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Is there such a thing as too old?


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Guest saleen351


i'm the big 27, been in the scene for 9 years going on a decade...

i don't wear jeans, i don't wear tshirts, and i don't get banged up like i use too... a couple brew dogs, a cigaweed on the dance floor and i'm happy for hours..

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Originally posted by saleen351


i'm the big 27, been in the scene for 9 years going on a decade...

i don't wear jeans, i don't wear tshirts, and i don't get banged up like i use too... a couple brew dogs, a cigaweed on the dance floor and i'm happy for hours..

No jeans nor t-shirts? :eek:

You must spend a lot on dry-cleaning for your suits then. :hat:

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Age is a mind ting...you are only as old as you feel...if you think you have to dress more proper just because you age tells you so, then you are just falling for the system...the line of work I'm in allows me to wear sneakers, jeans and t-shirts...we don't really measure peepz by the price tag of their suits...it's more about experience, knowledge and ultimately...the hability to stay young.

I would have to say No...you're never too old to have fun :D

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Guest brwneydtrouble

I dont think its so much your age, but your state of mind. Some people eventually shift their priorities, reorganize their lives and make different decisions based on what they want out of life.

If what you are doing NOW doesn't get you where you want to be, then its time for a change. That doens't always mean that you have to do a complete about face, but sometimes you do in order to make your dreams come true.

The key is to never forget where you came from and where you have been, yet staying focused on where you want to go. That way you take the most from past experiences whether good or bad.

And on the subject of being too old to wear certain things.....SOME people just dont know that things look horrible on them. No matter what age they are.

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I am a skateboarding punk and I will always be a skateboardiing punk...while some bozos wear their cheap bloomingdale's uncomftable old-guy-gear...I go around in my vans and my t-shirts, I do what I want! At the moment of truth, nothing will beat being comfortable...if someone judges you for your appearence then that someone is insecure and you shouldn't pay much attention to...some people wear tommy hillfigher shirts...I would be found dead on an alley wearing that shit...although, if you wear them...power to you...not everyone has the same concept of what's cool...that's the beauty of the world, to each its own.


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I don't care much for clubbing anymore.

my faze started to fade out about 2 years ago. That and the fact its hard to find true high engry in clubs here in Miami.

Only time I get excited for is for ultra or some other big well put together event (Circue du solle) ....

But this year I'm lacking intrest in Ultra. Something out of place with this one.

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Originally posted by funketeer

bloomingdale's uncomftable old-guy-gear

the last time i was at bloomy's, they were selling charcoal-grey (vintage black) "cbgb's" t-shirts. "old-guy gear" isn't what it used to be - soon everyone in the retirment home will be wearing hot topic.

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I think us "Gen x"ers are the first generation to shun that "act your age" garbage and stay young--not only in the way we look, but also in the way we feel! I cant tell you how many of my friends/aquaintances are the exact same way. It"s funny, my friend Joe and I were having this exact convo earlier this week. Gen x is a big bunch of grown-ass kids! My feeling is as long as you are responsible, and im gonna quote our very own Funketeer---


ps..im gonna be 33 on Feb 4!

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generation x is----

A bunch of club-dancing, car stereo blasting,151 shot doing,stylish clothes wearin,Bugs Bunny watchin, Chris Tucker quotin, Fruity Pebble eatin----BIG ASS KIDS!


Some of us are big-ass kid parents as well....and my daughter loves the fact that i will bounce just as hard as her to an OG buildup....then tell her to get her ass to the table to do homework!!!


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Originally posted by houze-kitty

I think us "Gen x"ers are the first generation to shun that "act your age" garbage

every generation has its ageless iconoclasts. while i'm delighted that gen x seems to be expanding the permissible possibilities of post-adolescence, the baby boomers aren't exactly "aging gracefully," either.

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Originally posted by saintjohn

the last time i was at bloomy's, they were selling charcoal-grey (vintage black) "cbgb's" t-shirts. "old-guy gear" isn't what it used to be - soon everyone in the retirment home will be wearing hot topic.

yup...don't get fooled by those cbgb's t-shirts...they've been strategicly placed there for you and me to buy...too bad they had to take such an icon of a logo and place it on their racks...it suddenly went from meaning something to...just another t-shirt with a meaningless logo to most people that buy them withouth knowing exactly where cbgb's is.

I hear you though and I agree to a point...I am a hot topic junky myself...I proudly wear t-shirt from the ramones, incubus, mars volta, system of a down...it's what I live and breath...at least I'm being honest about what advertise when I walk around...I guess I'm showing support to the bands I like...on the other hand, i'm possitive that it comes straight from not wanting to fit the mold...just because someone expects me to "act my age" no way I'm going to do it...I'll probably go "whatevah! I don't care! I do what I want!"...


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saleen is 27 ??? yeah right !

Actually he sounds french in mentality !, That's why French designers have had to hire Brits and Americans to save their ailing fashion companies !

A smart look is how you put it together not buying something off a maneqquin that is "appropaite for your age". If that's how Saleen thinks, he shouldn't even be clubbing. he should be @ home listening to Sinatra with his 3rd kid on the way in Weston !

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i am turning 26 in may and at times i feel old but then again im makin up for lost time. im partying harder than i ever have in my life..... hell i never realy partied much before. the last 3 yrs has been a blast. ive met new people, discoverd new sounds and love every min of it

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Originally posted by Bling

i am turning 26 in may and at times i feel old but then again im makin up for lost time. im partying harder than i ever have in my life..... hell i never realy partied much before. the last 3 yrs has been a blast. ive met new people, discoverd new sounds and love every min of it

That's all that matters ! :D

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Originally posted by houze-kitty

generation x is----

A bunch of club-dancing, car stereo blasting,151 shot doing,stylish clothes wearin,Bugs Bunny watchin, Chris Tucker quotin, Fruity Pebble eatin----BIG ASS KIDS!


Some of us are big-ass kid parents as well....and my daughter loves the fact that i will bounce just as hard as her to an OG buildup....then tell her to get her ass to the table to do homework!!!


Gen-X is an overused term. Mind you, most people on this board are not in that segment, rather they are in the Gen-Y segment, or the Internet Generation segment. Gen-X is the segment of people who look back on the 70s as their youth, rather than the 80s.

It's true though, you are only as old as you feel. I know 23 year olds who are burnt out from clubbing, since they've been doing drugs since they were 18, and have gotten fried. I know 40 somethings who go out once a week religiously, and aren't burnouts...and they've been at it since they were 20. The trick is moderation, I'm seeing.

As for the mode of dress, well, that's up to you. Sometimes I go out in whatever I woke up in that morning, other times I'll fuck with peoples' heads and throw on a few hundred bucks worth of clothing.

For me, it's been an evolution. I started as a "normal" clubgoer when i was 18 or so...i eventually picked up my camera one night, and started shooting in the places i hung out in so much (can you believe I started shooting in The Mix?)...I'll always be shooting, but will it always be in clubs? Maybe, maybe not...depends on where the real club scene goes...however, i have set a little personal goal, and when I'm 30, I would really like to open up my own venue, nothing major, just a little room with the most advanced sound and lighting of the year 2009, and the best house, techno, and trance DJs that I can negotiate down to a reasonable fee. :laugh:

I've already got my staff in mind, so some of yas will be getting phone calls in a few years. :cool:

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