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any med school/nursing/psychistriatry students??

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hi all.. i graduated with a bs in psych and now of course im stuck doing shitty social work. I work in a psych emergency room and come in to contact with psych nurses and psychiatrists pretty much all the time.. I go out with the psychiatrists to meet patients and it seems like something i wouldn't mind doing, the same with nursing.. I see how nurses operate and it definitely seems like something i want to do.. Im just wondering how people in these career paths are handling everything.. ie: workload, actual work, other docs and nurses, social lives etc..

I'm a partier so i'm pretty certain i can rule out psychiatry especially since my gpa in college was a 2.fun i mean 2.6.. even with those terrible grades i can still get into various nursing programs all over.. im looking at an accelerated nursing program at seton hall and one up in the bronx... st. vincent's i think(which could possibly work out since i already work for their company).. with these programs i just take the classes i need instead of going through all of my electives and stupid other bs classes.. This seems like something i can handle.. I'm just wondering how you CP people in these current programs are making out.. any feedback would be greaattt!! thanks for reading


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I'm a grad student at Seton Hall for School Psychology and i work with emotionally disturbed kids at a high school... from what I hear the nursing program a SHU is pretty good... if u need any info on the school just let me know.

and hell yeah, i'm a partier too. I was kinda nervous taking on both full-time work and school, but it really hasn't been that bad. I'm definitely busy, but its managable, plus when you go out you appreciate the night ten times more..

-- you're catching me on a monday, and this past weekend i did serious brain cell damage, so i have no idea if this is even making sense. :laugh:

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nice guys..im in stony brook myself working toward pre-med, also getting my bs in psychology along the way...say i graduate with my bs are there jobs out there ? im probably either gonna do MD or get a masters in psych but im just wondering how the field is thanks

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Originally posted by Kontrol

nice guys..im in stony brook myself working toward pre-med, also getting my bs in psychology along the way...say i graduate with my bs are there jobs out there ? im probably either gonna do MD or get a masters in psych but im just wondering how the field is thanks

In general, the job market blows for psych majors. It's hard to do much with a BS. At a minimum you need a masters, but PhD is pretty much where you need to be in order to do fairly well in the field. Getting into a top psych PhD program is harder than getting into med school statistically, you need top grades, high GRE, and preferably some student publishing. I didn't even bother to go through that nonsense and just took the LSAT instead.

Go for the MD, and if you're that interested in psychology look into psychiatry, but just remember, psychiatrists have the highest suicide rate amongst all medical professionals.

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My original plan was to attend grad school, but I wound up taking the LSAT instead. I can't tell you how much I'm dreading law school right now. I just don't like studying law, and I can't get enthused about it. I study hard, and I do well, but I haven't been treating law as something I want to practice as a career. I really want to drop out and totally change the path I'm on, but I figured I'd tough it out since I only have a year and a half left. I have absolutely no idea what the fuck I want to do with my life, which is pretty much why I'm still in school. The law degree may open a few others doors as well, so it definitely can't hurt. Plus, it's a pretty good education.

Even if I decided to stop going, I have no idea what the fuck I'd want to get into. I've been working at so many different jobs for years now, and I really need to set some type of ultimate career goal soon!

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Originally posted by karisma

I'm a grad student at Seton Hall for School Psychology and i work with emotionally disturbed kids at a high school... from what I hear the nursing program a SHU is pretty good... if u need any info on the school just let me know.

and hell yeah, i'm a partier too. I was kinda nervous taking on both full-time work and school, but it really hasn't been that bad. I'm definitely busy, but its managable, plus when you go out you appreciate the night ten times more..

-- you're catching me on a monday, and this past weekend i did serious brain cell damage, so i have no idea if this is even making sense. :laugh:

wow full tiem job and grad school damn... :eek: :eek: :eek:

i have some friends that do that too.. im worried though.. im 22 and i havent started looking yet and im pretty sure it is too late to apply for next fall.. im pretty sure i can handle both work and school.. i think it would be very beneficial to my wallet.. but i think im starting to think this way a little too late

also, what can one do with a masters in psych?? I love psych but i dont see myself making a lot of money with a masters in psych and i dont think i have enough patience, energy and motivation for a phd.. wow what a critical time in life blah!!!

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Originally posted by rudeboyyouth

My original plan was to attend grad school, but I wound up taking the LSAT instead. I can't tell you how much I'm dreading law school right now. I just don't like studying law, and I can't get enthused about it. I study hard, and I do well, but I haven't been treating law as something I want to practice as a career. I really want to drop out and totally change the path I'm on, but I figured I'd tough it out since I only have a year and a half left. I have absolutely no idea what the fuck I want to do with my life, which is pretty much why I'm still in school. The law degree may open a few others doors as well, so it definitely can't hurt. Plus, it's a pretty good education.

