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Yankees Get A-Rod, Yankees ruin Baseball

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Originally posted by sexydiva99

this is the most ridiculous trade I've ever seen....

its a disgrace to baseball, all about money, money, money...

not even worth watching anymore....

How is ridiculous if the Yankees are barely adding to their payroll? Steinbrenner's a fan's ideal owner. There are some other owners out there that have just as much money or more than Steinbrenner, but let their teams be mediocre e.g., Dodger's owner, Brewer's owner. Steinbrenner does what the system let's him do and STILL makes a profit.

Hate the game, don't hate the playa! If anything, you should be hating on the player's union, who refuse to go along with a salary cap.

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Originally posted by Drunk

How is ridiculous if the Yankees are barely adding to their payroll? Steinbrenner's a fan's ideal owner. There are some other owners out there that have just as much money or more than Steinbrenner, but let their teams be mediocre e.g., Dodger's owner, Brewer's owner. Steinbrenner does what the system let's him do and STILL makes a profit.

Hate the game, don't hate the playa! If anything, you should be hating on the player's union, who refuse to go along with a salary cap.

this trade is was so uncalled for.....do u realize how much $$$ is involved, and for what? its just plain stupid...

there should put a limit on much a team can spend, b/c oviously to the Yanks there all about BUYING a championship

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Originally posted by sexydiva99

this trade is was so uncalled for.....do u realize how much $$$ is involved, and for what? its just plain stupid...

there should put a limit on much a team can spend, b/c oviously to the Yanks there all about BUYING a championship

Sexydiva, stop your jibberjabbering your clueless as evidenced by the NEW YORK FAWKIN RANGER LOGO in your avatar!!!!!!!

Diva if there is any team that exemplifies trying to buy a championship....uh no let me rephrase that ,simply to get aplayoff berth its the New york Rangers......and guess what it doesnt work ,hasnt done shit for them in 7 years ....

for the 3,478 time :YOU CANT BUY A CHAPIONSHIP IN ANY SPORT!!!!!

yeh you can asssure your self to be compettive and great chance to make the post season in most cases , but it dont mean shit when ya gotta play the games out ...When was the last time yanks won it all???? thats right another dismissal of your claim "buying championships"

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Originally posted by bxbomb

Sexydiva, stop your jibberjabbering your clueless as evidenced by the NEW YORK FAWKIN RANGER LOGO in your avatar!!!!!!!

Diva if there is any team that exemplifies trying to buy a championship....uh no let me rephrase that ,simply to get aplayoff berth its the New york Rangers......and guess what it doesnt work ,hasnt done shit for them in 7 years ....

for the 3,478 time :YOU CANT BUY A CHAPIONSHIP IN ANY SPORT!!!!!

yeh you can asssure your self to be compettive and great chance to make the post season in most cases , but it dont mean shit when ya gotta play the games out ...When was the last time yanks won it all???? thats right another dismissal of your claim "buying championships"

listen dushbag, don't get ur panties up in a bunch.....i do have a clue as to what i'm talking about, but I didn't know its a crime to post ur goddam opinion...

so why don't u just relax and breathe....no need to rip it apart, thats not what I was doing...I just stated my own opinion so chill

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Originally posted by sexydiva99

listen dushbag, don't get ur panties up in a bunch.....i do have a clue as to what i'm talking about, but I didn't know its a crime to post ur goddam opinion...

so why don't u just relax and breathe....no need to rip it apart, thats not what I was doing...I just stated my own opinion so chill

Yeah and like you said thats my opinion ..of your opinion

Now instead of gettin your crusted panties in a bunch you DOUCHE bag , try commenting on the topic at hand, and make valid responses to my thread,

dont worry so much about me relaxing ...cause it aint gonna happen when it comes to this topic

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Originally posted by bxbomb

Yeah and like you said thats my opinion ..of your opinion

Now instead of gettin your crusted panties in a bunch you DOUCHE bag , try commenting on the topic at hand, and make valid responses to my thread,

dont worry so much about me relaxing ...cause it aint gonna happen when it comes to this topic

i'm not even goin to bother with u....uptight people like u just anger me, and its not worth it...

its my opinion and thats that...u have urs and thats cool...

and u not relaxng about this topin is b/c c ur probably a Yankee fan and can't stand all the shit talkin thats goin on...

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Originally posted by sexydiva99

all the shit talkin thats goin on...

Wow - that is so true...

Every hater is posting misinformation that they heard from the various channels of media... know the sport, learn the operations and then comment... don't just join the bandwaggon of individuals speaking out of their :bootysha:

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Originally posted by sexydiva99

i'm not even goin to bother with u....uptight people like u just anger me, and its not worth it...

its my opinion and thats that...u have urs and thats cool...

and u not relaxng about this topin is b/c c ur probably a Yankee fan and can't stand all the shit talkin thats goin on...

