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Meeting the parents (?)


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So you're dating a new guy or girl and then comes the ever so dreaded day when they say, "I want you to meet my parents". Instead of letting the panic settle into your body and running for the hills screaming, you accept the challenge.

Now, the question is, when you meet them initially, what do you do? Do you shake their hands? Give them a hug? Do the hug-kiss combo? Or, just simply, and rather pathetically, keep your distance in order to avoid any and all bodily contact. (this giving off the feeling that you believe they have some disgusting germs and are too beneth you to even greet with courtesy and respect)

So, what's your method for meeting the parents? I don't want to hear how you kiss their ass. I want to hear the best way to ensure that both you and they are comfortable with the meet and greet.

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I'd give the father a nice firm handshake and I don't really see a problem with giving the mother a kiss on the cheek.

The second time, I'd do the same with the father and with the mother I'd go for the kiss on the cheek with a little reach around to where my hand is just barely above her ass.

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i think it depends on the parents also. Cause some are extremely careful about any new girl or boy that their child brings. They feel sometimes that person might not be good enough or that they are a bad influence already prior to meeting them face to face so I think the best is to buy a small gift and shake hands when you meet them. Afterwards if they warmed up to you, you can shake the father's hand and hug mom.

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Originally posted by thrillfire

i think it depends on the parents also. Cause some are extremely careful about any new girl or boy that their child brings. They feel sometimes that person might not be good enough or that they are a bad influence already prior to meeting them face to face so I think the best is to buy a small gift and shake hands when you meet them. Afterwards if they warmed up to you, you can shake the father's hand and hug mom.

So you don't think it's a good idea to shake the father's hand the first time you meet him :confused: ...if you're a guy that is

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depends entirely on the parents i think. i still don't kiss my gf's mom on the cheek and i've known them for a while - its just not what they do.

the first time any girl i'm dating meets my parents its usually sorta a drive by - like i'm going to pick up a car from them on our way upstate or something and they just say hi for a few minutes and stuff. no pressure.

i think meeting parents at their house is more intimidating for most people then say at a museum or out for dinner (assuming everyone knows who's paying)

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Originally posted by nomembername

So you don't think it's a good idea to shake the father's hand the first time you meet him :confused: ...if you're a guy that is

i think there is no question about that... if ur a guy and u dont shake the fathers hand upon meeting him for the 1st time, ur a scumbag. plain and simple.


as for what i do, it depends on the initial vibe i get from his parents when i first meet them... if his mom is all happy and friendly, of course ill give her a kiss... if shes quiet and meek and doesnt really take initiative to kiss me or hug me hello, i wont do either. as for the dad, it depends. ive never had a dad real keen on kissing his son's gf hello the 1st time he meets her... so idk really...

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Well, the meet is at their house. From my understanding, the parents are really awesome people and extremely excited to meet who their son is bringing home. So I saw, why not a cute lil hug for both parents? It shows you're open, expressive, comfortable with yourself and the situation you've just been tossed into. You don't think it gives you an edge being you seem so loveable and carefree? :confused:

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Originally posted by nomembername

So you don't think it's a good idea to shake the father's hand the first time you meet him :confused: ...if you're a guy that is

where did i say that? :confused: :confused: :confused:

The last part was meant for when you're leaving that if everything goes well you can hug mom and give the second handshake to dad... (first one being when you met him) i hope this clearifies what i wrote above.

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Originally posted by nomembername

I'd give the father a nice firm handshake and I don't really see a problem with giving the mother a kiss on the cheek.

The second time, I'd do the same with the father and with the mother I'd go for the kiss on the cheek with a little reach around to where my hand is just barely above her ass.

and the third time you ask her mom to go out with you?


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Originally posted by misskittie

So you're dating a new guy or girl and then comes the ever so dreaded day when they say, "I want you to meet my parents". Instead of letting the panic settle into your body and running for the hills screaming, you accept the challenge.

Now, the question is, when you meet them initially, what do you do? Do you shake their hands? Give them a hug? Do the hug-kiss combo? Or, just simply, and rather pathetically, keep your distance in order to avoid any and all bodily contact. (this giving off the feeling that you believe they have some disgusting germs and are too beneth you to even greet with courtesy and respect)

So, what's your method for meeting the parents? I don't want to hear how you kiss their ass. I want to hear the best way to ensure that both you and they are comfortable with the meet and greet.

Duh, just ask your freakin' boyfriend... each set of parents is different. Some people are not touchy feely and some are. Is your boyfriend not capable of answering this question?

