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I've said it before and I'll say it again. We all need to unite and make an effort to shut down TWilo. Now weather it means we should stop going there period or call Guliani's office and ask him to do something aobut this matter is up to you all. I personally will just stop going there and make the necessary phone calls because if we don't do it now, other clubs in the City will pay the price for Twilo's sloppiness.

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Guest crystalmethodny

I hate to say it...

But with that camera footage...

Twilo is in real danger, or, some serious fines are headed their way.



"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

"I think of you, how I used to do on Sunday Afternoons."

"A vibe is a terrible thing to waste, finding one is as rare as gold in the Cali mountains." - Moi

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What camera footage?

Originally posted by crystalmethodny:

I hate to say it...

But with that camera footage...

Twilo is in real danger, or, some serious fines are headed their way.



Dave H.

Toxic Productions

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Guest crystalmethodny

The camera footage that police confiscated from the club, showing the security stashing those 2 unconcious people.

Even my friend found out about it, who's out of the club scene... making his way back in.

He called me last night and was like did you hear?!? And filled me in.


"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

"I think of you, how I used to do on Sunday Afternoons."

"A vibe is a terrible thing to waste, finding one is as rare as gold in the Cali mountains." - Moi

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What camera footage??

The One the cops confiscated from their own security cameras, showing the security guys dumping bodies in a closet...that camera footage


"Yesterday is history, tomorrow a mystery, today is a gift...that is why we call it the present"

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that's not good. that's not good at all.

anyone know where you can get to see the footage?


you can judge the quality and content of one's character by the way they treat someone that can do nothing for them...

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I've said it before, I'll say it again:

with all the clubs either closing or on the verge of closing (thanks G-man, grrr), I couldn't care less if a club sacrificed live children while setting nuns on fire...as long as I get some good grooves, a good crowd, and a good vibe.

what, you wanna make this NJ?



fire in da belly

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You know... not to sound insensitive or anything... but this reminds me of the last SEINFELD episode where they just stood there and watched the guy get JACKED... haa haa... and then they broke out the ULTIMATE answer to all of lifes problems...

That's a Shame

Which seems like the attitude that all the TWILO LOVERS are taking anyways...



The Wheels on the BUS go Round and Round...

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Originally posted by party2go:

You know... not to sound insensitive or anything... but this reminds me of the last SEINFELD episode where they just stood there and watched the guy get JACKED... haa haa... and then they broke out the ULTIMATE answer to all of lifes problems...

That's a Shame

Which seems like the attitude that all the TWILO LOVERS are taking anyways...


Hmmm...I have a question...what would you like us to do? Find the addresses of the people who OD'd, and tell them how thankful we are that they're OK??

Hey, I agree that if the bouncers truly hid those bodies (and not just moved them out of the crowd's way) then they should get fired and prosecuted...I'm all for that, but Twilo IS our club, and we'd be really concerned if it got shut down. Thats the plain truth...it might sound harsh, but thats it.


Music saved my soul!

Thank GAWD for Twilo!

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i've said it before and i'll say it again - none of us "twilo-lovers" have condoned the actions of those bouncers . . . but you know what, chances are, the way the industry works, those guys probably worked at some other club before twilo and if it had happened there, they would have done the same shit.

fire their asses, take them to court, whatever. if twilo needs to be shut down, then so does every other club in nyc. because all of them have problems, there are drugs inside every one of them, there are stupid assholes inside everyone.

SO shterenta - if you're on such a crusade, then realize exactly what you're working towards.

And also, you call it "sloppiness" - are you f*in kidding me?? that seems to me like you condone the action as long as you can hide it - go to juliani with that idea, i'm sure it'll work well.

And if you've got that attitude, your presence at Twilo will definitely not be missed, i promise you that.




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."



AIM: loves2cox

i love Rob *always&forever*

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it's just that none of this is really anything new...what, you folks don't think much worse was happening in the 80s? all those drugs, cashola and a more permissive, less disney city? I'm sure folks were od'ing 10x as much, being stuffed into corners/garbage cans/closets, pummeled, etc. the diff now is that we're hearing about it more often do to a greater & more invasive media presence.

...similar to the people who believe drugs, pregancy, alcoholism are all more prevalent than in the "good old days"...it's a bs perception because those topics simply weren't out in the open then.

not saying I wish for patrons to be mistreated or abused, but let's not embrace the 90s victim mentality. these clubgoers are adults and hold just as much responsiblity for their actions in these cases as the club management & staff. I'm not going to step over someone who's collapsed from drugs, but I'm not going to wave a flag in defense of their stupidity.



fire in da belly

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you are singling out this one incident at twilo. what about the girl who DIED at factory earlier this summer. where was your post then. don't use this as ammo to bitch about how you dislike twilo. you're entitled to your own opinion, but c'mon all clubs have shady shit that goes down. don't worry the bouncers will get their due, and twilo will be open...WHY, cuz it makes too much fucking money for the city. (parking, etc) plus the money it pays to the nyc officials to run the club, nyc makes TONS off these clubs. the city will fine twilo, which is fine, they make so much, and they will be open tomorrow. no matter how incriminating evidence may be, NO club in nyc will be shut down by the police, too much $$ could be lost if they do

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yea fuck that, eveyone stay away from twilo and "boycott" it, ummm... yea, especially s&d and pvd nights, those especially should be boycotted


"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."


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I'm behind ya hunny 100%...you said it better than anyone. Yea , whateva that crab was thinking when he started this topic, sure lets close down the best club in the city which easily gets the best dj's without question & has the best sound system in the country...yea lets get rid of it so we can still go to factory???? Are u FN retarded? Unless PVD agrees to start spinning at my apartment, I'll do all in my power to keep Twilo around longer than the rest....twilo crew UNITE!!!

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If this is true, kiss TWILO goodbye!

Sorry folks.



Larry Celona


New York Post


Copyright © 2000, N.Y.P. Holdings, Inc. All rights reserved.

Security videotapes from Club Twilo in Chelsea show employees dumping unconscious patrons in a closet and talking about having to stick to a "story" if questioned by police, investigators said yesterday.

Cops got a search warrant to seize the videos Sunday after they found two men and a woman passed out in a closet in the West 27th Street nightspot.

Police got 911 calls early Sunday reporting that people were unconscious at the club but when cops arrived, bouncers tried to keep them from going in, officials said.

The three people were treated at St. Vincents Hospital. They told cops they had taken a drug called "Liquid G" before passing out.

Police said the videotapes showed employees picking up the unconscious partyers and carrying them over their shoulders or dragging them across the floor.

Cops said the tape also records a worker pointing to one of the unconscious men and saying, "Is he dead?"

Investigators said another worker was caught telling others to stick to their "story" if questioned by cops.

City officials went to court in an attempt to close down Twilo last year, branding it a "nuisance."

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