Yes, please dont bother....especially when you bring nothing to the table when having dinner with uptight people

Yes you are entitled to an opinion , but when its as asinine(I.M.O) as yours , be prepared to get regulated

Yankee fan?? Me? ...way to go Sherlock:aright:

Do you still feel your opinion should apply to the NY rangers then?

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you people just keep blurting out retarted opinions because you dont have A-Rod, The all star short stop turned 3rd baseman right in his prime...its jealousy because everonye else wanted him, but when steinbrener when out to get him an took a chance rodriguez took it in a heart beat...he didnt have to come to the yankees everyone, hello he coulda said no...he wants to win simple as that, just like everyone else so how is that bad for baseball, an all star short stop with 40 home runs the last how ever many seasons wanting to win an championship for once, yea thats fuckin horrible for the sport....he deserves to be on a wining team more than anyone and he was willing to give something up in the search of a ring...how the fuck is that bad for baseball it makes it more challeging now for each team to go out there regardless of who they have and try harder to stop the yankees from winning...yea business played a huge part in the trade but A-Rod just wants to win, plain and simple. I dont know what else to say to you people how is this bad for baseball?? You are over looking who the red sox have for a pitching staff and who the Lakers could have as a starting 5....then start tlakin to me about bad for sports...Karl Malone, Gary Payton, Kobe And Shaq on the court at the same time are u kiddin me, they dont need a 5th player, but noo the a-rod trade is still bad for sports/baseball....The red sox have 2 of the top 5 pitchers in the league, 2 pertentual Cy Young canidates on their roster right now, and that still inst crazier than the yankees gettin' a-rod?

Unbelieveable :blown:

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

just leave it to Yankees fans to justify having a payroll equal to that of an entire division......just goes to show the ignorance involved here

its downright pathetic....I pitty all of you

as if 125 million is spare change :rolleyes:

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I'm starting to get the impression that Red Sox fans are just pissed off because the Yanks pulled off what Boston COULD NOT do.

You guys had your chance, don't act like it's a crime to acquire A-Rod because your team was trying for almost a month to get him on their roster.

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

just leave it to Yankees fans to justify having a payroll equal to that of an entire division......just goes to show the ignorance involved here

its downright pathetic....I pitty all of you

:rolleyes: Make the rules and play by the rules ....that is all

Continue to cry all you want your because your suckass management didnt get the job done , and now your bitchin.

Didnt hear much crying , just alot of gloatin when you guys almost had him

Have a nice day Mr Henry(biggest pussy in baseball , Besides Pedro)

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Originally posted by Codica3

I'm starting to get the impression that Red Sox fans are just pissed off because the Yanks pulled off what Boston COULD NOT do.

You guys had your chance, don't act like it's a crime to acquire A-Rod because your team was trying for almost a month to get him on their roster.

at this rate i wouldnt mind seeing the red sox waiting an additional 70 years to get a championship. i dont see cubs fans bitchin' and whining all the time.

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Originally posted by vicman

at this rate i wouldnt mind seeing the red sox waiting an additional 70 years to get a championship. i dont see cubs fans bitchin' and whining all the time.

I dunno about that.. I know someone that lives out in Chicago now, and he's from NY originally (so he's a Yanks fan), and he says all the people do out there is whine.

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Originally posted by Codica3

I dunno about that.. I know someone that lives out in Chicago now, and he's from NY originally (so he's a Yanks fan), and he says all the people do out there is whine.

the chicago people i know here are pretty cool about it, so i might be biased.

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Originally posted by vicman

the chicago people i know here are pretty cool about it, so i might be biased.

I just don't think we hear as much of the moaning because we're over here on the east coast, and the majority of people over here wouldn't be die-hard Cubs fans. I would have to assume that in Chicago, the feelings are a little stronger.

You also have to remember, a lot of the contribution to the bitterness is due to the rivalry with the Yanks and Bosox, not just the fact that Boston hasn't won in such a long time.

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the yankee-sox rivalry is akin to the rivaly that a hammer has with nails.

white sox and cubs fans don't like each other, and the cubs fans hate the cardinals, i don't know what they think of the cardinals inking pujols to that contract of his, but my point, is just gets annoying, it's not like the red sox are the devil rays in regards to spending $$$ for their roster. $125 million is a lot of $$$, i dont believe that there is anyother club in the majors that will have a roster of over 100 million this upcoming year.

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Figure the Yankees payroll is more than the gross revenues of practically even sports franchise out there... how are they able to do it? Because you have a real business man running the team. He's started his own television broadcasting to increase profits, etc. There's not to many teams that have increased their revenues short of building a brand new stadium (something we have no need for at the time) and even building a stadium doesn't guarantee increased revenues... look at Milwaukee, Detroit, etc... the spark dies after a couple years.

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