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JV & his tolerant followers : I NOT SPINNING TILL THE "

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Guest shortyrockrox
Originally posted by djgrod

I'm out on this one too.... Actually I don't know why I ever excerted this much energy on the topic anyway.... It's like trying to get a Giants fan to like the Eagles or vice versa. Just not gonna happen. Best of luck to JV and SF... I hope for NYC nightlife's sake it's a blessed union..... All you JV fan's have fun @ SF..... It's a great place and I hope you have as many great memories there as I did. As for all the JP fans... Bigger and better things await....

D- Thanks for sticking up for me. You know that I'd never slap a girl.... I know I'd never slap a girl. I' just kick a kid down the stairs that trys to slap you.....:laugh:

Are you talkin to me??????

lmao, omg I totally fogot about that!!!! Fricken maniac he was. but seeing him roll backwards down the stairs was pretty funny!!!:laugh:

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Originally posted by nympho69

ok let me start off with a buffer,

you know I love you right??


:laugh: :laugh:

jp's career is over and honestly I dont even know when it was on :confused:

jp sucks and they should have shut down that party 4 years ago

Yeah I agree junior's party hasnt been doing well post twilo, but he is still the best dj, unlike ur boy jp who plays one track for 45 min.

As far as the whole vagina hating is concerned, he only hates the crackhead whores who waste valuable space on the dancefloor.

Im glad most of this board and jp prepubescent mutant crackhead morons are homophobic and have no idea what good music is.

I wont mind the extra space on the dancefloor, and I wont have to be careful not to trip over some sweaty guidos g'd out on the floor cause they don't know how to party.

With all that said, stay away from junior's party, um yeah he sucks, jp rocks


you are a racist "guido" insulting itialians oh thats ok there white i forgot if your white and straight its ok to hate them! your screaming about homophobes?? were not dissing homosexuals were dissing jv for his intolerance and yours intolerance your such a hypocrite callin people homophobes then using the word guido ...once again jv and his tolerant followers....i see you discriminate against women who like to party and dance as well huh ...oh the hyposcrisy ...by the way SF on halloween did 6,000 people....arc did 1400 people....jv at discotheque did 500 hahaha lol its over
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Originally posted by jamezzz

you are a racist "guido" insulting itialians oh thats ok there white i forgot if your white and straight its ok to hate them! your screaming about homophobes?? were not dissing homosexuals were dissing jv for his intolerance and yours intolerance your such a hypocrite callin people homophobes then using the word guido ...once again jv and his tolerant followers....i see you discriminate against women who like to party and dance as well huh ...oh the hyposcrisy ...by the way SF on halloween did 6,000 people....arc did 1400 people....jv at discotheque did 500 hahaha lol its over

dude I am by no means a racist? obviously you dont know the meanings of the terms racist and guido. I happen to love the Italian culture, I am fluent in Italian and I think the country is absolutely gorgeous with a rich history. I consider myself quite cultured and tolerant.

and when did i ever say i was against women who like to party and dance as well??? HELLO I AM A FEMALE! and I am not one to practice self hate, lol.

further throwing out head counts is

quite ridiculous in defense of a dj's ability. Junior still packs a place on certain nites like gay pride, his bday etc. Not only does he pack the place but he does marathon sets, unlike jp the majority of his set is real music and not 2 hour loops and filler tracks.

Perfect example last year I went to junior's and jp's classics. what a mistake it was to leave junior's party. I get to factory and for approx 3+ hours I didnt even hear a single classic, I didnt even hear a single good song for that matter. To top it off he played roughly 8 good classic songs in the end for a few hours. All of which Junior played in a span of 10 min.

When jp can use 3 + turntables and not trainwreck even once the whole nite, and actually match beats,, then maybe I will consider him a decent dj.

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Originally posted by nympho69

dude I am by no means a racist? obviously you dont know the meanings of the terms racist and guido. I happen to love the Italian culture, I am fluent in Italian and I think the country is absolutely gorgeous with a rich history. I consider myself quite cultured and tolerant.

and when did i ever say i was against women who like to party and dance as well??? HELLO I AM A FEMALE! and I am not one to practice self hate, lol.

further throwing out head counts is

quite ridiculous in defense of a dj's ability. Junior still packs a place on certain nites like gay pride, his bday etc. Not only does he pack the place but he does marathon sets, unlike jp the majority of his set is real music and not 2 hour loops and filler tracks.

Perfect example last year I went to junior's and jp's classics. what a mistake it was to leave junior's party. I get to factory and for approx 3+ hours I didnt even hear a single classic, I didnt even hear a single good song for that matter. To top it off he played roughly 8 good classic songs in the end for a few hours. All of which Junior played in a span of 10 min.

When jp can use 3 + turntables and not trainwreck even once the whole nite, and actually match beats,, then maybe I will consider him a decent dj.

nympho.........no offense, but you used to be the biggest JP fan and used to go to his party on a weekly basis (or close to every weekend). Tastes do change and scenes also change, but dont hate on JP and his accomplishments as a DJ. He's no Junior, and there aren't many that can match his skill, but give a little credit where credits due.

I used to hate on the fatory scene also, but at least I always gave JP respect.

I personally dont care for JV parties because one time I went when it was at Twilo and I went with my g/f and my boy and his g/f and we were told to go home because we were straight......but I still wont say JV sucks because of it.

Both DJ's are very talented.......leave it at that and let the bitching and complaining be concentrated on the parties themselves.

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

nympho.........no offense, but you to go to his party on a weekly basis (or close to every weekend). Tastes do change and scenes also change, but dont hate on JP and his accomplishments as a DJ. He's no Junior, and there aren't many that can match his skill, but give a little credit where credits due.

I used to hate on the fatory scene also, but at least I always gave JP respect.

I personally dont care for JV parties because one time I went when it was at Twilo and I went with my g/f and my boy and his g/f and we were told to go home because we were straight......but I still wont say JV sucks because of it.

Both DJ's are very talented.......leave it at that and let the bitching and complaining be concentrated on the parties themselves.

jon just because "i used to go to his party" doesnt mean I used to idolize him. lets be honest factory is about drugs, and if your sober you realize how horrible the music, and the entire venue is as a whole. Before there was more of a dancing vibe, and people used to close out cause the music was good. Nowadays people just close to say they closed, and for the most part its just a 100+ people till the end sitting or standing around with no energy, vibe, etc. Yes like you mentioned I used to go, but I think its ridiculous this pedestal people are putting jp on for his djing ability, cause really he's not all that.

Factory is ova, next!

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Guest shortyrockrox
Originally posted by nympho69

jon just because "i used to go to his party" doesnt mean I used to idolize him. lets be honest factory is about drugs, and if your sober you realize how horrible the music, and the entire venue is as a whole. Before there was more of a dancing vibe, and people used to close out cause the music was good. Nowadays people just close to say they closed, and for the most part its just a 100+ people till the end sitting or standing around with no energy, vibe, etc. Yes like you mentioned I used to go, but I think its ridiculous this pedestal people are putting jp on for his djing ability, cause really he's not all that.

Factory is ova, next!

It's really all a matter of opinion, which everyone is entitled too. I was at Classics last year at SF and I loved all the music, while my boyfriend at the time who is a DJ hated it. I like harder darker stuff, and he likes happier more vocally stuff. To some people JP is the best DJ, to others he is not, honestly I heard Juniors set on KTU Friday night and I wanted to vomit. I'm sure people would disagree, but I'm not gonna argue because it's just my humble opinion!! I hope JR's party is great at SF, although I will not be there because it's not my scene.

BTW My real favorite DJ is PVD:D !!!!!!

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