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xanax please.......

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Don't they have pain Management clinic's where you guy's live?

Shit they are a dime a dozen around here pay 95.00$ bucks and the docs will give you an evaluation and physical for your um,cough,cough, lower back pain you are struggling from or the horrible anxiety that some of us deal with daily and write you a 1- 2 month's legitimate prescription. Plus it's alot cheaper and safer than ordering medication via internet.

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Originally posted by str8upcore

Don't they have pain Management clinic's where you guy's live?

Shit they are a dime a dozen around here pay 95.00$ bucks and the docs will give you an evaluation and physical for your um,cough,cough, lower back pain you are struggling from or the horrible anxiety that some of us deal with daily and write you a 1- 2 month's legitimate prescription. Plus it's alot cheaper and safer than ordering medication via internet.

Doctors will NEVER prescribe anything more that .5 mg alprazollam (xanax) pills on a first visit...they're most likely gonna give you .25mgs.... They have to cover their asses....Pain management specialists here in the city will write you a thirty day supply at most with no refills...only after they've sent you for an MRI and determined that that theres actually something wrong with your back.....and most of the time they'll try to give you a combination of zanaflex (mild muscle relaxer) and naproxen (non narcotic analgesic) or soma.... There are of course exceptions to the rule and freindly doctors...not many of them tho and the ones who are still around are very paranoid.....

BTW xanax is not something that a pain management specialist would commonly prescribe...you'd be better off going to a cardiologist complaining about chest pains and breathing problems...your tests will come back negative and they'll usually attribute the episodes to panic attacks...xanax is commonly prescribed to treat anxiety.....

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Originally posted by bumpdaddy

Doctors will NEVER prescribe anything more that .5 mg alprazollam (xanax) pills on a first visit...they're most likely gonna give you .25mgs.... They have to cover their asses....Pain management specialists here in the city will write you a thirty day supply at most with no refills...only after they've sent you for an MRI and determined that that theres actually something wrong with your back.....and most of the time they'll try to give you a combination of zanaflex (mild muscle relaxer) and naproxen (non narcotic analgesic) or soma.... There are of course exceptions to the rule and freindly doctors...not many of them tho and the ones who are still around are very paranoid.....

BTW xanax is not something that a pain management specialist would commonly prescribe...you'd be better off going to a cardiologist complaining about chest pains and breathing problems...your tests will come back negative and they'll usually attribute the episodes to panic attacks...xanax is commonly prescribed to treat anxiety.....

..on point :aright:

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You guy's are incorrect I promise you!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll bet the farm on it because I went to one a month ago for the first time and was prescribed 2 mill xanax for my anxiety which I really due have(in between insurance plan's and I had no choice!) but I had to go through a 10 minute physical blood pressure,weight,height,stat's etc. and fill out 3 different medical forms and pay 95.00 $ cash to get a 30 day script.

The crazy thing is 75-80% of the people there were getting pain medication loritab,loricet etc. for there um,cough,cough pain management.

Money talks, and bullshit run's a marathon I guess NY has stricter pharmacy dispensing laws botton line is where there is a doctor there is a patient and these management center's exhist for people who live in severe and chronic pain without insurance. So the government has no choice but to allow them to be open. Will they become stricter in the near future? most likely?

BTW If the doctor had even mentioned .25 or .50 milligram I wuld have laughed and him and walked out.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by str8upcore

Bumpdaddy the one thing you are correct about is the dosage the doctor told me to only take a quarter to half a bar at a time when I feel a panic attack coming on twice daily.

Doctors in the past, even here in new york, were prescribing 2mg xanax and directing patients to take 1/4 pill and justyfing it by arguing that prescribing this way cuts the "per dose" cost of the medication.... the trend now in 2mg xanax and generics is leaning towards time released 2mg pills...since most people who suffer from panic attacks usually take multiple doses every 4-6 hours anyway.... upjohn has already discontinued 2mg standard xanax sticks... the only 2mg they manufacture now is xanax xr (time released) greenstone is following in that direction... a few manufacturers are holding out... Mylan is the most readily available 2mg non time release right now (round double scored pills)... alot of people will say... just scrape the coating, or chew the pill.... I tried it ... and maybe its completely psychological... but it doesnt seem to give the same effect...

