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Clinton believes Iraq had weapons of mass destruction:

mr mahs

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Former US president Bill Clinton said in October during a visit to Portugal that he was convinced Iraq had weapons of mass destruction up until the fall of Saddam Hussein, Portuguese Prime Minister Jose Manuel Durao Barroso said.

"When Clinton was here recently he told me he was absolutely convinced, given his years in the White House and the access to privileged information which he had, that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction until the end of the Saddam regime," he said in an interview with Portuguese cable news channel SIC Noticias.

Clinton, a Democrat who left office in 2001, met with Durao Barroso on October 21 when he travelled to Lisbon to give a speech on globalization.

The US justified going to war against Iraq last year citing the threat posed by Baghdad's weapons of mass destruction.

Republican President George W. Bush used Iraq's nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programmes and Saddam Hussein's ties to terrorism as the main case to the United Nations for the US-led war against Iraq.

But since the US occupation of Iraq, American forces have failed to uncover any chemical, biological or nuclear weapons since the war. Hundreds of experts are still scouring Iraq in the hunt.

An influential Washington think-tank said Thursday the Bush administration "systematically" inflated the threat from Iraq's weapons programmes in a bid to strengthen its push for military action against Iraq last year.

In its report, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace also said it was unlikely that Iraq could have destroyed, hidden or moved out of the country hundreds of weapons of mass destruction without Washington detecting some sign of activity.

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yeah fine great, more words saying they were there.

but erm.

answer me this.

where are iraq's weapons of mass destruction?


and 'programmes' or 'capability' or 'in development' or whatever doesn't count.

where are the missiles ready to go and kill people? where are they?

the US has had a good 8 months there - longer than you guys gave the UN, so, where are they?

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Originally posted by marksimons

yeah fine great, more words saying they were there.

but erm.

answer me this.

where are iraq's weapons of mass destruction?


and 'programmes' or 'capability' or 'in development' or whatever doesn't count.

where are the missiles ready to go and kill people? where are they?

the US has had a good 8 months there - longer than you guys gave the UN, so, where are they?

Once again, you show a significant display of ignorance and the ability to spew statements that are misinformed and loaded with bullshit...

The U.S. has been searching for WMD longer that the UN....ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME

That is an interesting chunk of revisionist history blowhard.....

You have no idea what the fuck you are talking about....as usual.....

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Originally posted by marksimons

yeah fine great, more words saying they were there.

but erm.

answer me this.

where are iraq's weapons of mass destruction?


and 'programmes' or 'capability' or 'in development' or whatever doesn't count.

where are the missiles ready to go and kill people? where are they?

the US has had a good 8 months there - longer than you guys gave the UN, so, where are they?

In Syria....And guess where the boomstick is heading next, if Assad doesn't spill the beans on WMD and the 3 billion in currency they're holding?

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I am talking specifically about the team of WMD hunters sent back to iraq specifically to look for WMDs in the few months in the run up to the war.

iirc they had been taken out.

then they got put back in.

I'm talking about that last time, when they were looking for them, couldn't find them, asked for more time, then america and the 'coalition' invaded.

the US have been looking for longer than they were given the chance to.

and anyway.

I don't believe anything clinton says. he lied under oath :P

you guys have to be desperate, quoting a president who you have vilified on numerous occasions...

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Originally posted by marksimons

I am talking specifically about the team of WMD hunters sent back to iraq specifically to look for WMDs in the few months in the run up to the war.

iirc they had been taken out.

then they got put back in.

I'm talking about that last time, when they were looking for them, couldn't find them, asked for more time, then america and the 'coalition' invaded.

the US have been looking for longer than they were given the chance to.

and anyway.

I don't believe anything clinton says. he lied under oath :P

you guys have to be desperate, quoting a president who you have vilified on numerous occasions...

You can really be dumb..

Seriously, shut the fuck up until you know what you are talking about....

I guess you need a little more "google" time to get your education....

