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What's the story behind your screenname???


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Originally posted by ecpolo521

Well, the story behind my screenname is :

EC is my initails - Enrique Castro + Polo is for my favorite clothing line + 52 is the street I grew up in NYC + 1 is for being the one and only :D = ecpolo521


mine is self explanatory. f is for my last name :tongue:

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Originally posted by philippio

Watcha say we all get to know each other better:D

If your screenname is anything other than your real name (even if it's a variant of your name), where did you come up with it and why?

I used the name that my ex-best friend gave me. She used to call me Philippio all through college. Unfortunately, she was not a best friend with special priviledges :(

What about you???

i stole my name from my fiance, lextcy. his friends used to tease him about being a real trance whore. he'd befriend DJ's or wanna be DJ's and hit them up for CD's. so when i discovered CP, i thought tranzwhore would be a funny name to use.

he got lextcy from some guy's license plate on the beach.

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Bien sur, je parle le francais et le grec courrement! Mais normalement c'est interdit de parler autre langue que l'anglais ici. De toute facon, je m'en fou lorsqu'il ya des gens qui s'expriment en espanol parfois!


Ton prenom/nom JC, j'espere que tu n'est pas Jon Cowan?:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Guest brwneydtrouble
Originally posted by philippio

Bien sur, je parle le francais et le grec courrement! Mais normalement c'est interdit de parler autre langue que l'anglais ici. De toute facon, je m'en fou lorsqu'il ya des gens qui s'expriment en espanol parfois!


Ton prenom/nom JC, j'espere que tu n'est pas Jon Cowan?:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Its always good to know other languages.

Philip, did you learn them as a child?

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Well, I lived in Greece until I was 9 so my first spoken language was greek. But my parents sent me to a british kindergarten so I learned the english alphabet before the greek one. I took french from 5th grade until 12th grade at Sunset, Carver and then Gables in the french IS magnet program.

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For 7 months I drove from Orlando here every Sat just to go to Space finally I gave up & moved back to Miami... The name Space Junkie was an accident...My cousin & I make our shirts to Space all the time & we came up w/ this one totally by accident... We made the shirts & wore them to the opening of SPACE34... If you know me or my cousin you know that we are DRUG FREE at all times at SPace every once in a while we will drink... Our Space experiences have always been for the LOVE of the music... This January will be my 3 year anniversery at Space... Bottom line Space changed my life & opened my mind... Thanks to Oscar & Roly (very dear friends)...

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Guest brwneydtrouble
Originally posted by jcmia

non, pas john cowan :cool: , je m'appelle Jorge et je jamais vu quelqu'un ecrire en autre langue sauf anglais et espagnol dans les chats ! je pensait que tout le monde etait latine ou bien americain dans le miami board :D

Hey now, just because we are latin doesn't mean we dont understand......nor do you have to speak it to understand it. Just a little common sense. Speaking spanish makes it easier to understand French, Italian and Portuguese.

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Hey now, just because we are latin doesn't mean we dont understand......nor do you have to speak it to understand it. Just a little common sense. Speaking spanish makes it easier to understand French, Italian and Portuguese.

YO ! brwneydtrouble... common sense what ? I didn't say anything bad ! I just said I thought everybody on the board was either latin or north american. yo soy latino-americano tambien ! no es muy seguido que se encuentra otra persona que escriba en otro idioma en los chat (ya sea frances, catellano, italiao, etc.). no escribi nada que insulte a los latinos en el mensaje que escribi en frances !

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Guest brwneydtrouble
Originally posted by jcmia

YO ! brwneydtrouble... common sense what ? I didn't say anything bad ! I just said I thought everybody on the board was either latin or north american. yo soy latino-americano tambien ! no es muy seguido que se encuentra otra persona que escriba en otro idioma en los chat (ya sea frances, catellano, italiao, etc.). no escribi nada que insulte a los latinos en el mensaje que escribi en frances !

I didn't say that I was insulted, im actually impressed. And like you said, there aren't many people that can type in another lauguage. I would butcher any launguage other than English so I dont even try. I happened to have a friend that was Italian, lived in London, whose parents lived in France and we used to talk online every day. He would type in French, Italian, Portuguese and sometimes German and thats how I picked it up.

The comment about common sense is because a lot of times, people dont want to understand something they dont know and close themselves off. Americans have the disadvantage that the whole continent speaks only 2 languages. If we had the benefit of neighbors that spoke other languages, we might have more emphasis on learning them. Your average american does not travel frequently enough (if at all) to warrant learning otro idioma.