Even if I decided to stop going, I have no idea what the fuck I'd want to get into. I've been working at so many different jobs for years now, and I really need to set some type of ultimate career goal soon!

You have reason to fear. :laugh: No really, the first year is awful-the worst year in my 19 years of having had gone to school. But if you do well that first year you can coast the other two years.

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Originally posted by oldtimer

wow full tiem job and grad school damn... :eek: :eek: :eek:

i have some friends that do that too.. im worried though.. im 22 and i havent started looking yet and im pretty sure it is too late to apply for next fall.. im pretty sure i can handle both work and school.. i think it would be very beneficial to my wallet.. but i think im starting to think this way a little too late

also, what can one do with a masters in psych?? I love psych but i dont see myself making a lot of money with a masters in psych and i dont think i have enough patience, energy and motivation for a phd.. wow what a critical time in life blah!!!

Besides school psychology, it's possible to break into Industrial/Organizational Psychology with a masters. IO psychologists actually make more money on average than clinical psychologists. Still, the best opportunities are for PhDs, and that takes years.

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Originally posted by oldtimer

hi all.. i graduated with a bs in psych and now of course im stuck doing shitty social work. I work in a psych emergency room and come in to contact with psych nurses and psychiatrists pretty much all the time.. I go out with the psychiatrists to meet patients and it seems like something i wouldn't mind doing, the same with nursing.. I see how nurses operate and it definitely seems like something i want to do.. Im just wondering how people in these career paths are handling everything.. ie: workload, actual work, other docs and nurses, social lives etc..

I'm a partier so i'm pretty certain i can rule out psychiatry especially since my gpa in college was a 2.fun i mean 2.6.. even with those terrible grades i can still get into various nursing programs all over.. im looking at an accelerated nursing program at seton hall and one up in the bronx... st. vincent's i think(which could possibly work out since i already work for their company).. with these programs i just take the classes i need instead of going through all of my electives and stupid other bs classes.. This seems like something i can handle.. I'm just wondering how you CP people in these current programs are making out.. any feedback would be greaattt!! thanks for reading


Nursing is actually a pretty good deal. All you need is a R.N. (or B.S.N. or higher if you're really motivated) and you can work wherever you want in the country (huge nursing shortage now) and make anywhere between $50-$100 K and work 36-50 hours/week. Great life.

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my gf is a RN and i am always so jealous of her benefits.

first she worked in mass general for 4 years (last year being in ICU) now she does placement prgram. she can pick anywhere in the country (she chose florida) and they will hook her up wiht a hospital. not only do they give her hourly rate, but they also give her a monthly living expense stipend as well! ( i think she gets $1100 a month) since she is in florida (and the cost of living is less) i think she makes $30/hour but I believe that NYC is about $45-$50/hour! she works only 3 (12 hour) shifts a week, with the option to pick up overtime.

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Originally posted by £ddie

In general, the job market blows for psych majors. It's hard to do much with a BS. At a minimum you need a masters, but PhD is pretty much where you need to be in order to do fairly well in the field. Getting into a top psych PhD program is harder than getting into med school statistically, you need top grades, high GRE, and preferably some student publishing. I didn't even bother to go through that nonsense and just took the LSAT instead.

Go for the MD, and if you're that interested in psychology look into psychiatry, but just remember, psychiatrists have the highest suicide rate amongst all medical professionals.

hi :D are you ready for your homecoming? :D

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Originally posted by £ddie

In general, the job market blows for psych majors. It's hard to do much with a BS. At a minimum you need a masters, but PhD is pretty much where you need to be in order to do fairly well in the field. Getting into a top psych PhD program is harder than getting into med school statistically, you need top grades, high GRE, and preferably some student publishing. I didn't even bother to go through that nonsense and just took the LSAT instead.

Go for the MD, and if you're that interested in psychology look into psychiatry, but just remember, psychiatrists have the highest suicide rate amongst all medical professionals.

Exactly what he said.

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Originally posted by nycchic24

my gf is a RN and i am always so jealous of her benefits.

first she worked in mass general for 4 years (last year being in ICU) now she does placement prgram. she can pick anywhere in the country (she chose florida) and they will hook her up wiht a hospital. not only do they give her hourly rate, but they also give her a monthly living expense stipend as well! ( i think she gets $1100 a month) since she is in florida (and the cost of living is less) i think she makes $30/hour but I believe that NYC is about $45-$50/hour! she works only 3 (12 hour) shifts a week, with the option to pick up overtime.

Is this the chick with the large rack?


Are YOU ready? :eek:

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Originally posted by oldtimer

hi all.. i graduated with a bs in psych and now of course im stuck doing shitty social work.


