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Furor over Bush's 9/11 ad

Do you bleieve that using images from September 11th for political gain is wrong?  

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  1. 1. Do you bleieve that using images from September 11th for political gain is wrong?

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I'm not a liberal by any means, but there's no way in hell I'm supporting this President. Two seconds or not, it's disgraceful.

He's also fucked up on this immigration issue and gay marriage amendment. Shamefully obvious pandering to the right. Not to say Kerry will be better because he's also a panderer, but I'm fed up with this administration.

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Originally posted by sobeton

Inappropriate and just plain tacky. Shame on you President Bush! :mad:

Are you really surprised at what lenghts they'll go to get votes? Afterall, they're having they're convention in New York City around September 11th. They're gonna milk the deaths of thousands as much as they can.

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Originally posted by siceone

I would it serves as a remindere what happens when we have a weak defense and intelligence networks. It think it's Fair

if you're logic is correct, then Bush should definately NOT make reference to it since the attacks happened on his watch. I would think it would work in favor of Kerry. Plus, Bush flew around the midwest for 10 hours on Air Force 1 like a little bitch because he though the White House was targeted.

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Originally posted by cq29

Plus, Bush flew around the midwest for 10 hours on Air Force 1 like a little bitch because he though the White House was targeted.

probably becuase it was. Remember that plane that crashed in the Pennsylvania countryside?

Either way - the fact is, it's fucking stupid to get americans to vote for him becuase he turns his campaign into one gigantic flag-waving sob story.

We all have lived 9/11 hundreds of times over in the days since, so to think i'd be re-electing a president who's going to tie it to his image like a pirate puts a parrot on his shoulder, forget it.

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Originally posted by igloo

You have no idea what the fuck you are talking about......and as usual, it clearly shows.......

Keep your moronic mouth shut when its is obvious that you do not have a shred of knowledge on the subject...

Not one fucking shred.......

Do yourself a favor nerdboy---stick to thinking you are cool because you do drugs in mommy's basement while you educate yourself in the wonderful world of .org...



Fuck the victims and their families. I care less about them. Just like Bush himself, I DO NOT CARE BECAUSE I AM A DUMBFUCK SELF CENTERED DOUCHEBAG who loves a president who thrives on exploiting a tragedy to pad his personal and political gain to win an election!


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GOP boss ads insult to 9/11 families



The head of the Republican Party angered 9/11 families again yesterday by saying only a "small segment ... who are very anti-war" objected to President Bush's use of Ground Zero scenes in his reelection ads.

The father of one 9/11 victim called the comment "insulting."

The statements by Republican National Committee Chairman Ed Gillespie highlighted a controversy that the GOP had tamped down with the help of former Mayor Rudy Giuliani and First Lady Laura Bush. It also comes two days before President Bush is to attend a 9/11 memorial service on Long Island.

The ads, which showed scenes of the destroyed towers, firefighters and the removal of a flag-covered corpse from the rubble, drew praise from some families and harsh criticism from others.

During a voter-registration drive in Washington Heights, Gillespie described those who complained as a "small segment of those who are very anti-war, not only anti-war in Iraq but were opposed to the military removal of the Taliban from Afghanistan."

He cited a press conference by an anti-war group called 9/11 Families for Peaceful Tomorrows and noted the event involved Moveon.org, which is running ads bashing Bush. Several victims' relatives who aren't part of Peaceful Tomorrows disputed Gillespie's claim.

"I'm not anti-war on terrorism, and I'm pro-Bush and everybody knows it," said Jack Lynch, who lost his firefighter son Michael. "I still think that neither party ... should be using images of 9/11 for political gain."

Clyde Frazier, who lost his son, called Gillespie's comments "very insulting."

"I feel terribly bad that they used that ad," he said.

Tom Roger, whose daughter was a flight attendant on doomed American Airlines Flight 11, said most of the families who complained were upset by what they say is Bush's unwillingness to cooperate with the commission investigating the pre-9/11 intelligence.

Meanwhile, Republicans challenged the legality of a $4.5 million ad campaign criticizing Bush that was launched yesterday in 17 states by Media Fund, a group largely financed by Bush-hating billionaire George Soros. Bush's reelection campaign plans to ask the Federal Election Commission to investigate the ads, claiming they violate campaign finance laws.

