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Space34...why?, why? why? why??????


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im gonna try to not turn this into a rant..but its gonna be tough.

went to space on sat. around 4. got in and started a tab. closed out my tab, signed the receipt, collected my id and card and hung out for about another 30min and went home.

i get home and realize that my small wallet that i put my id and check card in is missing. i look everywhere and i cant find it. i go online and check my account and sure enough, there was another pending charge from space...other than the one that i had closed out.

at that point, doesnt take a genious to figure out that at somepoint after i closed out my tab and before i left that somebody, somehow got ahold of my wallet.

ok..i cancel the card, file a police report. call space on tues to see if there was any possibility of saving me a aggravating trip to the DMV.

i call space, explain what happened...and whoever answers the phone tells me that they actually have my id..but...there is a open tab and they wont give me my id until i sign for the tab. i try to explain that that my wallet was lost/stolen and those werent my charges and there is a police report. i am put on hold and then told it doesnt matter..no signature, no id.

so, i call my bank and i am told that if i sign the receipt i will be committing fraud because ive already reported the card stolen and disputed the charges.

i call space back and ask to speak to a manager..anybody..i am told that they are all busy and i am hung up on.

so..i call the city of miami police and am told that if i go to space and they refuse to give me my drivers license..that i am to call the police and they will come and retrieve it for me. (oh how i wish i had the time to drive to downtown in the middle of the day)

so, looks like ill be going to the DMV..which really isnt the issue. its incredible to me that with f'n thousands that ive spent in that place for the last 4 years, that i would get a little help after being the victim of a crime....

come on guys!


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Guest saleen351

hog had a similar incident... you are better off, going to the dmv, then dealing with anyone at space...

they simply don't care, and never will...

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yeah man give up on getting your shit back from Space. I was shit faced one night and left my card and ID there. My tap was charged to my card. After about 8 weeks (and about 100 phone calls later) I was told that the only way to get my shit back was to sign for the tab and pay again. SHIT is fucked up.:blown:

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look at it from both sides.

I'm sure ever major club in SFL get a few call a week from people saying what u just said.

Think about it. you out with some fine ass girl and u go alittle over board on the card. shit leave the card then call the cops, credit card and club with ur storie and that little $$$$$$$ night will go away.

I so sure almost every club has those calls.

maybe why they blew it off.

bad people fuck it up for the honest ones.

But yeah man that sucks. If I called some club to get my ID back and they tell me that shit. I would lose it !!!!!

DMV sucks!

did ur bank take out the pending charge?

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i dont know what to make of what happened because the pending charge was for 120 bucks...then when it posted it was only 30 bucks....so it all seems ridiculous to me considering the tab that I DID incur and sign off on was CONSIDERIBLY more.

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Originally posted by drsatan

so..i call the city of miami police and am told that if i go to space and they refuse to give me my drivers license..that i am to call the police and they will come and retrieve it for me. (oh how i wish i had the time to drive to downtown in the middle of the day)

I'd pay you $50 to see you march in there w/ the cops.

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I learned my lesson a long time ago at Level. That fucking bartender wanted to charged me like $80 more on my tab for drinks I haven't had... I spoke to the manager and he ended up not charging me those $80 and I gave that asshole zero tip and told him to fuck off... you should have seen his face. :laugh: :laugh: ......since then ONLY cash at the clubs.

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