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Of course Clinton believed Iraq "had" WMD. I believed that they had it too but we should be asking oursleves these questions:

Given that no weapons were not found, and we've essentially given up on the hunt for wmd, were the UN inspections working to disrupt and essential suspend there wmd program?


Did Sadam Hussein posess wmd the leading months before our invasion?


Was Iraq a threat to the United States before the invasion?


Then what was the reason for us to criple this country economically, kill 10,000 civilians (and counting), and rebuild it giving the contracts to Bush Administration cronies?

To get rid of a bloody dictator. Oh ok. Who cares about WMD? Isn't that what the right wants the lefties to do? Forget about the WMD claims? Then why do they continue to try and make an arguement for it?

Bottom line this war and occupation is unjust and illegal. We shouldn't be there and we should stop making excuses that we were right to go in because we just weren't.

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

Of course Clinton believed Iraq "had" WMD. I believed that they had it too but we should be asking oursleves these questions:

Given that no weapons were found, and we've essentially given up on the hunt for wmd, where the UN inspections working to disrupt and essential suspend there wmd program?


Did Sadam Hussein posess wmd the leading months before our invasion?


Was Iraq a threat to the United States before the invasion?


Then what was the reason for us to criple this country economically, kill 10,000 civilians (and counting), and rebuild it giving the contracts to Bush Administration cronies?

To get rid of a bloody dictator. Oh ok. Who cares about WMD? Isn't that what the right wants the lefties to do? Forget about the WMD claims? Then why do they continue to try and make an arguement for it?

Bottom line this war and occupation is unjust and illegal. We shouldn't be there and we should stop making excuses that we were right to go in because we just weren't.

Shut the fuck up clown.......nothing but tired bullshit.

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Originally posted by igloo

Shut the fuck up clown.......nothing but tired bullshit.

The truth can't be hidden that this occupation and war is bullshit and you're a fraud. Weak comeback. :rolleyes: Next time try retorting with proven facts and not rejection of the truth, fuckface.

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

Of course Clinton believed Iraq "had" WMD. I believed that they had it too but we should be asking oursleves these questions:

Given that no weapons were not found, and we've essentially given up on the hunt for wmd, were the UN inspections working to disrupt and essential suspend there wmd program?


Did Sadam Hussein posess wmd the leading months before our invasion?


Was Iraq a threat to the United States before the invasion?


Then what was the reason for us to criple this country economically, kill 10,000 civilians (and counting), and rebuild it giving the contracts to Bush Administration cronies?

To get rid of a bloody dictator. Oh ok. Who cares about WMD? Isn't that what the right wants the lefties to do? Forget about the WMD claims? Then why do they continue to try and make an arguement for it?

Bottom line this war and occupation is unjust and illegal. We shouldn't be there and we should stop making excuses that we were right to go in because we just weren't.

:clap2: :clap2:

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Originally posted by igloo

You can really be dumb..

Seriously, shut the fuck up until you know what you are talking about....

I guess you need a little more "google" time to get your education....

there you have it folks.

the classic igloo response when he knows he's been backed into a corner.


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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

The truth can't be hidden that this occupation and war is bullshit and you're a fraud. Weak comeback. :rolleyes: Next time try retorting with proven facts and not rejection of the truth, fuckface.

The truth is you are a moron. A complete moron.

The war is not illegal and teh war is not bullshit. That is the FACTS retard.

Yes, WMD have not been found, and I am sure you and leftist retards just love that fact. But that does not mean they do not exist, never existed, and were not there right before the war.

Is the WMD issue a mess. Absolutely. But clueless assholes like you are distorting the reality of the situation just so you can sit on your "Bush lied" platform and scream innaccurately about an "illegal war" and cling to your disproven weak-ass arguement that the war was wrong...

If anyone is a fraud, it is your dumb ass.

Interesting that you now want to believe that WMD has not been found because UN weapons inspectors were effective.