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Originally posted by philippio

Watcha say we all get to know each other better:D

If your screenname is anything other than your real name (even if it's a variant of your name), where did you come up with it and why?

I used the name that my ex-best friend gave me. She used to call me Philippio all through college. Unfortunately, she was not a best friend with special priviledges :(

What about you???

My full name is "Robert Gustav Ledee". I was given the nickname "Obby" while living in Germany for the first four years of my life. Moved back to Miami when I was 5 years old to be raised with the Cuban side of the family and the nickname has stuck ever since.


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Originally posted by brwneydtrouble

I didn't say that I was insulted, im actually impressed. And like you said, there aren't many people that can type in another lauguage. I would butcher any launguage other than English so I dont even try. I happened to have a friend that was Italian, lived in London, whose parents lived in France and we used to talk online every day. He would type in French, Italian, Portuguese and sometimes German and thats how I picked it up.

The comment about common sense is because a lot of times, people dont want to understand something they dont know and close themselves off. Americans have the disadvantage that the whole continent speaks only 2 languages. If we had the benefit of neighbors that spoke other languages, we might have more emphasis on learning them. Your average american does not travel frequently enough (if at all) to warrant learning otro idioma.

OK !, sorry ! really don't care though, if they write only in english, just thought it was cool to be able to practice a bit of french !

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Guest brwneydtrouble
Originally posted by jcmia

OK !, sorry ! really don't care though, if they write only in english, just thought it was cool to be able to practice a bit of french !

Go ahead and practice all you want, I haven't tried to understand it in a long time. :D

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My name:

Anybody ever heard of superstring theory? It's the latest (and by latest, I mean in the last 25 years or so) candidate for a physical "theory of everything". Some will definitely argue with that and I encourage it! So you know, with the standard model, we have this "zoo" of subatomic particles that have been considered to be "point" particles that are goverened by crazy quantum mechanics. There are some problems with this in that we have Einstein's relativity (general and special) to describe what is happening on the macro scale of the universe but even ol' Einstein's equations break down when you get to the Plank scale (real small stuff, the smallest even, the level of "quantum foam" where shit gets nuts). We have particles to describe the mediation of every single one of the four known forces EXCEPT for gravity. Gravitons are predicted but have never been found. Now, we know, logically, that there aren't going to be two kinds of physics to explain the universe (a macro and a micro version). There has to be one set of rules. It has been proposed that instead of point particles, everything is made of these loops of energy called strings and that the differing physical properties of all the matter that we can account for (which ain't much incidentally, only about 3-5% of matter in the universe is what you think of when you think of normal matter, the rest is either dark matter, a matter of debate :), or dark energy which even less is known about, think about that people!) Anywho, the differing physical properties that we see in different particles just arises from the different vibrational patterns of these strings. Beautiful ain't it? It's way more complicated than that though. So string theory has actually been superseded by M-theory because as it turned out, 5 different string theories reared there heads and you can't have 5 different theories of everything! BUT it seems that the 5 different theories are actually describing the same kind of thing, they are all a part of a larger, all inclusive, theory called M-theory. (Oh, by the way, string theory predicts that we live in a 10-dimensional universe, 3 of the regular dimensions that we are aware of, 6 more spatial dimensions curled up in Calabi-Yau (pretty sure I'm not spelling that right) spaces that are so tiny we would never be aware of them, but whose geometry would affect the way our universe works, and 1 dimension of time). Now M-theory posits that not only are there strings, there are membranes that the strings are attached to. These membranes are a part of an even HIGHER dimensional system (we are up to 11 now folks). One type of these membranes is a p-brane. Cute huh? Physicists have good senses of humor no matter what anybody says. Also, I have a freakishly small head, so kind of like a play on words, you know pea brain. OH, and the best part is that if this theory turns out to be true, LOTS of problems are solved. Gravity may be a closed loop string that isn't attached to the membrane, so it escapes as a gravitational wave away from our universe (which is on ONE of the membranes in higher dimensional space) which is why it would be so hard to find a graviton and why gravity is so unusually weaker than all of the other forces (which are strings attached to the membrane and can't escape). And ta da! Then we have a truly unifying theory. Oh and the Big Bang...may have just been a collision of two membranes. Go figure. I know it all sounds crazy, but I swear to god I'm not making this shit up. I couldn't possibly. People are working on the insane mathematics right now as we speak and hopefully when the new particle accelerator opens up in the place of CERN (I think), we may be able to see evidence supporting M-theory (MAYBE, that's one of the problems is that the predictions are so far beyond our technological capabilities right now to observe them). Anyway, I think it is very exciting. I mean, you know, this is REALITY we are talking about!!!! If you are interested, the best resource for non-physicists that I've seen so far is Brian Green's The Elegant Universe.

