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*TRUE LIFE (ever here about editing!!!) WE HAD FUN!!!

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Hi all, Skinny Malone here with a bit of info 4ya!!!

You could bash all you want, but FYI, MTV edited the shit out of the show.

Maybe it was to our benefit, (most of us wanted to keep our jobs, Manny will know what we mean, What up bro???)

We filmed for weeks and always knew the focus was on Tommy and Anthony, but as for anyone else out there, just want to say, we have been friends for just about all our lives, we all went to school together, and I wouldn't want to spend my summers, or winters with anyone but these chosen brothers and sisters, its a family situation, the shit we been through together in our lives (deaths, breakups, family problems, car accidents(mikey still holds the record in this category), and just growing up, we been through alot of shit and made it through. They are always there 4 ya, It's a brotherhood,

you don't ask, you just do!!!! What was caught on film, and shown did not portray it all, but hey its only an hour show and what is aired is only what made it out of the editing room, but I enjoyed it!!! and believe me we partied a hell of alot more than was aired, I remember looking for Orange juice in the morning, with no luck, and just settled for twisted Teas, we kept trying to make it to the beach, but no luck, we were drunk before 4pm, then we had to get ready to go out!!! we drank too much, we ate to much, so what!!!

Yeah the original focus was the summer share, but so what if it went in a different direction, then don't watch it! Actually I'm sure most of us are happy that some shit didn't make the show!!! Tempts was out of control, Merge was awsome, and just to let you know, the Surfclub was awsome, but they have a no camera policy, so we were SOL ( but Dean and Carlos are still our boys!!!), But what happened at the house was out of control, I would put our crew up against anyones, like anthony said we're not mopes, we do shit, the boys here make things happen, we know how to occupy our time,

I enjoyed it and Tommy is an awsome guy, he is genuine, and a total pisser to be around, and FYI he was not acting, That IS Tommy!!!

Anthony, WELL all that know Anthony, you know he's not acting, He is one of a kind, him and his BALLSACK BURP!!!

actually, we were fucking starving that day, anyone that knows Skinny, knows if there is food on the table, I'm in, don't ask me if i'm hungry, I can eat!!!

just want to say I had a blast at the house over the summer but there were alot of people who made up that house then was mentioned, we all would come and go, but I just want to say we all had fun all of us!!! Tommy, Anthony, Mike, Brother Vinny, Michelle H, Michelle F, Kim, Cousin Vinny, Jeff, Mark, Tank, SeaBass ( eat at La Venere), Randy, John M (NO, i'm not drunk, I can drive, yeah right!!!), Mossimo, and the rest of the Lyndhurst crew, and me SKINNY.

Hey La Rosa what about The birthday party, SHITTERS FULL!!!

and don't forget about MY BOY BLUE!!!


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..umm..that was precious...in that 8th grade aol profile shout out sorta way! lol...:tongue: ..just breakin your balls!

..if u had fun...thats all that matters......

..and everyone on this board is well aware of editing etc that occurs......a smart bunch we got here for the most part......but there's only so much editing...timing of responses reactions etc.....i mean...what people SAY is pretty much cut and dry brotha!.........i didnt even see it..so i dunno......but.....i dont really care either....so ..yea....

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Originally posted by skinnymalone

Hi all, Skinny Malone here with a bit of info 4ya!!!

You could bash all you want, but FYI, MTV edited the shit out of the show.

Maybe it was to our benefit, (most of us wanted to keep our jobs, Manny will know what we mean, What up bro???)

We filmed for weeks and always knew the focus was on Tommy and Anthony, but as for anyone else out there, just want to say, we have been friends for just about all our lives, we all went to school together, and I wouldn't want to spend my summers, or winters with anyone but these chosen brothers and sisters, its a family situation, the shit we been through together in our lives (deaths, breakups, family problems, car accidents(mikey still holds the record in this category), and just growing up, we been through alot of shit and made it through. They are always there 4 ya, It's a brotherhood,

you don't ask, you just do!!!! What was caught on film, and shown did not portray it all, but hey its only an hour show and what is aired is only what made it out of the editing room, but I enjoyed it!!! and believe me we partied a hell of alot more than was aired, I remember looking for Orange juice in the morning, with no luck, and just settled for twisted Teas, we kept trying to make it to the beach, but no luck, we were drunk before 4pm, then we had to get ready to go out!!! we drank too much, we ate to much, so what!!!