Weapons inspectors were effective, but not 100%. I suggest you check your history jerkoff, especially considering that the U.N. confirmed Iraq still had stockpiles of WMD when they left in 1998.

If you want to believe that Iraq destroyed the remaining WMD out of the goodness of their heart, that is your stupid business.

But the U.N. an domestic and foreign intelligence services certainly did not believe that.

And if you were the least bit educated you would know that of there is one thing that has been proven beyond a doubt since the war started, is that Iraq had a MASSIVE deception and concealment program. Absolutely massive.

Interesting you left this out schmuck.

Interesting too that you forgot that Iraq was to submit to your "effective" UN weapons inspectors proof they destroyed all remaining WMD stockpiles. They claimed they did, but did not have proof or paperwork.

Interesting that the U.S. has uncovered documents that are would equal 10 MILES on Iraqi weapons programs. SO Iraq keeps these detailed records, but not "proof" they destroyed WMD????...interesting...

Oh, by the way...was not Iraq REQUIRED to turn over all documents to the U.N. before the war???....I guess they lost track of about 10 miles worth...I guess you forgot about this improtant detail

In addition, be careful hypocrite about touting the U.N. It would appear that U.N. sanctions did make it very difficult for Iraq to continue on their WMD programs.

But why does it not bother what these sanctions did to the Iraqi economy you are so worried about?.........the same economy that you "claimed" the war crippled?....

Oh, I forgot. The U.N. set up a program so these sanctions would not hurt the ordinary Iraqi people.......I forgot. Saddam Hussein did a good job of using that money for the economy and the Iraqi people.

You are a fucking clueless schmuck.

You claim that Iraq did not possess WMD right before the war. Perhaps. Not finding them now means nothing in supporting this though. You and your leftist lost souls love supporting conspiracy theories....well, there are certinly enough theories floating about as to where the WMD went........

Or are conspiracy theories only believable when they support your point of view

Was Iraq a threat to the U.S.???.....you saying NO is absolutely unreal.

Let's forget about the fact that the U.S. and the 1991 coalition is still LEGALLY in a state of war with Iraq

I guess you forgot that the 1991 ceasefire agreement was never adhered too by Saddam Hussein. Small point to consider for your "illegal" arguement.

Oh yeah, I forgot. France didn't support the war and would not vote for the war, therefore it was illegal........My mistake, I forgot about the UN and their little "serious consequences" resolution (this is another debate, one you do not want to go down----let's just say it is another issue you are woefully lost on).

Let's also forget for a moment that Iraq tried to kill President Bush.....we will just ignore this little act of war

So, I am assuming you say Iraq was not a threat to the U.S. because he have not found WMD and U.N. weapons inspectors and sanctions have contained him.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Ridiculously simple-minded, and a demonstration of your inability to consider all facts and elements.

This statement by you is just plain laughable::

"Then what was the reason for us to criple this country economically, kill 10,000 civilians (and counting), and rebuild it giving the contracts to Bush Administration cronies?"

Killing the economy of Iraq????........what planet are you on?

Again, the Iraqi civilians you care so much about. The mass graves did not bother you. The torture chambers did not bother you. The oppression did not bother you. The Saddam Hussein Iraq palaces did not bother you, bt the Iraqi civilians killed in this war bother you.

Interesting moral picture you painted there son.

Any innocent civilian death is tragic and brutal. But painting them with the same brush exposes you as nothing but a one-sided, hypocritical blowhard.

Saying this was was unjust or illegal shows you are uneducated and ill-informed, and blinded by your hate for Bush. Plain and simple. You have no idea what you are talking about.

Does the "right" or Bush supporters want to brush aside the WMD issue. ABSOLUTELY NOT. I have said many times here the importance of this issue, and the ramifications of an AMerican failure on this issue (which dickheads like you are rooting for).

But you are rooting for the WMD failure simply so you can hang on to your bullshit "Bush lied" mantra in the hope your pre-war stance was somehow justified, which history has already shown was at best misguided, and at worst, morally shameful.