I am currently in the process of getting ready to apply to med school. I ran into your same problem. Ok, so I received credit for physics by getting 750+ on my SAT II physics back when I took it in high school. They gave me 8 full hours, both classes + lab.

My counselour said that most medical schools will not take any AP credit for the prereqs. I'm pretty sure it would be the same for your case also. I would double check with the med schools you plan to apply for.

To solve my problem, I took the easy route and took the sufficient courses in physics at a junior college over the summer than to take a harder physics class at the university.

I would also advise you to work on the other part of your application early. You should start doing research and get some useful volunteer experience in the field. What I mean by useful is that the volunteer experience has to somewhat help you get an insight on becoming a physician. Candy Striping type of volunteering is okay, but they don't look as highly on that as they would w/ something that gives better insight.

It also wouldn't hurt if you had some publications under your name. I am currently working on my research thesis in hoping that it will get published. The reason why I urge you to get started early on your other part of the application is because the other part is what is going to hold me back a full year. I should be applying this summer, but my other part of the application isn't as developed as I would like it to be. With competition so fierce, I want to make sure I turn in the best application possible.

Good luck.

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bad idea to take physics somewhere else. med schools look at where you take your courses, especially the sciences. you have to take them at your main unioversity and make sure they have a involved class program , also you cant take your courses too far apart cuz everyone can get a 4.0 taking 3 classes a semester over 10 years...med schools look at like the slightest things.

also i heard if u dont have at least a 3.6 you get shifted to the end of the rack which they probably dont even look at...which is why i personally need to stop attending my frats parties and work on a 4.0 on the library loil....oh god...i hope the world ends soon so i dont have to worry

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Originally posted by sobecrobar

I am currently in the process of getting ready to apply to med school. I ran into your same problem. Ok, so I received credit for physics by getting 750+ on my SAT II physics back when I took it in high school. They gave me 8 full hours, both classes + lab.

My counselour said that most medical schools will not take any AP credit for the prereqs. I'm pretty sure it would be the same for your case also. I would double check with the med schools you plan to apply for.

Same thing is happening to me with my 8 biology AP credits. :(

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Originally posted by sobecrobar

I am currently in the process of getting ready to apply to med school. I ran into your same problem. Ok, so I received credit for physics by getting 750+ on my SAT II physics back when I took it in high school. They gave me 8 full hours, both classes + lab.

My counselour said that most medical schools will not take any AP credit for the prereqs. I'm pretty sure it would be the same for your case also. I would double check with the med schools you plan to apply for.

To solve my problem, I took the easy route and took the sufficient courses in physics at a junior college over the summer than to take a harder physics class at the university.

I would also advise you to work on the other part of your application early. You should start doing research and get some useful volunteer experience in the field. What I mean by useful is that the volunteer experience has to somewhat help you get an insight on becoming a physician. Candy Striping type of volunteering is okay, but they don't look as highly on that as they would w/ something that gives better insight.

It also wouldn't hurt if you had some publications under your name. I am currently working on my research thesis in hoping that it will get published. The reason why I urge you to get started early on your other part of the application is because the other part is what is going to hold me back a full year. I should be applying this summer, but my other part of the application isn't as developed as I would like it to be. With competition so fierce, I want to make sure I turn in the best application possible.

Good luck.

Nerd!!!! (Just kidding). :laugh:

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im currently in med school,

and there is a couple of things you need to do if you want to get into one

raise your gpa, 2.6 is not going to cut it

if it's too late for that, ace the mcats

if you make it to med school, it doesnt mean youll be a psych doctor, you need to do well on your boards to get into the residency program that you want

so there,

and if you like to party, become an rn, lifestyle is much easier, and you make a lot of money soon, dont have to wait 10 years to start making good $

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Originally posted by stompy

and if you like to party, become an rn, lifestyle is much easier, and you make a lot of money soon, dont have to wait 10 years to start making good $

Nowadays, unless you want to be a surgeon or specialize then being a doc isn't all its cracked up to be (in terms of money).

My Roomate is an NP and in her particular role she function 100% as an MD. She makes great money with a lot less debt and its very rewarding because she still practice medicine.

An NP can make near 100K/yr with 1/4 the debt of an MD making 150K/yr...and work better hours.

Heck an RN can start near 50K/yr with 1/20 the debt of an MD...some RNs can make over 80K/yr and work less hours than an MD.

Moral...don't be a doctor just for status or money. Be a doctor if you're willing to work hard and have really good people skills. There are too many doctors that shouldn't be doctors.

Mis 2 centavos.

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you're right in a sense that doctors don't make as much money as they used to, but

if a doctor is crying poverty, he/she's full of shit

and yes, once you specialize you will make a lot more, but you also have to consider the fact that you're working crazy hours,

so, before going to med school think hard about talking and dealing with people, and what you're really getting into

by the way, i love med school, never had more fun :D

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