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Extremists Behind Attack on Bush Ads

Jay Bryant (archive)

March 10, 2004 | Print | Send

The outrageous attack on President Bush's television commercials was the work of an extreme left-wing group that has been in the forefront of the battle against the War on Terrorism for years, but you'd never know it from the coverage it has received in the establishment news media.

By picking up the charge, rather than reporting on its dubious source, the media have done major damage to the President's campaign, which compounded the problem by "defending" the ads, rather than exposing the hateful anti-Americanism of those who attacked them.

The President's actions in the immediate wake of 9/11 were nothing short of heroic, and were so accepted by a great majority of the American people. But while John Kerry is allowed by the media to trumpet his alleged heroism in Vietnam more than thirty years ago, Bush is castigated for a much milder reference to the leadership he provided at what is arguably the most crucial moment in the country's history since World War II.

One would suppose, from reading the news, that the attacks on the ads represent the general views of the families of those killed in the Trade Center destruction. That is absurd, but the voices of those family members who think otherwise are nowhere reported.

The group that made the attack was not even identified in many news stories, and those that did give its name made no comment on its nature. CNN, for example, identified the organization, September Eleventh Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, simply as an "advocacy group," in one story, without ever saying what it was it advocated. This was not a difficult research task, as the organization has a website that fully identifies its aims and goals, and chronicles its activities.

What percentage of Americans would you say are extreme left-wingers? A good guess would be about four percent. September Eleventh Families for Peaceful Tomorrows claims to represent some 120 families of victims of the tragedy. There were more than 3,000 such victims. Do the math.

This is the miniscule vocal minority. The silent majority is, of course, by definition, silent.

What has Peaceful Tomorrows been up to since its formation in the weeks following 9/11? They condemned the "invasion" of Afghanistan, supported Dennis Kucinich's bill to gut the Patriot Act, and sent a delegation to Iraq to meet with Tariq Assiz and participate in a peace demonstration organized by Saddam Hussein's government.

"Being kind is all the sad world needs," sang Kristina Olsen, one of the Peaceful Tomorrows members at the demonstration, under the watchful eyes of Saddam's goons, whose commitment to kindness is highly questionable.

Peaceful Tomorrows is an official project of the Tides Foundation, an umbrella organization formed in 1976 to launder money to what has grown to some 350 left-wing groups throughout the world. Among the chief financial backers of Tides is the Heinz Endowments, the foundation run by Teresa Heinz Kerry, wife of you-know-who. Mrs. Kerry set up a Tides franchise in Pittsburgh.

That pretty much completes the loop, doesn't it?

A right-wing organization that did what Tides does would long ago have been exposed by the media, but there are no Pulitzers for investigative reporting against liberals.

The Bush campaign, as a campaign, must respond to that fact by saying, "So what?" Their job is to win election running in the world that exists, not one where fairness rules. They are running against John Kerry, not the Tides Foundation.

But as we have seen in the furor over the Bush commercials, the liberal establishment has enormous resources, often clandestine, which have the ability to impact public opinion. In this election year, America faces a potential capitulation to these forces, whose vision of the future is truly frightening.

The Democratic Party has nominated for President the most liberal candidate in its history, and his campaign is marshalling to its banner sub-rosa forces whose agenda can only be described as anti-American.

Had the philosophy of Peaceful Tomorrows been in power fifty years ago, the Gulag would still be torturing and killing daily on the Siberian steppes. Had they been in power two years ago, Saddam would still be adding to his list of 300,000 victims.

If they truly cared about maximizing the number of people who can reasonably anticipate peaceful tomorrows, the extremists of Peaceful Tomorrows would join the cause of those who seek to stop murderous dictators from plying their hideous trade.

Instead, they make common cause with the dictators and attempt to surreptitiously influence the election of a man who has accused American soldiers of hideous crimes, while giving a pass to the truly hideous criminals who threaten our nation every day.

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Originally posted by pattbateman

i think if you all saw the fuckin commercial you would all think different

the 9/11 clip is about 1-2 seconds long out of a 30 second commercial

the entire commercial is about us being safer

which we ARE!

it doesnt matter how long the clip was its the fact hes using the deaths of thousands for his own political gain

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