And you accuse the "right" of brushing aside the WMD issue, yet it is you who brush aside all the left's innaccurate pre-war predictions (too many to list) and all of the good that has occurred because of this war.

Look in the mirror moron. I will leave this for you to ponder as you recover from this kicking:

Akila al-Hasemi, the Iraqi Governing Council, who died said:

"Don't think the Iraqis will ever forget what the Americans did in liberating them. We will not allow the Americans to fail."

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

there you have it folks.

the classic igloo response when he knows he's been backed into a corner.


Backed into a corner :laugh:

This debate is so fucking tired and boring it is unreal....I am just tired of the stupidity and ignorance displayed......but I understand why leftist jerkoffs like you need to cling to it...

Congrats..I see if you have expanded your posts to include more than one sentence...good job...

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Originally posted by igloo

The truth is you are a moron. A complete moron.

The war is not illegal and teh war is not bullshit. That is the FACTS retard.

Yes, WMD have not been found, and I am sure you and leftist retards just love that fact. But that does not mean they do not exist, never existed, and were not there right before the war.

Is the WMD issue a mess. Absolutely. But clueless assholes like you are distorting the reality of the situation just so you can sit on your "Bush lied" platform and scream innaccurately about an "illegal war" and cling to your disproven weak-ass arguement that the war was wrong...

If anyone is a fraud, it is your dumb ass.

Interesting that you now want to believe that WMD has not been found because UN weapons inspectors were effective.

Weapons inspectors were effective, but not 100%. I suggest you check your history jerkoff, especially considering that the U.N. confirmed Iraq still had stockpiles of WMD when they left in 1998.

If you want to believe that Iraq destroyed the remaining WMD out of the goodness of their heart, that is your stupid business.

But the U.N. an domestic and foreign intelligence services certainly did not believe that.

And if you were the least bit educated you would know that of there is one thing that has been proven beyond a doubt since the war started, is that Iraq had a MASSIVE deception and concealment program. Absolutely massive.

Interesting you left this out schmuck.

Interesting too that you forgot that Iraq was to submit to your "effective" UN weapons inspectors proof they destroyed all remaining WMD stockpiles. They claimed they did, but did not have proof or paperwork.

Interesting that the U.S. has uncovered documents that are would equal 10 MILES on Iraqi weapons programs. SO Iraq keeps these detailed records, but not "proof" they destroyed WMD????...interesting...

Oh, by the way...was not Iraq REQUIRED to turn over all documents to the U.N. before the war???....I guess they lost track of about 10 miles worth...I guess you forgot about this improtant detail

In addition, be careful hypocrite about touting the U.N. It would appear that U.N. sanctions did make it very difficult for Iraq to continue on their WMD programs.

But why does it not bother what these sanctions did to the Iraqi economy you are so worried about?.........the same economy that you "claimed" the war crippled?....

Oh, I forgot. The U.N. set up a program so these sanctions would not hurt the ordinary Iraqi people.......I forgot. Saddam Hussein did a good job of using that money for the economy and the Iraqi people.

You are a fucking clueless schmuck.

You claim that Iraq did not possess WMD right before the war. Perhaps. Not finding them now means nothing in supporting this though. You and your leftist lost souls love supporting conspiracy theories....well, there are certinly enough theories floating about as to where the WMD went........

Or are conspiracy theories only believable when they support your point of view

Was Iraq a threat to the U.S.???.....you saying NO is absolutely unreal.

Let's forget about the fact that the U.S. and the 1991 coalition is still LEGALLY in a state of war with Iraq

I guess you forgot that the 1991 ceasefire agreement was never adhered too by Saddam Hussein. Small point to consider for your "illegal" arguement.

Oh yeah, I forgot. France didn't support the war and would not vote for the war, therefore it was illegal........My mistake, I forgot about the UN and their little "serious consequences" resolution (this is another debate, one you do not want to go down----let's just say it is another issue you are woefully lost on).