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Originally posted by linabina

i think there is no question about that... if ur a guy and u dont shake the fathers hand upon meeting him for the 1st time, ur a scumbag. plain and simple.


as for what i do, it depends on the initial vibe i get from his parents when i first meet them... if his mom is all happy and friendly, of course ill give her a kiss... if shes quiet and meek and doesnt really take initiative to kiss me or hug me hello, i wont do either. as for the dad, it depends. ive never had a dad real keen on kissing his son's gf hello the 1st time he meets her... so idk really...

in all honesty, that is the same way i was raised.

Also, you are correct, there is no set way. You have to learn to be spontaneous. I believe that any normal, mature adult should be able to decipher what the appropriate or inapporiate greeting is at the time, depending on the "situation".

i mean, i believe in shaking hands upon first meeting, but what if the father was in the middle of making calamari & his hands were a mess. Should i shake his sticky/slimy hand?

I think in this situation, an appropriate response would be to smile, say hello & say "i would shake your hand, but...."

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by damelo

Duh, just ask your freakin' boyfriend... each set of parents is different. Some people are not touchy feely and some are. Is your boyfriend not capable of answering this question?

For one, he's not my boyfriend.

For two, he's out of the country at the moment and isn't expected to be returning until tomorrow which now may be delayed as a result of the weather.

I've already been given the "heads up" as to what kind of parents they are and have pretty much deceided that I'm doing the "hug". But, I was curious about people's opinions and what THEY do in situations like this.

Don't be a douchebag dude, it's just a conversation. :rolleyes:

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Guest brwneydtrouble

The first time I met my bf's parents I was a nervous wreck. They are VERY close and he has 3 sisters to boot. They were all there at the same time. The good thing was that I had already met the nicest sister and she liked me a lot, we got along great. So she had already given the family the run down on me.

When we got to his parents house, I met his mom first, and gave her a kiss on the cheek and a hug. His dad I just gave a kiss on the cheek. (This is common curtesy in latin households.)

Turned out that I got along the best with his most difficult sister, so it was all gravy. They even took my side a few times when he was cheating at playing cards. He's a sore loser and left in a pissy mood after I beat him like 4 times in a row. (Beginners luck ;)) *LOL*

I'd say just go with the flow, and see how formal they are. Take their lead.

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I love meeting parents. I should write a book on meeting parents.

But when it comes to mice, its a whole different story.

Ive only had a few girls ever meet my parents.

Its a RESPECT factor.

I hate bringing different women around my family.

So i must be sure it is something serious. Liek ive only had 4 girls eevr meet my mother. My HS GF, My 4 year GF, my psycho GF (LOL) BIG MISTAKE, but hey, i learned. And now the woman i hope to spend the rest of my life with. So its all about RESPECT.

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Originally posted by replicorexxx

I try not to meet the parents anymore, i always end meeting them early by going to her house to pick her up and shit. Why does a relationship have to involve family. In a better world it would be just (You and I).

haaaaaaaa its guys like u that my parents would hate for me to bring home... usually when ur in a relationship... u spend time at each others homes... u spend time laying on each others couch and watching movies each others tvs... parents like to know who the hell is laying all over their couch with their daughter... more importantly.. parents like to know who theyre kid is spending so much time with...usually the people u spend time with, especially ur bf/gf influence u in some way.. good or bad... parents want to know these things... and since its usually easier to see how it is from the outside lookin in, parents like to give their kids advice and their point of view... agree or disagree at the time, it doesnt matter... cuz it all makes sense as u get older and move in with different relationships.. its sad if u dont understand or respect the value of family and care enough to know the family of the person ur dating. serious or not... there are just some unwritten rules to relationships.... clue urself in buddy :aright:
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Originally posted by tommyarmani

when my girl first met my parents, they were fooling around on the couch. we showed up & he was fingering the shit out of her. he tried to shake her hand, but she would not. He thought this was an extreme display of disrrespect & wont talk to her to this day.

Wha-wha-WHAT???!!! :eek: Dude... did this REALLY happen?

If so... I dare say YOUR dad is a freakin' scumbag. Did he put his finger up under yer gf's nose, too? Loser. :blown:

... funk... out.

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Originally posted by tommyarmani

when my girl first met my parents, they were fooling around on the couch. we showed up & he was fingering the shit out of her. he tried to shake her hand, but she would not. He thought this was an extreme display of disrrespect & wont talk to her to this day.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

as usual u are 2 f'in funny bro

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