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is isiah a racist??


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he's gotten rid of the 4 white players the knicks had, all in under 2 months. in his playing days, he was constantly at war with bill laimbeer(a team mate). he could never get along with larry bird, (and michal jordan, but diff beef) and perhaps the reason he was left off the dream team. but perhaps this is why bird fired him. and finally, u ever hear him in interviews, he tries not to pass up an opportunity to remind us he's from the hood, and a black brother. hmmm. all very interesting.

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Originally posted by FlipsSOE

he's gotten rid of the 4 white players the knicks had, all in under 2 months. in his playing days, he was constantly at war with bill laimbeer(a team mate). he could never get along with larry bird, (and michal jordan, but diff beef) and perhaps the reason he was left off the dream team. but perhaps this is why bird fired him. and finally, u ever hear him in interviews, he tries not to pass up an opportunity to remind us he's from the hood, and a black brother. hmmm. all very interesting.

naw- its just a coincidence as white ball players basically suck- lmfao

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i had to bump this. true, sometimes numbers don't tell it all, but after seeing the diff in stats between tim thomas and keith van horn, i have to wonder....nazr mohammed is almost a non-factor b/c its not like he'll be much of an impact anyway. so, is isiah a racist?? i don't know........ :confused:

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its funny..but i think isiah's rationale behind the trade is to get more athletic. vanhorn is an awesome player..and his stats may mirror thomas' but the point is that he can run the wings and make it easier on the Knicks. with steph runnin point..and thomas around to be the recipient of his uptempo game...the knicks have a legitimate chance to go deep into the postseason. now with penny coming off the bench..or even steppin in for allan houston...the knicks r a lot more athletic..and if u look @ teams like the Grizz...or Denver..theyve thrived on athleticism.

isiah may be a tad racist..but i can c his rationale behind the trade...

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i find it funny how people less than 3 weeks ago were saying how great isiah was for making the moves he had. here he is now. after getting embarassed by a utah team they should've won, then losing to the cavs at home as well. during the 4th quarter the fans at msg started chanting "keith van horn, keith van horn" ghhhhost, as for ur statement about him wanting athleticism, have u checked out mutumbo the last 12 years?? he's not exactly the proto type for athletic ability. i thought ewing was bad, but this guy has 3 left feet!! and penny hardaway- sad to see how the once great have fallen. sure he had a few injuries along the way- but the guys lost so much. a few steps, ability to create, set up plays. i give isiah another 2 years till he's replaced- if that.

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Originally posted by FlipsSOE

i find it funny how people less than 3 weeks ago were saying how great isiah was for making the moves he had. here he is now. after getting embarassed by a utah team they should've won, then losing to the cavs at home as well. during the 4th quarter the fans at msg started chanting "keith van horn, keith van horn" ghhhhost, as for ur statement about him wanting athleticism, have u checked out mutumbo the last 12 years?? he's not exactly the proto type for athletic ability. i thought ewing was bad, but this guy has 3 left feet!! and penny hardaway- sad to see how the once great have fallen. sure he had a few injuries along the way- but the guys lost so much. a few steps, ability to create, set up plays. i give isiah another 2 years till he's replaced- if that.

he tried to unload mutombo too. unfortunately no one is stupid enough to take the old dinosaur. he cant just revamp the whole team in one month...and by unloading van horn he did get more athletic.

as for penny..i duno if uve followed him this season but he's not playin bad at all. he's regained some of his old skills....and shows flashes of his old self.

i dont like isiah thomas..i think he's an idiot...he wasnt that good of a player...his "bad boys" pistons teams almost ruined basketball in the late 80's..bunch of thugs and shit...and i hate the fact that he refers to himself as one of the greats...ugh..he is nowhere near mj..magic..or bird. he's the sean elliot of his generation. i look fwd to seein him get fired

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