Let's also forget for a moment that Iraq tried to kill President Bush.....we will just ignore this little act of war

So, I am assuming you say Iraq was not a threat to the U.S. because he have not found WMD and U.N. weapons inspectors and sanctions have contained him.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Ridiculously simple-minded, and a demonstration of your inability to consider all facts and elements.

This statement by you is just plain laughable::

"Then what was the reason for us to criple this country economically, kill 10,000 civilians (and counting), and rebuild it giving the contracts to Bush Administration cronies?"

Killing the economy of Iraq????........what planet are you on?

Again, the Iraqi civilians you care so much about. The mass graves did not bother you. The torture chambers did not bother you. The oppression did not bother you. The Saddam Hussein Iraq palaces did not bother you, bt the Iraqi civilians killed in this war bother you.

Interesting moral picture you painted there son.

Any innocent civilian death is tragic and brutal. But painting them with the same brush exposes you as nothing but a one-sided, hypocritical blowhard.

Saying this was was unjust or illegal shows you are uneducated and ill-informed, and blinded by your hate for Bush. Plain and simple. You have no idea what you are talking about.

Does the "right" or Bush supporters want to brush aside the WMD issue. ABSOLUTELY NOT. I have said many times here the importance of this issue, and the ramifications of an AMerican failure on this issue (which dickheads like you are rooting for).

But you are rooting for the WMD failure simply so you can hang on to your bullshit "Bush lied" mantra in the hope your pre-war stance was somehow justified, which history has already shown was at best misguided, and at worst, morally shameful.

And you accuse the "right" of brushing aside the WMD issue, yet it is you who brush aside all the left's innaccurate pre-war predictions (too many to list) and all of the good that has occurred because of this war.

Look in the mirror moron. I will leave this for you to ponder as you recover from this kicking:

Akila al-Hasemi, the Iraqi Governing Council, who died said:

"Don't think the Iraqis will ever forget what the Americans did in liberating them. We will not allow the Americans to fail."

:aright: :aright:

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Akila al-Hasemi, the Iraqi Governing Council, who died said:

"Don't think the Iraqis will ever forget what the Americans did in liberating them. We will not allow the Americans to fail.

great closing to your no-life msgboard essay, using an iraqi political figure to show how just the US invasion was....that conclusion sure did convince me! :jerkoff:

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Originally posted by igloo

The truth is you are a moron. A complete moron.

The war is not illegal and teh war is not bullshit. That is the FACTS retard.

Yes, WMD have not been found, and I am sure you and leftist retards just love that fact. But that does not mean they do not exist, never existed, and were not there right before the war.

Is the WMD issue a mess. Absolutely. But clueless assholes like you are distorting the reality of the situation just so you can sit on your "Bush lied" platform and scream innaccurately about an "illegal war" and cling to your disproven weak-ass arguement that the war was wrong...

If anyone is a fraud, it is your dumb ass.

Interesting that you now want to believe that WMD has not been found because UN weapons inspectors were effective.

Weapons inspectors were effective, but not 100%. I suggest you check your history jerkoff, especially considering that the U.N. confirmed Iraq still had stockpiles of WMD when they left in 1998.

If you want to believe that Iraq destroyed the remaining WMD out of the goodness of their heart, that is your stupid business.

But the U.N. an domestic and foreign intelligence services certainly did not believe that.

And if you were the least bit educated you would know that of there is one thing that has been proven beyond a doubt since the war started, is that Iraq had a MASSIVE deception and concealment program. Absolutely massive.

Interesting you left this out schmuck.

Interesting too that you forgot that Iraq was to submit to your "effective" UN weapons inspectors proof they destroyed all remaining WMD stockpiles. They claimed they did, but did not have proof or paperwork.

Interesting that the U.S. has uncovered documents that are would equal 10 MILES on Iraqi weapons programs. SO Iraq keeps these detailed records, but not "proof" they destroyed WMD????...interesting...

