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How Does A British Girl Get Laid .. In The U.s?


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Originally posted by PCR

you meant fish and cheaps - the nasties fucking fast food on the planet.

No, dude. Have you HAD their 'beans n toast'? That they serve for BREAKFAST!!?? Shit, I'm telling you... I'll take fish n chips ANY DAY before beans n toast. And what they consider "sausage" is even worse.

No offense, britchick... but, except for their showers, the breakfast was the worst thing about England when I was there.

Anyway... that's what I was trying to say... that even with horrible beans n toast, I'd still eat her 'til she begged for mercy! :tongue:

... funk... out.

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it's cool I understand that beans on toast for breakfast could seem weird.. but what's the whole 'corn bread' thing about?!.. now that is weird.. last time i was in NYC I was in TGI Fridays.. hehe.. and a guy was having ribs, chicken and corn bread.. what IS corn bread?! .. it smells like treacle pudding..

fish and chips.. mmm.. debatable.. but hello?! MEATLOAF....!!

and yes i would eat Jordan with or without the beans on toast..

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Is that you still have to make yourself attractive if you want to get laid. That goes for man, woman, gay, straight, anybody.

So with that very obvious concept in mind, why don't you put better looking pictures on that website, britchick????????? You're sticking your tongue out and making weird faces.

If you wanna get laid, you gotta sell it

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Originally posted by damelo

So with that very obvious concept in mind, why don't you put better looking pictures on that website, britchick????????? You're sticking your tongue out and making weird faces.

If you wanna get laid, you gotta sell it

I don't think those pics were being used by her to "sell" herself. Someone asked what she looked like or something, and she told'em to check some pics that were posted elsewhere.

I hear what yer sayin' damelo.... but, I think she was speaking in general.... "how's a british girl get laid in the U.S.?" This thread, as is the CP norm, has just gone on quite a tangent.

That said...... POST SOME NUDES OF YERSELF!!! :laugh: :laugh:

... funk... out.

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Oh dear.. okay.. I asked the question how does a Britsh girl get laid in the U.S because.. the 'rules' of dating and sex are different in every country.. i was intrigued.. i did not at any time.. expect people to call me names or have a go at me because i'm not their idea of attractive.. it was just a simple question..

with regards to the pics.. i'm quite shy and almost always stick my tongue out.. :tongue:

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Which brings me back to my earlier point, why not take more flattering pics of yourself? You're just making weird faces in those pics you showed us.

I'm sure we would all really appreciate nude pics of you if you had a cute "come hither" look on your face, or a big smile...

(and, if you want my advice on getting laid: throw yourself at a guy, preferably one who is drunk. it's really that easy.)

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Guest gabo
Originally posted by britchick69


it was dead for a few minutes and then you had to post on it and bring it on top. just leave it alone!

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so you're telling me that you hope that i get raped?! .. that i am beaten and hurt.. that i experience one of the most traumatic thing a woman ever can?!... what would you do if someone said that to your mother? or sister? or girlfriend? ... you are an incrediable sad and pathetic pair of little boys...

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