Yeah the original focus was the summer share, but so what if it went in a different direction, then don't watch it! Actually I'm sure most of us are happy that some shit didn't make the show!!! Tempts was out of control, Merge was awsome, and just to let you know, the Surfclub was awsome, but they have a no camera policy, so we were SOL ( but Dean and Carlos are still our boys!!!), But what happened at the house was out of control, I would put our crew up against anyones, like anthony said we're not mopes, we do shit, the boys here make things happen, we know how to occupy our time,

I enjoyed it and Tommy is an awsome guy, he is genuine, and a total pisser to be around, and FYI he was not acting, That IS Tommy!!!

Anthony, WELL all that know Anthony, you know he's not acting, He is one of a kind, him and his BALLSACK BURP!!!

actually, we were fucking starving that day, anyone that knows Skinny, knows if there is food on the table, I'm in, don't ask me if i'm hungry, I can eat!!!

just want to say I had a blast at the house over the summer but there were alot of people who made up that house then was mentioned, we all would come and go, but I just want to say we all had fun all of us!!! Tommy, Anthony, Mike, Brother Vinny, Michelle H, Michelle F, Kim, Cousin Vinny, Jeff, Mark, Tank, SeaBass ( eat at La Venere), Randy, John M (NO, i'm not drunk, I can drive, yeah right!!!), Mossimo, and the rest of the Lyndhurst crew, and me SKINNY.

Hey La Rosa what about The birthday party, SHITTERS FULL!!!

and don't forget about MY BOY BLUE!!!


MIKE.....crazy nut its Chris....I just shed a tear!!:tongue:

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I know you guys & from previous summers in Seaside & chilling with you guys once in a while I know what was edited & the fun& laughs you really have

plus I was around for most of the filming of True-Life Clubber.....MTV sucks ass for how they twist shit & make it all look

you guys are very close....band of brothers

alot of fun too :tongue:

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Originally posted by skinnymalone

Hi all, Skinny Malone here with a bit of info 4ya!!!

You could bash all you want, but FYI, MTV edited the shit out of the show.

Maybe it was to our benefit, (most of us wanted to keep our jobs, Manny will know what we mean, What up bro???)

We filmed for weeks and always knew the focus was on Tommy and Anthony, but as for anyone else out there, just want to say, we have been friends for just about all our lives, we all went to school together, and I wouldn't want to spend my summers, or winters with anyone but these chosen brothers and sisters, its a family situation, the shit we been through together in our lives (deaths, breakups, family problems, car accidents(mikey still holds the record in this category), and just growing up, we been through alot of shit and made it through. They are always there 4 ya, It's a brotherhood,

you don't ask, you just do!!!! What was caught on film, and shown did not portray it all, but hey its only an hour show and what is aired is only what made it out of the editing room, but I enjoyed it!!! and believe me we partied a hell of alot more than was aired, I remember looking for Orange juice in the morning, with no luck, and just settled for twisted Teas, we kept trying to make it to the beach, but no luck, we were drunk before 4pm, then we had to get ready to go out!!! we drank too much, we ate to much, so what!!!

Yeah the original focus was the summer share, but so what if it went in a different direction, then don't watch it! Actually I'm sure most of us are happy that some shit didn't make the show!!! Tempts was out of control, Merge was awsome, and just to let you know, the Surfclub was awsome, but they have a no camera policy, so we were SOL ( but Dean and Carlos are still our boys!!!), But what happened at the house was out of control, I would put our crew up against anyones, like anthony said we're not mopes, we do shit, the boys here make things happen, we know how to occupy our time,

I enjoyed it and Tommy is an awsome guy, he is genuine, and a total pisser to be around, and FYI he was not acting, That IS Tommy!!!