Oh, by the way...was not Iraq REQUIRED to turn over all documents to the U.N. before the war???....I guess they lost track of about 10 miles worth...I guess you forgot about this improtant detail

In addition, be careful hypocrite about touting the U.N. It would appear that U.N. sanctions did make it very difficult for Iraq to continue on their WMD programs.

But why does it not bother what these sanctions did to the Iraqi economy you are so worried about?.........the same economy that you "claimed" the war crippled?....

Oh, I forgot. The U.N. set up a program so these sanctions would not hurt the ordinary Iraqi people.......I forgot. Saddam Hussein did a good job of using that money for the economy and the Iraqi people.

You are a fucking clueless schmuck.

You claim that Iraq did not possess WMD right before the war. Perhaps. Not finding them now means nothing in supporting this though. You and your leftist lost souls love supporting conspiracy theories....well, there are certinly enough theories floating about as to where the WMD went........

Or are conspiracy theories only believable when they support your point of view

Was Iraq a threat to the U.S.???.....you saying NO is absolutely unreal.

Let's forget about the fact that the U.S. and the 1991 coalition is still LEGALLY in a state of war with Iraq

I guess you forgot that the 1991 ceasefire agreement was never adhered too by Saddam Hussein. Small point to consider for your "illegal" arguement.

Oh yeah, I forgot. France didn't support the war and would not vote for the war, therefore it was illegal........My mistake, I forgot about the UN and their little "serious consequences" resolution (this is another debate, one you do not want to go down----let's just say it is another issue you are woefully lost on).

Let's also forget for a moment that Iraq tried to kill President Bush.....we will just ignore this little act of war

So, I am assuming you say Iraq was not a threat to the U.S. because he have not found WMD and U.N. weapons inspectors and sanctions have contained him.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Ridiculously simple-minded, and a demonstration of your inability to consider all facts and elements.

This statement by you is just plain laughable::

"Then what was the reason for us to criple this country economically, kill 10,000 civilians (and counting), and rebuild it giving the contracts to Bush Administration cronies?"

Killing the economy of Iraq????........what planet are you on?

Again, the Iraqi civilians you care so much about. The mass graves did not bother you. The torture chambers did not bother you. The oppression did not bother you. The Saddam Hussein Iraq palaces did not bother you, bt the Iraqi civilians killed in this war bother you.

Interesting moral picture you painted there son.

Any innocent civilian death is tragic and brutal. But painting them with the same brush exposes you as nothing but a one-sided, hypocritical blowhard.

Saying this was was unjust or illegal shows you are uneducated and ill-informed, and blinded by your hate for Bush. Plain and simple. You have no idea what you are talking about.

Does the "right" or Bush supporters want to brush aside the WMD issue. ABSOLUTELY NOT. I have said many times here the importance of this issue, and the ramifications of an AMerican failure on this issue (which dickheads like you are rooting for).

But you are rooting for the WMD failure simply so you can hang on to your bullshit "Bush lied" mantra in the hope your pre-war stance was somehow justified, which history has already shown was at best misguided, and at worst, morally shameful.

And you accuse the "right" of brushing aside the WMD issue, yet it is you who brush aside all the left's innaccurate pre-war predictions (too many to list) and all of the good that has occurred because of this war.

Look in the mirror moron. I will leave this for you to ponder as you recover from this kicking:

Akila al-Hasemi, the Iraqi Governing Council, who died said:

"Don't think the Iraqis will ever forget what the Americans did in liberating them. We will not allow the Americans to fail."

Very well laid out argument. I'm still waiting for a just-as- convincing response from our friends from overseas (the guys from England). Somehow, I don't think we'll get one. Good job.

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Originally posted by funketeer

Everything is a lie...nothing is real...you are now being manipulated by the media...everything you see on t.v. is fabricated...you live in a limbo of fantasy...nothing exists...you are just an object of someone's imagination...this post doesn't exist...


:lol3: he said limbo!


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