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Originally posted by trigger55

awesome.. by the end of this month NY's payroll will be $80billion and they'll still have no pitchers. :doh:

No pitchers?!?! Dude, you have no clue what the fuck you are talking about. Mussina, Vazquez, Brown, Gordon, Quantrill and Rivera are all great fucking pitchers.

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Originally posted by trigger55

mussina can be considered great.. the others are ok. They're not capable of winning the world series at this point.

edit.. I think Contreras is damn good too.. but overall the line up isn't strong at all..

Ummm, you don't need a rotation filled with 300 game winners to win the World Series. Look at the Atlanta Braves, for example. I'm not gonna argue who has the best rotation. But, there are many experts who believe the Yankees have the best pitching 1-10. You know, I just re-read what you said...."'but overall the lineup isn't strong at all." Take a gander at Gordon, Quantrill and Rivera in the bullpen. After that, notice Javier Vazquez, Mussina, Brown (35 starts last year) and Jon Lieber(20-8 in 2002). Oh, and not to mention your Contreras.

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My question, when one of the pitchers go down who do they have?

I can not even think of anyone.

mussina is nasty, vasquez is nasty but lets see how he does in the america league before we order his plaque for the hall of fame. Contreras came on good at the end of the year and maybe another year of working with a pitching coach to develop a better change will make him better. Brown is nasty when healthy but do you really think he will finish the year? I do not care if lieber went 123,123,123,123-0 in 2000 he is done. hey will go out and get a washburn or someone like that, hell they might go out and get randy johnson until then the staff has alot of ???????

Until mariano fails he is the best big game closer. period

Your set up guys blow, quantrill gordon good luck.

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Originally posted by jtk4

My question, when one of the pitchers go down who do they have?

I can not even think of anyone.

mussina is nasty, vasquez is nasty but lets see how he does in the america league before we order his plaque for the hall of fame. Contreras came on good at the end of the year and maybe another year of working with a pitching coach to develop a better change will make him better. Brown is nasty when healthy but do you really think he will finish the year? I do not care if lieber went 123,123,123,123-0 in 2000 he is done. hey will go out and get a washburn or someone like that, hell they might go out and get randy johnson until then the staff has alot of ???????

Until mariano fails he is the best big game closer. period

Your set up guys blow, quantrill gordon good luck.

Your answer: If a pitcher goes down then they'll just have to make do. Just like any other team. If Pedro Martinez goes down, who do they have to replace him?

And, Brown made 35 starts last year. That's good enough for me. Nothing has happened in the off-season to indicate that he won't be able to do that again.

Now, your comment about Lieber really takes the cake. Do you even know what surgery he had? Well, he had Tommy John surgery. And another pitcher, oh lets call him Kerry Wood, had the same surgery and came back just fine. So, tell me why you think Lieber is "done?"

"Your set-up guys blow." Tom Gordon is a very solid pick-up. He went something like 7-6 with a 3.16 era last year. And Quantrill led the National league in appearances two years in a row. He posted a 1.75 era last year.

Oh, and Maddux will probably joining the team soon too.

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No i just really do not know who the other pitchers are on the yankees staff. If pedro goes down we have bronson orroyo or "gulp" mendoza. Usually you guys pull pitchers out of your ass, like lilly and such. maybe depaula or prinz will come through

Do not compare a 21 year old woods with a 33 year old lieber, you will just sound stupid. I could name 10 pitchers that did not fully recover(same numbers) tommy john surgery that were younger then him.Oh and lieber had one good year in his whole career 2001 take that away and his career numbers are 66-73.

The only way he will win games is when the yanks score 12 runs.

kevin brown made 32 starts and no complete games, the year before he made 10 the year before that he made 19. He will be 39 before the season starts and you have him for 2 more years, at 17 mill a year.

I hope you get maddox his whole game now is knowning the national league players and the umps. His era would be like 6.00 in the american league.

Quantrill is 36, had a great era playing the dodgers, but look at his era when he was in the american league (blue jays) it was over 3.Tom gordon gave up 57 hits in 72 innings era over 3, really not a savior. Oh he is 36 also.

You traded away your best pitcher (claussen) and there really is no one else in the minors.

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Originally posted by jtk4

No i just really do not know who the other pitchers are on the yankees staff. If pedro goes down we have bronson orroyo or "gulp" mendoza. Usually you guys pull pitchers out of your ass, like lilly and such. maybe depaula or prinz will come through

Do not compare a 21 year old woods with a 33 year old lieber, you will just sound stupid. I could name 10 pitchers that did not fully recover(same numbers) tommy john surgery that were younger then him.

kevin brown made 32 starts and no complete games, the year before he made 10 the year before that he made 19. He will be 39 before the season starts and you have him for 2 more years.

I hope you get maddox his whole game now is knowning the national league players and the umps. His era would be like 6.00 in the american league.

Quantrill is 36, had a great era playing the dodgers, but look at his era when he was in the american league (blue jays) it was over 3.Tom gordon gave up 57 hits in 72 innings era over 3, really not a savior. Oh he is 36 also.

You traded away your best pitcher (claussen) and there really is no one else in the minors.

First of all, Wood is 26 years old, not 21.

And who the fuck cares if he didn't complete any games last season. That's why we have closers to finish games. Brown went 14-9 (on a very offensively challenged team) and had a 2.39 era. He struck out 185 batters and walked only 56. Hahahah so now you're arguing about his lack of complete games. I guess I've convinced you he can make over 30 starts this season. You keep playing the age card. How old is Schilling?

Onto Quantrill....The majority of his career in Toronto, he was a starter. And, HE STILL MADE THE MOST APPEARANCES IN THE NATIONAL LEAGUE WITH AN ERA OF 1.75

And I never said Gordon was our savior. Don't make shit up. The Claussen trade wasn't a good one. But, oh well.

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Yeah he is 26 now but he was 21 or 22 when he had the surgery, and please tell me you are compareing lieber to smoltz.



Schilling is a workhorse, he missed games last year for ounching a camera and because of an illness(strep i think). Brown has missed games for a shitload of different reasons. Clemons and schilling are the same type pitcher, and pedro and brown are the same,except pedro is younger.

I mentioned the cg to show that he is not the same as he used to be. He used to throw cg, now he does not.

I do not make shit up i did not say you said that. If i put "savior" that would mean i was quoting you.

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