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Originally posted by sugarnspice69

it looked they asked her a question and she got embarassed

I remember when Diane Sawyer mentioned "you had quite a rough year", and then Britney said some weird shit that made you think she wanted to change the subject, and then Britney just lost it

It's not like Ms. Sawyer said anything in particular. It was just very awkward and strange, and made me think Britney is a lot weirder than i thought previously :shaky:

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well...being that i saw this of course... ill step in :) sawyer brought up how hard the past year was for her.. mentioning illness in her family, her breakup with justin, her fans booing her in mexico etc... and britney was trying to say yea it was a bad time... but i guess the way sawyer was kinda diggin it in there + the fact that it probably really was that hard for her to go through these life changes and obstacles with the entire world watching, she just couldnt hold it in... she even said something along the lines of "strong britney" as she looked into the camera... :( and then yea... she said "im embarrassed can we stop for a second?" and then just lost it.

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Originally posted by linabina

well...being that i saw this of course... ill step in :) sawyer brought up how hard the past year was for her.. mentioning illness in her family, her breakup with justin, her fans booing her in mexico etc... and britney was trying to say yea it was a bad time... but i guess the way sawyer was kinda diggin it in there + the fact that it probably really was that hard for her to go through these life changes and obstacles with the entire world watching, she just couldnt hold it in... she even said something along the lines of "strong britney" as she looked into the camera... :( and then yea... she said "im embarrassed can we stop for a second?" and then just lost it.

illness in her family?
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Originally posted by sugarnspice69

illness in her family?

her aunt that she is very close with and has gone on tours with her while her mother couldnt be there, is sick with cancer. supposedly thats a lot of the reason she took time off... her mother had to care for her sister (britneys aunt) and britney cared for her own sister while her family was workin through the hard times... plus her parents separated... and her and justin separated... among all other critiques of her career... the girl cant live a normal life @ 21 years old... so u have to realize that the every day things that she goes through are broadcasted... tru thats the price of fame, but u cant say that it doesnt get overwhelming.

she even said in the interview that even before she made it big and she had such little $, she was happy. she said the simplicity of life was really nice. kinda makes u think... maybe the celeb life aint all its cracked up to be. of course its got its perks but shes only human. eventually shes gonna crack in front of the cameras u know? its prolly really hard to try to maintain an "im always happy and my life is glamorous" image.

oh well. whatever... i love that shes back :D

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Originally posted by linabina

her aunt that she is very close with and has gone on tours with her while her mother couldnt be there, is sick with cancer. supposedly thats a lot of the reason she took time off... her mother had to care for her sister (britneys aunt) and britney cared for her own sister while her family was workin through the hard times... plus her parents separated... and her and justin separated... among all other critiques of her career... the girl cant live a normal life @ 21 years old... so u have to realize that the every day things that she goes through are broadcasted... tru thats the price of fame, but u cant say that it doesnt get overwhelming.

she even said in the interview that even before she made it big and she had such little $, she was happy. she said the simplicity of life was really nice. kinda makes u think... maybe the celeb life aint all its cracked up to be. of course its got its perks but shes only human. eventually shes gonna crack in front of the cameras u know? its prolly really hard to try to maintain an "im always happy and my life is glamorous" image.

oh well. whatever... i love that shes back :D

lol I was gonna jump in but you covered pretty much what I was going to say. It's kinda funny but sad how much we know about this girl. Whatever, we can't help it - we just adore her :D

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Originally posted by linabina

i know right? lol.. whatever though :) its people like us that contriibute to her success :D

Exactly :) I just find it so bizarre (and somewhat comforting lol so I know I'm not the only wack job) that you are sooooo much like me in your "thing" for Britney. I mean, aside from us just thinking she's insanely hot and adorable, it's crazy that we both know every little thing about her personal life, too.

I :heart: Lina

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Originally posted by Mystify22

Exactly :) I just find it so bizarre (and somewhat comforting lol so I know I'm not the only wack job) that you are sooooo much like me in your "thing" for Britney. I mean, aside from us just thinking she's insanely hot and adorable, it's crazy that we both know every little thing about her personal life, too.

I :heart: Lina

i :heart: u too :)

as sickening as it is, i think u and i need to get together and have a britney party :laugh: aright aright i wouldnt go that far.. but u know what i mean ;)

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i watched this interview too and while i felt bad for her misfortunes, i couldn't help thinking what a moron she sounds like... i'm not talking about her crying and breaking down, just in general about everything she speaks about. she just seems so clueless...

you'd think that being a celebrity who has access to so many thing and who's traveled all over the world would be a little brighter than she is... like talking about masturbation being sacred?? come on now, it's great and all but SACRED? religion is sacred. US weekly quoted her saying "What's Hinduism? Is it like Kabbalah?" WHAT? i remember learning that kinda stuff in 9th grade social studies, even before that!

i like britney, i think she's a great entertainer with a mediocre voice and a bangin body, but the fact that she's so thick-witted is really disappointing.

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I'm not a fan of britney but I'll admit that I felt bad for her. God only knows that I wouldn't want my love live broadcasted across the globe, especially some of the losers I've dated.

Also, I agree w/ mssabina, someone buy britney a book. This girl needs to work on her communication skills and improve her vocabulary. Granted she didnt have much of an option to go to school w/ her career but DANG a book here and there never hurts! Oh yea, lay off the tanning beds, her skin was matching her hair color.

p.s. I'll burn down an orphanage for her body.:laugh:

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I don't understand why anyone is feeling bad for her.......she's doing an interview to promote her career.... do you think these interviews aren't staged?? She knew what kind of questions she would be asked .. and she could have very easily declined the interview...look at the publicity she's getting from this.... a 2 page spread in the daily news.... She's learning the madonna method.... create the controversy and cash in .....

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