (edited 10-02-2000).]

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Originally posted by artful:

goddamit ezdreamer!! Why you always gotta be on point?!?!?!?

To me, women are exactly like cars!!!

I don't know shit about cars.


i hear ya bro..iknow jack about CARS also


i only speak the truth

peace image-jaune.jpg

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dzadza...u da man! good for you, u did the right thing!

basically if u meet someone like that u have three options...

a.) continue to try to change them (youre in for a looooong roller coaster ride with that one, which will lead to failure 95% of the time)

b.) realize she's confused, drop youre emotional attachment and just use her for sex (not advisable, especially if youre already questioning this whole thing, but i've seen people do it)

c.) just forget her, dont waste youre time, and find someone who will appreciate you for who you are.

C is obviously your best choice. best of luck.

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Originally posted by mariah:

POX! Did you say that? What a sterotypical thing to say about women. No one likes to be abused. Women or men for that matter, allow themselves to be abused only because they are scared to move on and are insecure about themselves. Believe me men allow themselves to get abused too.

BTW- I'll let you abuse me anyday. Hee Hee..

Steve wouldn't like that idea ...hehe ;-)



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one word man: hypnosis.

but what the hell do i know. . . i spent way too much money this weekend on someone who, in retrospect, doesn't deserve it. . .

nice guys finish last. . . once you know that, you just wait for the finish line to see who's waiting. . . cwm31.gif


"The laughter was like a drug, but what was more like a drug was the drugs."

"I need to go home."

"You ARE home." -_Almost Famous_

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Guest crystalmethodny

A touchy topic where I've commented on once before.

I'll summarize it by putting simple that old school chivalry and romance is dead, on both the women and the men.

If I'm in the mood, perhaps I'll explain it more sometime.

Beth - I like your response.

Pox - I wouldn't like that... but hey! I'm nobody's keeper but my own. Destiny lay in the heart of the person that walks the path.



"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

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Originally posted by noiseboy:

one word man: hypnosis.

but what the hell do i know. . . i spent way too much money this weekend on someone who, in retrospect, doesn't deserve it. . .

I know how you feel...it sux too for me because i'm going to be hanging with the same girl that i'm talking about in this post this weekend.

Aaaaaaahhhh this sux...why do I put up with this shit.....can someone pass me some happy pillz. cwm32.gif


"I feel a great disturbance in the force...every single day."


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Women tend to go back to the ex boyfriends because its hard for them to let go. For example, I was dating someone for a long period of time. In the beginning, I had an extremely high self esteem and was incredibly friendly and loveable. After a while of being in this relationship, that was all taken away from me. My self worth was decreased. He made me feel as though I below even dirt. That by leaving him, I would be lonely and miserable and never find anyone to appreciate me. After hearing this for years, I believed it. I started to think I could do no better than him.

He cheated on me...Time and time again. Made plans and broke them over and over again. He did everything in the book to hurt me and make me feel worthless. I would cry myself to sleep everynight. I wanted the pain to stop but I couldnt break away from him. Never had a smile on ,my face and was just scared. Scared that he was right. Going back was the only thing I felt I could do.

Its hard giving someoen all of your love and then being treated as though it means nothing. Its even harder to be able to separate yourself from such an abusive relationship of sorts. But when you get to a point that your life isnt worth it anymore because of the horrible things said and done to you, then thats a sign. A big one. Its easy for everyone to tell you to not be with him because he doesnt love you, but its hard for you to see it yourself. Hence, you staying in the relationship. Everyone has their own reasons. Just discovering them is the hard part.

[This message has been edited by rabbitonacid (edited 10-02-2000).]

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