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Jonathan Brandis' Death a Suicide


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I have to agree with NB on this one. Suicide is the easy way out. It's alot harder to deal with your problems like chronic depression and what ever one might have to cause someone to go through with it. Nobody here is alone and we all have people who care about us. There is help available and everyone knows that. Suicide is senseless.

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Originally posted by xpyrate

Nobody here is alone and we all have people who care about us. There is help available and everyone knows that. Suicide is senseless.

With all due respect, I have to disagree. There are so many people out there who believe they are alone, and feel isolated in their own little world. Their reality is that there is no one who understands what they are feeling, and the support that others might give is not enough to make them "snap out of it". Plus, alot of people walk alone with this disease b/c they don't want to burden others with what they are feeling.

Also, when one day of living is unbearable it is really hard to muster up the patience and "hope" to seek help with a problem that may take months to fix. Even with SSRI meds it takes alot of trial and error before the person finds one that really works well. Since there are so many substantial side-effects to these meds this feeling of hopelessness can be exacerbated by the feeling that their initial trials of medication don't work.

I think we all should feel privileged that we do not have to suffer like this. No doubt suicide is the wrong way to go but if we all had to walk a day in there shoes I'm sure we would be giving them a little more credit than calling what they did "senseless."

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Originally posted by xpyrate

Nobody here is alone and we all have people who care about us. There is help available and everyone knows that. Suicide is senseless.

problem solved... i guess they're won't be any more suicides from now on... :aright:

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Originally posted by xpyrate

Thing is I have

...i'd ask you to elaborate on that...have you actually attempted suicide...or even truly contemplated it...maintained an interpersonal relationship with someone that had attempted suicide....whatever it is, i find it hard to believe it led you to the statements you have made on this thread....

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Originally posted by phatman

...i'd ask you to elaborate on that...have you actually attempted suicide...or even truly contemplated it...maintained an interpersonal relationship with someone that had attempted suicide....whatever it is, i find it hard to believe it led you to the statements you have made on this thread....

Now ... OK my wrists arent scarred but I have attempted it. But that was a while ago and I realize now that dealing with my problems and seeing that there are people that do care about me out there has changed alot of my attitudes towards things. I think people who actually go through with it do not see how they affect others. They feel like an island unto themselves and how selfish is that? Maybe it might sound hypocritical but I do not feel alot of sympathy for people who go through with it because they don't realize how selfish they are being. Honestly, I don't have alot of sympathy for my attempts. When you seriously contemplate suicide you are not thinking of others you are only thinking about your pain. You have to take a step back and look at yourself from outside point of view as well as take a good look at the people around you. See that you do affect their world as they affect yours. If you were to seriously contemplate it, you would have to block out the fact that other people are there for you, the fact that you are still young enough to change your life around in such a way that would more appeal to you. From the statistics Ive read the majority of people who kill themselves are teens and they are giving up on life before it has even begun. Anyway nuff of my rant.

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...now i'm curious as to the circumstances and more importantly how old were you when this happened and how old are you now...i am quite surprised you havent developed empathy for those that attempt suicide...but hey, everyone is different...and every case is different - reason enough for you and others on here to not generalize about those that attempt suicide...

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It's not that I don't have empathy just not alot. It just pisses me off that people would waste their life when all they have to do is look around them and see that they do have a future that there are people who care. Especially teens. The answer is really right there in front of them, they just have to see it for themselves.

Oh it was in my early 20s. Im now 28. I s'ppose part of the fustration for me is that why didnt I see that then? I really don't want to get into the circumstances.

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Originally posted by gmccookny

That's sad :(

Michael Hutchinsen (sp?), lead singer from INXS also went out that way. I don't know what in their lives was so bad that would lead them to that choice, unless it's a mental disturbence or drugs.

I think Michael Hutchins was using asphyxiation with a belt while masterbating and accidently killed himself.

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Originally posted by phatman

...then why project that onto them?..i dont agree with suicide with respect to myself...in a similar perspective to yours, i do believe it would be a somewhat of a lazy way out...let alone, i dont know if i would have the matzi to do it...BUT...everyone is not me...and there are so many different situations and conditions where i simply could not apply that particular belief to someone else...

from what i know..ull die from hunger before ull die from cuttin a vein...isnt the point to hit an artery...since they cary blood away from the heart?

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Originally posted by xpyrate

Now ... OK my wrists arent scarred but I have attempted it. But that was a while ago and I realize now that dealing with my problems and seeing that there are people that do care about me out there has changed alot of my attitudes towards things. I think people who actually go through with it do not see how they affect others. They feel like an island unto themselves and how selfish is that? Maybe it might sound hypocritical but I do not feel alot of sympathy for people who go through with it because they don't realize how selfish they are being. Honestly, I don't have alot of sympathy for my attempts. When you seriously contemplate suicide you are not thinking of others you are only thinking about your pain. You have to take a step back and look at yourself from outside point of view as well as take a good look at the people around you. See that you do affect their world as they affect yours. If you were to seriously contemplate it, you would have to block out the fact that other people are there for you, the fact that you are still young enough to change your life around in such a way that would more appeal to you. From the statistics Ive read the majority of people who kill themselves are teens and they are giving up on life before it has even begun. Anyway nuff of my rant.

not everyone kills themselves because they think no one cares for them... theres an unlimited number of reasons/problems that can lead you down that road. a lot of the time, its a culmination of many problems that lead to it.

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