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love love love candles, especially yankee ones, but i'm looking for some new ones... any suggestions? i like dyptique ones but they're outrageously expensive for what they are... i've seen tons of candles for $40+ but i can't bring myself to spend that much... $12-$20 range is more my style... TIA :)

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i also love candles, but i agree, some are ridiculously expensive, to be honest, i love glade candles, they are so cheap but i think in terms of scent they really permeate the room(although not the prettiest), i love the ginger tangerine scent and the green pillar one (its three scents in one candle) is nice too, there are a few tried and true more expensive candles that i like but i get so pissed when something smells so good in the store and then you get home, light it and nothing

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Originally posted by linabina

everyone always says target this and target that... damn i definitely have to make my way over there soon!

oh man, target IS the best... they have everything, super cheap, great stuff... i bought my beach towels there last summer, this really cute ice cream cone print with cherries... and target also carries sonia kashuk, a makeup artist line that surprisingly good... i have the brush set i bought for like $15... oh and don't get me started on the flip flops! def get your ass over there :)

oh, i forgot about their candles, i was going to buy one of the huge three wicked ones, they do have great scents... i'm gonna try pier one too, the buttercream sounds yummy...

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yea actually, they do... i don't own any but my best friend has a few cute ones from there... she used this beaded beige one with a floral/paisley print for the beach this summer, i wanted to get it too but apparently it was a pretty popular item b/c it was sold out everywhere...

don't get me wrong, i love ritzy designer stuff and all, but nothing beats finding good deals at target... lol man i'm really pushing this place, sorry if i sound like an advertisment...

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ilumme candles are nice - they're strong, but not overpowering. illuminations also sells nice scented ones.

i can't stand cheap smelling candles. they usually have a waxy odor and the scent itself is very simplistic. but then again, i may just be a "smell snob" since i work in the chemical senses field :tongue:

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If you have time (which I know no one really does now a days!) go to your local craft store and buy wax and molds with scented oils. You can make your own...it's really easy, plus you can control the intensity of the scents your candles give off by the amount of oil you use. I've only done this once, but the entire process was very therapeutic and the candles smelled great.... although they were a bit deformed! :D

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i dont kno how close u are to bergen county like by the meadowlands but they have a flee market on saturdays and there is this guy there w/ amazing candles. last time i was there it was 3 for $16? i could be wrong. but it was really cheap and his candles are awesome. just as good as yankee candles. so if you're around there you should def. check it out ;)

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Originally posted by nifer

ilumme candles are nice - they're strong, but not overpowering. illuminations also sells nice scented ones.

i can't stand cheap smelling candles. they usually have a waxy odor and the scent itself is very simplistic. but then again, i may just be a "smell snob" since i work in the chemical senses field :tongue:

I'm with her on this one. Illume is what I buy, Pomegranite smells like heaven. I buy them as gifts, and people always ask for more, or where to get them...You can find them online, but there are so many of them that smell good, going in person is a must! Just call around at any high end candle shop


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