My screen name always used to be allthingsstring, but you know, then M-theory came along and I've got to change with the times!

SO that's it, that's where p-brane came from. :D aren't you sorry you asked!

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Originally posted by pbrane

My name:

Anybody ever heard of superstring theory? It's the latest (and by latest, I mean in the last 25 years or so) candidate for a physical "theory of everything". Some will definitely argue with that and I encourage it! So you know, with the standard model, we have this "zoo" of subatomic particles that have been considered to be "point" particles that are goverened by crazy quantum mechanics. There are some problems with this in that we have Einstein's relativity (general and special) to describe what is happening on the macro scale of the universe but even ol' Einstein's equations break down when you get to the Plank scale (real small stuff, the smallest even, the level of "quantum foam" where shit gets nuts). We have particles to describe the mediation of every single one of the four known forces EXCEPT for gravity. Gravitons are predicted but have never been found. Now, we know, logically, that there aren't going to be two kinds of physics to explain the universe (a macro and a micro version). There has to be one set of rules. It has been proposed that instead of point particles, everything is made of these loops of energy called strings and that the differing physical properties of all the matter that we can account for (which ain't much incidentally, only about 3-5% of matter in the universe is what you think of when you think of normal matter, the rest is either dark matter, a matter of debate :), or dark energy which even less is known about, think about that people!) Anywho, the differing physical properties that we see in different particles just arises from the different vibrational patterns of these strings. Beautiful ain't it? It's way more complicated than that though. So string theory has actually been superseded by M-theory because as it turned out, 5 different string theories reared there heads and you can't have 5 different theories of everything! BUT it seems that the 5 different theories are actually describing the same kind of thing, they are all a part of a larger, all inclusive, theory called M-theory. (Oh, by the way, string theory predicts that we live in a 10-dimensional universe, 3 of the regular dimensions that we are aware of, 6 more spatial dimensions curled up in Calabi-Yau (pretty sure I'm not spelling that right) spaces that are so tiny we would never be aware of them, but whose geometry would affect the way our universe works, and 1 dimension of time). Now M-theory posits that not only are there strings, there are membranes that the strings are attached to. These membranes are a part of an even HIGHER dimensional system (we are up to 11 now folks). One type of these membranes is a p-brane. Cute huh? Physicists have good senses of humor no matter what anybody says. Also, I have a freakishly small head, so kind of like a play on words, you know pea brain. OH, and the best part is that if this theory turns out to be true, LOTS of problems are solved. Gravity may be a closed loop string that isn't attached to the membrane, so it escapes as a gravitational wave away from our universe (which is on ONE of the membranes in higher dimensional space) which is why it would be so hard to find a graviton and why gravity is so unusually weaker than all of the other forces (which are strings attached to the membrane and can't escape). And ta da! Then we have a truly unifying theory. Oh and the Big Bang...may have just been a collision of two membranes. Go figure. I know it all sounds crazy, but I swear to god I'm not making this shit up. I couldn't possibly. People are working on the insane mathematics right now as we speak and hopefully when the new particle accelerator opens up in the place of CERN (I think), we may be able to see evidence supporting M-theory (MAYBE, that's one of the problems is that the predictions are so far beyond our technological capabilities right now to observe them). Anyway, I think it is very exciting. I mean, you know, this is REALITY we are talking about!!!! If you are interested, the best resource for non-physicists that I've seen so far is Brian Green's The Elegant Universe.

My screen name always used to be allthingsstring, but you know, then M-theory came along and I've got to change with the times!

SO that's it, that's where p-brane came from. :D aren't you sorry you asked!

I think this post beats out Bling's review last weekend. As with his, I didn't read this, but the last small paragraph....

So welcome to Miami CP you M-theory kinda person:D

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Most of my friends in Peru know me as Bicho. Bicho in spanish is the slung for insect, and it is that I used to be as disagreeable as an insect can be... specially with women I don't like. You know, got an attitude. In that times the song "Mal Bicho" from Cadillacs was in full effect and my friends begun to call me like that.

But hey ladies, that's a thing of the past... I swear you! Now I treat every woman -nice or not- like a rose... Cause you women are like roses in the garden of life!!!


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