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questing about letting X deslove undr your tounge?

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I lift and stuff... Anyway, I used to take "liquid creatine" which comes in a bottle with an eye dropper, the instructions used to tell you to place 4 drops under your tongue for quick absorption into your blood stream. I’m on to better supplements for training now, but I was wondering if this is true, and if so one would believe that letting a pill dissolve under your tongue may be a great idea. I have a great tolerance for things tasting bad, it simply don’t bother me. So that wouldn’t be a factor.

What do you all think? , Any comments or suggestions?

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but if taste isn't an issue go for it--although in the world of pharmaceuticals I think sublingual tablets are different formulations than regular pills (I used to have something for migraines...)

but even if it hits you faster, why? you can't wait 45 minutes for it to go through your stomach? and the quicker it hits you, the less it lasts... (like snorting).

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by drbabybutt

Letting X dissolve on your tongue is a senseless exercise in stupidity. It doesn't hit you or get absorbed any faster, just tastes like shit.

Majinbuu has it right, chew up and swallow for faster absorbtion. If it comes on faster it does not last a briefer time.

Actually you're off too. Chewing the pill will increase the surface area. The greater the surface area, the faster the absorbtion. The faster you absorb the drug, the faster your liver will clear it out of your bloodstream.

So chewing or crushing a pill, will get you high faster/stronger due to larger surface area, it wont however last as long as taking it whole.

Have fun!

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Untrue, the half-life of MDMA doesn't change based on the route of administration (i.e. the liver doesn't "clear" it faster). A certain threshold concentration of the drug is necessary to "feel" it, it is true that slower approach to maximal bioavailability (taking the drug in a way that results in slower absorbtion) may result in a longer time to completely clear the drug from the blood, there is not proof that this results in a briefer 'high". 2 reasons to chew include more rapid absorbtion AND greater quantity absorbed (greater bioavailability) due to surface area.

If there were a difference in how long the effects of a drug with slower absorbtion last relative to same drug with faster absorbtion, the difference will never be greater than the linear time difference- this does not affect nonlinear pharmacokinetics. For amphetamines, this difference would probably be measured in minutes (i.e. 30 mintues)- 15 minute absorbtion of drug chewed thoroughly taken on empty stomach vs 45 minute-1 hour absorbtion of non-chewed pill taken on empty stomach. This 30 minutes would be spent at the low end of the elimiation curve, so it would be 30 minutes of the lowest concentrations of MDMA, likely to be unfelt by the user.

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Originally posted by drbabybutt

Untrue, the half-life of MDMA doesn't change based on the route of administration (i.e. the liver doesn't "clear" it faster). A certain threshold concentration of the drug is necessary to "feel" it, it is true that slower approach to maximal bioavailability (taking the drug in a way that results in slower absorbtion) may result in a longer time to completely clear the drug from the blood, there is not proof that this results in a briefer 'high". 2 reasons to chew include more rapid absorbtion AND greater quantity absorbed (greater bioavailability) due to surface area.

If there were a difference in how long the effects of a drug with slower absorbtion last relative to same drug with faster absorbtion, the difference will never be greater than the linear time difference- this does not affect nonlinear pharmacokinetics. For amphetamines, this difference would probably be measured in minutes (i.e. 30 mintues)- 15 minute absorbtion of drug chewed thoroughly taken on empty stomach vs 45 minute-1 hour absorbtion of non-chewed pill taken on empty stomach. This 30 minutes would be spent at the low end of the elimiation curve, so it would be 30 minutes of the lowest concentrations of MDMA, likely to be unfelt by the user.

Your liver breaks down mdma, same way it breaks down alcohol or any other drug.

Snorting it, chewing/or crushing it will make it stronger/faster but shorter high...

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you might think that it's pretty cool and impressive to memorize a textbook and then sound like one, but keep in mind this board is not full of phd's in pharmacology

learn how to talk like a human being

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