Anthony, WELL all that know Anthony, you know he's not acting, He is one of a kind, him and his BALLSACK BURP!!!

actually, we were fucking starving that day, anyone that knows Skinny, knows if there is food on the table, I'm in, don't ask me if i'm hungry, I can eat!!!

just want to say I had a blast at the house over the summer but there were alot of people who made up that house then was mentioned, we all would come and go, but I just want to say we all had fun all of us!!! Tommy, Anthony, Mike, Brother Vinny, Michelle H, Michelle F, Kim, Cousin Vinny, Jeff, Mark, Tank, SeaBass ( eat at La Venere), Randy, John M (NO, i'm not drunk, I can drive, yeah right!!!), Mossimo, and the rest of the Lyndhurst crew, and me SKINNY.

Hey La Rosa what about The birthday party, SHITTERS FULL!!!

and don't forget about MY BOY BLUE!!!


go back to film school stupid!

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Skinny, what up bro???

I totally understand it all, and after growing with all u fuckers, I know how the deal really is, but its all good if everyone else voices there opinions about it... all i know is if they were taped u know damn well no matter how good they think it is, and supposedly shows the real deal of the jersey shore, u know people are going to make negative comments...

I would personally rather be videotaped being a good kid, than a crackhead... but thats my 2 cents...

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I'd just like to say about the editing thing............

In true-life clubber, when Patricia was outside JP's apartment & it LOOKED LIKE she was stalking him

MTV had set up a meeting between the 2 of them for filming, like a 2 person interview........JP decided to not answer his door

So when they were filming her, it was perfect to say she was stalking him..........there was no stalking, they used to date!

My boy Pete, the dj, he isn't jobless.......he has been working for the same DJ company for 8 years nowits all about showing half the sentence & half the story, making you the viewer make up your own mind on what happened

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Originally posted by crackaa55cece

I'd just like to say about the editing thing............

In true-life clubber, when Patricia was outside JP's apartment & it LOOKED LIKE she was stalking him

MTV had set up a meeting between the 2 of them for filming, like a 2 person interview........JP decided to not answer his door

So when they were filming her, it was perfect to say she was stalking him..........there was no stalking, they used to date!

My boy Pete, the dj, he isn't jobless.......he has been working for the same DJ company for 8 years nowits all about showing half the sentence & half the story, making you the viewer make up your own mind on what happened

MTV loves drama and wants everybody to look like shit on tv.

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Originally posted by deeelite1


Did they do some special editing trick to make it look like Tommy ate a bug then talked smacked to it?

hey people are people...it was no editing trick to have Patrica do a bump off her floor.....but she has a sick sense of humor, said its her floor, she just mopped it that morning...what's the big deal

all I am saying is the camera mad asks questions that Tommy, Pete, Patricia answered to, then he takes bis a pieces to make his own story...something he wants you to believe

thats why they have the job, they know how to manipulate the situation

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Originally posted by deeelite1


Did they do some special editing trick to make it look like Tommy ate a bug then talked smacked to it?

Originally posted by misk

but there's only so much editing...timing of responses reactions etc.....i mean...what people SAY is pretty much cut and dry brotha!.

...basically...HE ATE A BUG...lol

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Originally posted by crackaa55cece

they had something going.....

I know there are rumors about JP being gay, but only thing about his sex life that i know of has had to do with females.....so go figure

....yea...he's been seeing this girl i know for a while now......and well .....i know he screws other females too lol....

...so.....hetero......cracker.....but hetero at that!

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Originally posted by crackaa55cece

they had something going.....

I know there are rumors about JP being gay, but only thing about his sex life that i know of has had to do with females.....so go figure

Yeah, I guess no one really knows anyway.......I feel bad though for the way they made that woman Patricia look horrible....total exploitation :( ...... I mean, I'm sure she has her problems, but ughhh just horrible

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Originally posted by Mystify22

Yeah, I guess no one really knows anyway.......I feel bad though for the way they made that woman Patricia look horrible....total exploitation :( ...... I mean, I'm sure she has her problems, but ughhh just horrible

she is actually extremely intellegent

i know, i know....i'll get shot for that comment, but i have talked to her a number of times and her mind is incredible

Amazing, very intriguing

she owns her own clothing design company, which she is pissed they didn't even mention it in the show....she said they filmed her making her designs, everything.....all they showed was her partying

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