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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

im mad that theres boys in Iraq right now..sleeping in a desert..wondering why the fuck theyre over there..not knowing whether or not theyre gona make it home.....never knowing when some fanatic fuck is gona come and blow themselves up

not a fact but from what ive seen id be willing to guess that eighty-five to ninety percent of the troops there are glad they are there... more importantly from the ones ive met, and the ones i know that were there none of them even thought for a moment the U.S was doing something wrong or felt what they were doing was unjust...

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i guess we get our news from different media outlets. from what i hear morale is weak as shit over there...and how can it not be when ur fighting an enemy u cant identify? when any woman who carries a basket..or any man in a car can be ur assasin...how upbeat about ur mission cant u be?

one of my friends..is a veteran of Kosovo...Afghanistan..and is soon to be a veteran of Iraq '03...he always questions why he is in these situations but understands that this is the life that he chose. so its my interpretation..that a if a seasoned soldier has moments of doubt..imagine a new recruit just in his first tour?

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im just going by who ive spoken to, and what i hear... i could be off. i could be right on point.. however either way this is a step in the right direction... and i think there are a lot of signs that point to bush being reelected... the only stirke against him is the economy same as with his father and why he lost...

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I was up last nite watchin the Movie " Raintree Country" about the civil war, with Liz Taylor an Monty Clift.....Great Movie...then "Flames Over India" which explores American thoughts about the British rule in India.......not a bad movie....very thought provoking......then it happened: at about 3am, breaking news came "Saddam Has Been CAptured!!!and it said there was rejoice inthe streets of Bagdad....:eek:

I guess that's a good thing:cool:

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

im mad at bush cause he's the president of the country i currently reside in. i cant be mad at Chirac or Blair ...cause frankly...their politics dont affect me directly.

bush is a religious zealot who happens to contradict everything the "good book" he preaches from states. thats what bothers me...

ur mad confusing man..like a walkin contradiction...FUCK THIS COUNTRY...LEAVE IF U DONT LIKE IT...THE GOVT LIES..WHY R U MAD AT BUSH...make up ur min man

the govt lies to protect its ppl. its a corporation and does things sometimes ppl will not agree with so in the long run we will be in power.

i'm sorry, this thread is too complicated for you. no contridictions here

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Originally posted by magilicuti

the govt lies to protect its ppl. its a corporation and does things sometimes ppl will not agree with so in the long run we will be in power.

i'm sorry, this thread is too complicated for you. no contridictions here

Just cause ur confused as to what side of the fence ur on dont try to belittle me ..u relating this all to corporate america , while warranted , sounds like repetitive bullshit u heard from someone...i highly doubt any of ur posts are your own words ...i consider myself above average intelligence and i cant infer what the fuck you're actually tryin to say...i suggest u go ask that person u got ur ideas from what he really meant

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good come back. my thoughts aren't my own now? you don't know me. how the hell can you even say that? and i'm being repetative? because you keep stating the same damn idiotic problems

bro get a clue.

you are mad that the govt fluffs up stuff?

you are mad because your vote doesn't count?

that is the stupidest shit i've heard in a long time. don't even touch politics man. you are way too simple minded

how am i confused? you are just too stupid to really understand what i'm trying to say. and if you can't understand that there is no way you can grasp how this government is run. you are a rebel without a cause, or just a really fucking stupid one

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i'll try and help clear my position for you in terms you might understand.

America is all about the $$$. Sometimes things that aren't necessarily right must be done to get the $$$. America must then bs and say its doing something for humanity but we are really just going for the $$$. I support America because we are in power and we are using our power to stay on top.

i can't get any simplier then that. its stupid that i even have to explain that to you. you my friend are far from even average intelligence if you can't even figure that out by yourself.

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go figure......

a political debate turning into drama

I'll refrain from this debate, but I got to say some of the people I see post are completely misguided and too thick headed to realize there are two sides to every story and every action taken on either side isn't done with malintent

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

the point is ur thoughts r undeveloped and u have trouble getting ur point across. the fact that u dotn see that our views r basically in line with each other leads me to believe that these ideas arent yours

our views are different. you are angry for what the govt does but i understand why it must be done

i have no problems gettings my thoughts across. you just have trouble understanding

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money is never a just cause to kill a person ... magiliculli ... if you were a stock broker during the grat depression would you have jumped off a tall building during the great depression? because from your responses id say you would ... point being life and living are way more important than money

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u really have no idea what i'm talking about do you? :rolleyes:

do you understand why war happens? there are three posts on this thread where you have 3 completely different views. i think u r just reading what ppl say and you are rewording it. hell you even reworded my reply to your first post.

i'm not going to even attempt to speak to a child about something like this

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y'know ... see ... you're falling into igloo territory when you say "i'm not going to even attempt to speak to a child about something like this" ... ok ... up untill now i was respecting your opinion ... but if you're going to insult that completely and totally nullifies any arguement you might have


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Originally posted by xpyrate

money is never a just cause to kill a person ... magiliculli ... if you were a stock broker during the grat depression would you have jumped off a tall building during the great depression? because from your responses id say you would ... point being life and living are way more important than money

do you understand why 9/11 happened? let me ask you that first before i waste my time.

do you understand israel and palenstine?

are you familiar with economics at all?

respect my opinion? you can't even decipher my opinion

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ur so fuckin paradoxical...

u know how cruel and injust this country can be...u even admit that war is a necessary evil..

yet when i voice my distaste for the countries policies u come out and tell me to move to canada...and when someone mentions the green party u call them hippies..

its like ur mad that im mad at the hypocratic nature of the US govt...the same nature that u claim to know of ...i dont get it

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