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Originally posted by str8upcore

They are the Yellow(school bus) alprazollam 2 mill sticks R309 I believe had em in the past and prefer then over the mylan pies and the white sticks............

those arent time released ... those have been around a while they're generic 2mg made by Purapac Pharmaceuticals....the r is kind of Squiggly lookin

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If you're concerned about getting legal Rx, take a trip to Mexico, you can get a round trip ticket for a few hundred dollars. Its cold now so you'd have the benefit of a vacation in the sun.

I presume you know that ketamine is not a controlled substance, and the things that are controlled (like xanax, dilaudid, speed, etc) can be purchased at local pharmacias- just pay a $20-40 fee to the Mexican "doctor" and you'll be set. Come back to the US with a 3 month suppy (which can really be a year supply if you have the scripts filled properly) and you're set for a year of peaceful come-down-off-coke-E-crystal sleep.

My 2 cents

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Originally posted by drbabybutt

If you're concerned about getting legal Rx, take a trip to Mexico, you can get a round trip ticket for a few hundred dollars. Its cold now so you'd have the benefit of a vacation in the sun.

I presume you know that ketamine is not a controlled substance, and the things that are controlled (like xanax, dilaudid, speed, etc) can be purchased at local pharmacias- just pay a $20-40 fee to the Mexican "doctor" and you'll be set. Come back to the US with a 3 month suppy (which can really be a year supply if you have the scripts filled properly) and you're set for a year of peaceful come-down-off-coke-E-crystal sleep.

My 2 cents

Round trip to mexico = 300

Cost of Prescription = 40

Cost of 180 generics = 70

(max a doc will prescribe to a gringo)

Total = 410

Cost Per Pill = 2.27

Risk of having you pills confiscated = priceless

New York Street Price for sealed bottle-100 generics = $200

Cost per pill = $2.00

And you don't have to go through customs

just my 27 cents...... Of course... if you're already in mexico than hey... sometimes you gotta say .."what the fuck"

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Originally posted by lorelai604

Screw the xanax, go for Klonopin, just my personal opinion though

Klonopin isn't easy to get a script for .....it's an anti-convulsive....Youd have to be able to demonstrate to the doctor that you're having some type of seizures...but if you can find em .. they're great...

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Originally posted by bumpdaddy

Klonopin isn't easy to get a script for .....it's an anti-convulsive....Youd have to be able to demonstrate to the doctor that you're having some type of seizures...but if you can find em .. they're great...

Um, actually that's not 100% true. Like Xanax, Klonopin is a benzodiazepine, which means they both are CNS depressants. I used to be on Xanax, but I read an article on Klonopin and asked to be switched to that. Also you're really not supposed to be on any one of these for a long time even though people usually do stay on them. When you move from one of these to another, you definately feel a difference. (I actually am prescibed these for panic attacks)

Hypothetically, since of course I wouldn't give out info that may lead to anything that would take adavantage of the medical profession or whatever....what you need is to go in there and know exactly what to say. Anxiety attacks, for one. Not enough just to say you have them. Actually if you can NOT use that term, the better it'll be. You would want to describe the symptoms (shakes, dizziness, spots in your vision after having what could be an attack, trouble sleeping etc) and lyou'd want to let the doctor feel like the money for his med school went to good use and let him come to his own conclusion. If I'd ever do something like that, which of course I wouldn't, that's what I'd do.

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Also, I don't know how many of you have heard of Seroquel, I know I hadn't when my doctor first mentioned it to me. The textbook use is for psychotic disorders, such as schizophrenia but I was put on it for insomnia. If you like Klonopin and have a legal way to get some, I highly recommend it.

(sorry for all that legal crap, you just never know who is watching these board)

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