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whats the fun in taking ........


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...painkillers ? ?? ?

I once took a Vicodin just for the heck of it ( i had them after knee reconstruction surgery ) and i totally regretted it as it made me totally dizzy, nausious and horrible ...ended up throwing away the remaining 25 pills after that .

Now im curious into knowing what makes painkillers so enjoyable to those of you who take em recreationally .

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If your primary drug experience's are coke and rolls, and you don't know how to dose painkillers properly for a buzz, they wouldn't seem like very much fun. If used correctly you get a nice mellow, warm and fuzzy relaxed feeling. They're good for chilling out at the house when you don't have any important shit to do.

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i actually had a fucked up experience with pain killers this weekend...i dont kno how strong they are compared to others, ULTRACET? i took 2 at 5 then 2 more at 11 (it said to take 1 or 2 every 6 hrz or so...)

i basically laid in bed all night sunday and felt good, relaxed, i enjoyed it.

BUT sunday morning i woke up, and then practically passed out in the shower, felt so nauseous, couldnt stand up & ended up being an hour late for work cuz i could barely stand! wtf, i dont kno why i had such a bad reaction to it. esp since i was perfectly fine on them on sunday...i mean i seriously was close to passing out, i had to get outta the shower & was white as a ghost

NOT a good feeling...

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You’d better take it easy with that Ultracet - they are opioid pain killers so your reaction was right on target.

Indicated for the management of moderate to moderately-severe pain - same rating as percs and vicodin

EDIT: oh, it's all about how much you take...that's why you had that reaction the next day - very typical of opioid poisoning.

If you must - do less next time. OK?

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What are the dosages usually taken when you use vicodin recreationally?

I had a minor surgery a few weeks ago and I was prescribed 25 mg tablets, and I took a few every couple hours, I really didn't have any too much pain but I was confined to the house anyway, so doc's orders, right?

I was pretty disppointed though, I guess I felt a bit more relaxed than usual but no ihavetohaveitallthetime experience. I grabbed a few beers on recommendation and did build up bit of a whoo hoo! adrenaline rush for some of my extreme internet surfing.. but overall I didn't see the big deal.

Im thinking maybe the stonger pills are what are more addictive? I think that might knock me out, tho, but I guess it has to do with tolerance.

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Originally posted by mizlissa

What are the dosages usually taken when you use vicodin recreationally?

I had a minor surgery a few weeks ago and I was prescribed 25 mg tablets, and I took a few every couple hours, I really didn't have any too much pain but I was confined to the house anyway, so doc's orders, right?

Im thinking maybe the stonger pills are what are more addictive? I think that might knock me out, tho, but I guess it has to do with tolerance.

what you probably had were vicodin es .... 2 of em will usually make you feel real nice.... 1 if you're drinking

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I thought the es were the 100mg tablets?

Of course the source of this information comes from this kid who incessantly IMs me that thinks he knows all about drugs in an Evan jr kind of way.

"Duh Melissa, you have 25's, those won't do anything."

Or maybe I was all fizucked up and didn't know it. Either way I wasn't impressed. No fiya-works here! But maybe it's more fun when you have some people to chill with.

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vicodin is a combination of hydrocodone and acetaminophen. It comes in diferent potencies with a number for each element....

a standard vicodin is a 5/500 APAP - meaning 5 mg hydrocodone and 500 mg acetaminophen.

Vicodin ES is 7.5/750 ..... if you took 100 mg of staight hydrocodone you'd probably slip into a coma

the best thing to get your hands on is NORCO ... its a 10/325 pill..... less acetaminophen ... less liver damage

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Originally posted by ras67

i have only seen them around in 7.5's and 10's?

and i guess the blue ones are supposedly better?


and mizL.... you WERE all silly... i could def tell from your texts! ;)



Well, I thought I was fine.

Sounds about right.

So my IM buddy is full of it basically, bumpdaddy, lol.

It's all good, I was just wondering. I don't think I like things that slow me down too much because I have a tendency to just schla10.gif

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