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i remember when...


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I remember

swatch watch

wearing a hockey jersey in h.s.

wearing nothing but hilfiger

school dances

getting a note in class asking if you want to be there girlfriend

check yes or no

then even if the guy wasnt sure there was a maybe box

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..."scheduled fights"...lmao...

i remember when

i came home from watching the movie Breakin and tried to break in my basement on a piece of cardboard

working for merry-go-round just so i could buy what was hot at a discount before anybody else would be wearing it

gunshots at emerald city when hip hop started to take over

wearing purple floral hammer pants to a club

dance contests and high hair contests at clubs on a weekly basis

live performances on a weekly basis that didnt cost an extra $50 - $100 a night - it was something the club just offered for coming out that night

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Originally posted by phatman

i remember when...

saturday mornings were strictly for cartoons and kung fu movies

hearing a stereo walkman for the first time

tv actually went to snow in the morning hours

cable was actually a wired box you had to drag to the couch or chair to control

before the internet there were bulletin boards

sundays, ch.5 (fox) all kungfu...

tv went to snow with the american anthem... "this concluded our broadcast day..."

remote controls for tv's were tethered to the tv via a wire...

bbs' was my shit... i had procomm plus, and qmodem phone directories full of BBS's~! HOLY CANOLI~!!!!!!!!

Originally posted by phatman

...yes...and i remember beta vs vhs...lmao....

lol hell yeah~!!!

Originally posted by jimk29

I remember buying singles, on tape, and even Vinyl!!

first singles i ever bought on tape: "poison - every rose" lol... "george michael - kissing a fool" "red red wine" whoever sang that... lol i bought them all at once at a store called record world or music world... remember those???

Originally posted by iamsamurai

When crappy voice overs on cartoons didnt matter, like Voltron and Thundercats

When GI Joe was the shit and "now you know and knowing is half the battle GI JOOOOOOE!!!"

When they used to sell candy n gum that looked like cigarrettes

lol burgess meredith did a lot of gi joe shit...

candy cigs were the shit~! lol...

Originally posted by origskeemr

I remember...

when slapwrists were the shit.

when my parents left me lunch money every morning before I went to school.

when everyone in middle school rocked a college Starter jacket.

when Contra came out and the code for infinite lives. (also Punch Out)

when I use to watch Teen Age Mutant Ninja Turtles before school.

When T.G.I.F. was actually good. (Full House etc.)

lol i remember when slapwrist bracelets came out and i was buying them up like crazy i said to my mother "these things are the jewelery of the future..." and with out a heartbeat she replied "im not sure about that, but if you believe all these things youll be POOR in the future~!" lol thanks mom...

full house step by step family matters there was something else i forgot what...

Originally posted by ghhhhhost

up up down down left right left right a b start

i remember when they still had kidnapped kids on milk cartons

i remember when users never win and winners never use

i remember DARE-ing to stay off drugs

i remember when Eddie Murphy was funny

i remember when Marvel Cards came out and i traded some kid like 5 checklists for a Magneto hologram..stuuuuuuuuuuupid!!

all konami games had that code lol... great~! remember "Justin Bailey?"

lol i remember those commericals.. remember the graffitti commercials with koch??? i still have the buttons...

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I remember when saying "PSYCH" was cool

I remember Joey from Blossom using the phrase "WHOA"

I remember seeing the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on the big screen

I remember playing the game "MASH" (Mansion, Apartment, Shelter, House) at school

I remember the Garbage Pail Kids

I remember using the word "NOT" at the end of every statement

I remember "I've fallen...and I can't get up!"

I remember birthday parties at McDonalds

I remember Alf, Heathcliff, Gremlins, Glow worms (I know everyone here had a glow worm doll), and Saved By the Bell,

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Originally posted by dgmodel

first singles i ever bought on tape: "poison - every rose" lol... "george michael - kissing a fool" "red red wine" whoever sang that... lol i bought them all at once at a store called record world or music world... remember those???


Funny thing is, I had all those songs on cassette singles!! LOL

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Originally posted by solbeam

whoa I totally forgot about that...lol

I remember those plastic pacifiers, every color and then the schools banned them ;op

I remember when cartoons where actually fun to watch and not just crap thrown together.

I remember Officer McGruff taking a bite out of crime:tongue:

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...I remember when:

Our house only had rotary phones..

Said rotary phones had an actual bell ringer on them..

VHS was the only type of movie rental...

The tolls on all the crossings in NYC were less than 2 dollars...

There was a tollboth on the hutch in the bronx...

Cable boxes only tuned up to channel 65 or so...

HBO only had one channel...

CNN was the only news channel..

The weather channel didn't exist...

The Preview channel used to be all the rage...

They used to play cartoons from 5 am to about 2 pm on saturday mornings, uninteruppted...

---90's/DJ culture---

I remember when:

Flannel was actually in style...

Grunge rock took the country by storm...

Popular music still had a shred of credibility...

The only way to get DJ mixsets was on actual tape...

Domestic records were 5 bucks even, imports between 7 and 9...

Buying records online was a gamble with safety...

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Originally posted by jimk29

I remember skidz

and Kajagoogoo

remember that australia kick we were on??? roos, koala blue, croccodile dundee, etc...

i remembe when cartoons were actually animated and not so damn real looking...

orange julius anyone???

A&S Stores??? Orbach??? Steinbach??? TSS??? VIM, OAK TREE, Chess King??? lol...

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lol yep yep... i used to watch 20/20 as well... then late that night "monsters" would come on... and " tales from the darkside" Twilight Zone, Freddys nightmares... oh man... and saturday nights id watch all stand up comedy along with SNL...

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i remember (cause i'm old as dirt)

Drive-In movies

Cartoons instead of 30 previews before a movie

There were only three movie ratings G, PG and R

All the skits on SNL were funny

The Luke and Laura wedding on General Hospital

Who shot JR on Dallas

How bad I wanted to be Jack on Three's Company (john ritter - rip)

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... WOW ....

Ok lemme dig deep for this one....

I remember the plastic pacifiers

Drawing kitty prints down the straps of your back pack

Playing MASH

Making those little game things where it was like a triangle and you would pick colors and numbers and then at the end u lift up the flap and it tell your fortune

Playing "Booty" Tag :laugh:

Wearing big oversized gold earrings

Wearing REALLY BIG shirts and jeans ( I was a tom-boy)

FILA Sneakers

Smoking Dunhill's :puke:

Glow Worms

Fraggle Rock

Saved by the bell

You can't do that on television

Full House

TGIF ( When I would stay home on friday nights)


Trapper Keepers

Power Ranger Lollypops

Spice Girl lollypops

The big spice girl platform shoes

Wet & Wild makeup

40'z of Old E

Press on nails

lol if I think of more I'll let u know :laugh:

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

i remember the MC Hammer cartoon..nigga had talkin shoes!!

do you remember the KID N PLAY CARTOON??????????????

I saw ET in the Theatres when it first came out....I still cant watch it to this day...there was NOTHING cute about ET :eek:

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Originally posted by solbeam

do you remember the KID N PLAY CARTOON??????????????

I saw ET in the Theatres when it first came out....I still cant watch it to this day...there was NOTHING cute about ET :eek:

What do you mean you can't watch ET to this day? Why not??

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