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carlie brucia


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i don't mean to come off as a softie, and what happened was a terrible thing, but will killing that guy actually be "revenge", or make things better?

Won't it just perpetuate everything?

I think we can all agree that that guy was a sicko, just like the people who took that other girl that they made a movie about. But in killing him, i doubt it will send any substantial message.

The only thing we can do is educate, teach our kids the dangers of speaking to strangers and try to answer tragedy with the opposite.. healing... rather than more killing

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i just read the story again, and it's a terrible thing that happened. I feel sorry for the family and the little girls friends

But someone was quoted as saying : "now the accused will have to pay the ultimate price of the death penalty"

But who's to say that's the ultimate price? Isnt' going to jail for life the ultimate price?

What if, after we die, we go immediately to heaven and are forgiven for our sins? This whole death penalty thing makes less sense than it makes more :half:

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Originally posted by bullseye

i'm sure everyone knows they found that lil girl's body this morning in florida. if her killer gets convicted, let him fuckin die in the chair and rot in hell.

Was the man they have in custody charged with her murder??

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I hope he gets ass raped a million times by some nappy cumdumpster animal.

And I hope the future jurors give this asswipe the death penalty.

Its a shame when given the death penalty that they get to appeal it for like 30 years :(

My prayers to the family/friends of Carlie.....

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He'll rot in hell stupid F***...He dumped her behind a church no less...he doesn't deserve to die with the death penalty..why? so he can die in a few minutes..no..he should go to prison and get tortured by all the guys that hate men who kill or hurt children...he deserves to ROT and be locked behind bars for the rest of his life and be tortured like that poor girl was instead of getting off easy

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Originally posted by Destiny

He'll rot in hell stupid F***...He dumped her behind a church no less...he doesn't deserve to die with the death penalty..why? so he can die in a few minutes..no..he should go to prison and get tortured by all the guys that hate men who kill or hurt children...he deserves to ROT and be locked behind bars for the rest of his life and be tortured like that poor girl was instead of getting off easy

exactly...torture that fucker...such a sad sad thing..
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Originally posted by Ronin

anti death penalty? He has a history of arrests, one for kidnapping. Kill him get it over with so the tax payers dont have to shell out for his nice living in prision for the rest of his life.

yea seriously at least if hes dead our taxes can go to something more productive...

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