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Club Flavor (Grove)


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They are about to open the 2nd floor for club/dance.

I was in there today looking around....

Nice Decore really nice bar and room up there.

Not much in lighting, but ever nice room.

I think it's going to boom after the grand opening on the 29th.

I think they are going to have G.A, Dave Ralph, Padilla,, all the classic shadow crown that they are going for.

23 and over for guys,,,, dunno about the ladies...

I think it's going to be a hit.!!!!!



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Originally posted by koky

23 & over for the guys ?? wtf ?? thats just stupid as fuck !!! i hope the club fails big time !!

Bro, I posted about this place back months ago. I was going to go in and they wouldn't let me cause I wasn't 23 (then). Stupid rule IMO. But whatever. They can do what they want. I do believe the age limit for the ladies is 18 on some nights and 21 on others.

In case you forgot, here are the links to these threads :tongue:



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Not gonna work.

Flavour's a nickel-beer get drunk till ya fall type of venue, and it's in the Grove. Bobby Brandt knows his market, and that's what they want.

I hate to say it, but it's not something that is going to work out really...you're gonna get the people on here to go, but that's about it...CP is not enough to sustain a night or an event outside of something really small.

There's been repeated attempts by many, including some of the best in the business, to bring a "serious" night to the Grove.

I know I'm gonna get shouted down by the usual armchair philosophers, but I'm not gonna lay any bets on this one. You're not gonna get me into the Grove when 10 minutes north is either the Beach or Downtown. Give me the Grove when I want to get fall-over drunk..even then I'll probably stay home, invite some people over, and do the same.

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Totally. You can't turn around a drinkin' and fightin' place and expect to make a buck. Let the drinkin' and fightin' places stay as such, and the musically oriented clubs do their thing. Each serve a purpose, really.

The Grove hasn't really had a serious musically-oriented venue in over ten years, if my history is correct...it went touristy during the mid-to-late 1990s boomtime.

Though if this thing gets the OK, i can see the posts already.

"Finally, something close to home!" "Cool, count me in!"

2 weeks later, splat, it's no more.

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Originally posted by pod

Not gonna work.

Flavour's a nickel-beer get drunk till ya fall type of venue, and it's in the Grove. Bobby Brandt knows his market, and that's what they want.

I hate to say it, but it's not something that is going to work out really...you're gonna get the people on here to go, but that's about it...CP is not enough to sustain a night or an event outside of something really small.

There's been repeated attempts by many, including some of the best in the business, to bring a "serious" night to the Grove.

I know I'm gonna get shouted down by the usual armchair philosophers, but I'm not gonna lay any bets on this one. You're not gonna get me into the Grove when 10 minutes north is either the Beach or Downtown. Give me the Grove when I want to get fall-over drunk..even then I'll probably stay home, invite some people over, and do the same.

My band's played there twice already and we will be there again in a few weeks. The place is cool. Bobby sure is a trip.

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Originally posted by macboy

Sean, if the Druids are there I may come down, seeing as I just missed you guys on New Year's.

We'll be there in about two weeks. Tomorrow night we're playing at Finnegan's (Lincoln Road) from 11-2am.

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Originally posted by meng

My band's played there twice already and we will be there again in a few weeks. The place is cool. Bobby sure is a trip.

Now that does work in the grove. A live band goes a lot better with drinkin' and fightin'. I'll try to drop in at some point.

I should be more precise. A DJ-oriented venue will not work in the Grove, no one there gives a shit.

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I like the place, it always has a good, nice lookin crowd, and decent music if your in the retro, rock, and hip hop kinda mood, kinda like Purdy or Slims..but nicer..1st floors been open for a while now

...if anyone can get something going upstairs its Bobby...but scary thing is Ive partied upstairs before...anyone else remember..Anarchy, Society Hill..etc..


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Just to set things straight...The Groove is what it is...It's a familiar crowd who wan't to hear a familiar sound and that's fine. I've already played there twice on Friday nights to crowds of well over 400 people...that's with no advertising, promotion, lighting rig and a temporary sound system :eek:

So i won't be breaking in any new 12"s there but the numbers speak for themselves.

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Originally posted by koky

23 & over for the guys ?? wtf ?? thats just stupid as fuck !!! i hope the club fails big time !!

I don't

Bobby is too much of a nice person to wish such stuff on him.

Why the fuck do you care about the guys anyway????

I'm there tonight for Dave Ralph!!!!!



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1. the place has, and will keep bringing in peeps... every time i go, the place is happening:D Of course not my ideal nite for clubbing, but i like to change things up every now and then...

NOW im going out on a limb here, but POD, Honestly, when was the last time you stepped foot in the Grove???:confused: Id love to see a picture of that!!!;):D

Sure, its in a place where everything BUT dance rules, and lots of college nights and more of a get drunk and chill type of crowd, but the place is definately more upscale, and has quality peeps everytime im there!!!! Plus bobby is one cool brotha;) Oxygen is another dope venue, when you dont allow all the "look at me" attitude to bother you. They even try to bring in some decent acts too! (icey, ralph falcon, oscar G, bellini.//..)

Give the grove a break pod:cool:

See ya when i come out of retirement Flavour!!!!!!:eek:

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Originally posted by obby

I don't

Bobby is too much of a nice person to wish such stuff on him.

Why the fuck do you care about the guys anyway????

I'm there tonight for Dave Ralph!!!!!



STFU BALDY !! im just sayin i was 19 or 20 once ... & i couldnt wait to be 21 to start clubbin hard ... now these poor souls are struck waiting 2 MORE years ?? c'mon dawg ... i dont think its fair ... & this place is encouraging old ass motha fuckas to wanna hook up with 18 year olds .. i dunno i just think it sucks :tongue: :tongue:
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Originally posted by beatfriek

NOW im going out on a limb here, but POD, Honestly, when was the last time you stepped foot in the Grove???:confused: Id love to see a picture of that!!!;):D

Give the grove a break pod:cool:

I was last in the grove in December. It sucked then, and I doubt a month has changed it...I took a few photos, but nothing worthy of publication.

The college/wannabe crowd pisses me off...come on, you go to the same venues I do, I just fail to understand how you can think the Grove is anything but a drinkin' place. If I go, I go to get wasted and bother people. As for Oscar and so forth playing at Oxygen and wherever? I'll see them on their home turf, where they're not being harassed by some cum-swilling coed to play hip-hop.

I'm not saying bad things about Bobby, he rocks, and Flavour has found it's niche. I'm just saying that a dance-oriented night probably won't work there. I'll stop in and see, but I'm not gonna bet the farm on it.

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I know Bobby pretty well and of course the old Shadow crowd. I think that the Flavour venue will be perfectly capable of filling the upstaris if they bring in George Acosta, David Padilla, Dave Ralph, etc. No matter what anybody says, the old Shadow crowd will come out for those names. And in that place, a couple hundred people or more will suffice to make money and make it work in the upstaris room. Pod is right, there is not a huge music scene in the Grove, but I can tell you this also- the nights I have promoted at Oxygen for Ralph Falcon, Oscar G, DJ Icey, etc. were great, packed, money-making nights. So the potential is of course there. There are alot of people sick of dealing with the hassles of the Beach, parking, traffic, etc. I think that it will provide a nice alternative to it all, and so long as a few hundred other people out of 2 million people in Miami think so- guess what- IT WORKS!

that's my 2 cents anyways

peace & good luck to Bobby and the gang...

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