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baseball's best players

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As a bosox fan i shudder when all the retards start chanting yankees suck. I think we will have the old jose conseco steeeerrooooids chants going though.

yeah I do not know what he is talking about. The only points i can come up with is that your payroll is 70 million higher then the next team, Which is us. Ours is in maybe 20 million higher then the next. You guys have more home grown talent because the yankees spend more money on scouting and then some divisions. (I actually read that somewhere.)

Should be a good season, and i would not be surprised when kevin brown goes down they trade for randy johnson. I will then jump off a bridge.

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Originally posted by jtk4

You guys have more home grown talent because the yankees spend more money on scouting and then some divisions. (I actually read that somewhere.)

Funny how you mention that because Maggelanmax refered to the Yankees as having no home grown talent in another thread. I'm glad to see there is at least one decent Boston fan that can argue facts, not bullshit :)

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Originally posted by bxbomb

i fel sorry for the real redsox fans...I absolutelty love the game , the yanks, and the rivalry ,I go to Boston 1x a yr for games and am in awe of the atmosphere very year , and "fighting" with bosox fans is part of the fun...but when asses like Magmax start spewing shit about shit and then when called out on it , run away from the topic it def . gets annoying ad needs to be regulated...YEr right I think even Jonstephen is emabarrased by this guy . 'bandwagon" yank fans are out there too and i shudder when i hear some of them open their mouths...but when it comes down to it the whole thing is I if was a redsox fan i would know when to stfu because i havnt won a damn thing in ahundred yrs and am constatntly gettin a beatdown by the Yanks

hey now.....there's no embarassment over here for magellanman, I encourage and support all Yankee bashing:)

and jtk.....glad to have you on board

.......all together now


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sox choke on cox !Aflleck is gay AFFLECK IS GAY

Im gettin burnt out and they havnt even played a game yet


And JTK , boston is also a major player in development and scouting and spends the big $$ on it as well

THey just built a MUlti million dollar facility down in the Dominican to develop the poor kids there and hopefully get their goathooves um i mean hands on them early

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Originally posted by bxbomb

Oh yeah heres one more stat i found on this secret underground website for idiots like me who dont know baseball but want to impress people .....here it is are you ready?

the redsox havnt one a fuckin thing since 1918..shhhhhh dont tell alot of people it still a secret and im gonna claim it as my own stat


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yeah the red sox just got down there this year, the yanks have been down there for a while.They also have more money to spend on coaches in the minor league an example would be the 70 grand they gave to strawberry to help coach. Really he can hit but do you want him around the young guys? :)

I am not complaining, just the way it is. Our ownership really sucked before these carpetbaggers came in.

I do not care if they are carpet munchers just win a god damn series before i die.

i do believe that when we win it is better then when you guys win every year. because we waited so long and shit. Like when the pats won the first time i was happier then the second. i was nervous as hell the second one. Probably because we were the favs and not an underdog. You guys must be more nervous that you will lose then happy if you win. more relieved that you guys can still bust our balls.

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Originally posted by jtk4

yeah the red sox just got down there this year, the yanks have been down there for a while.They also have more money to spend on coaches in the minor league an example would be the 70 grand they gave to strawberry to help coach. Really he can hit but do you want him around the young guys? :)

I am not complaining, just the way it is. Our ownership really sucked before these carpetbaggers came in.

I do not care if they are carpet munchers just win a god damn series before i die.

i do believe that when we win it is better then when you guys win every year. because we waited so long and shit. Like when the pats won the first time i was happier then the second. i was nervous as hell the second one. Probably because we were the favs and not an underdog. You guys must be more nervous that you will lose then happy if you win. more relieved that you guys can still bust our balls.

I hear ya , 70k can buy alot of blow for Daryl

but for real... Boston def. has every resource like the yanks do , and thats why MAgmax rants are just asinine

anyway i agree with ya on redsox if they ever won it, would it would be like on boylston,

althoug alot of sox fans would have nothin to live for anymore , its almost like a sick perverse way of living up there the way the people revel in the misery:D

But it would be mayhem , either there or in chicago if the cubs finaly broke thru toou

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they do not have the same but more then 90% of other teams.It is also closer then he would like to admit.

Just compare yankee stadium to fenway. or yes network to nesn.

or advertising in new york to advertising in boston.

What i do not understand is why someone in LA does not do the same things that georgie does. They should have tons of cake for that team.Well i guess out there noone really cares. There are no fans like east coast fans. If i could go to the beach everyday i probably wouldn't care either.

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all im sayin is if Henry wanted to he COULD spend dollar for dollar, same exact as George if he wanted too.

He put the "budget" on Theo ,who has done a bang up job , regardless the numbers we are talkin about are staggering

LA and used to be anaheim as welll , when run by huge coorps like disney and fox , they really dont give a shit about winning , baseball is so secondary to their main business

Just like when CBS owned the yanks in the 60's and early 70s they sucked ass...then along came georgie:D

in anaheim that guy Moreno buys the angels from disney and look at all the money and players he goes out and gets them this yr.

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well he could spend the money but he would end up losing money, unlike georgie who can spend 200 million and still make money.

Like I said before these owners paid 700 mill for the team so they are that much already in the hole. george already made his money back 50009893759384759238457938475193875 times over.

Money isn't the only thing though. you can pay out the ass for shit bums, and end up like baltmore. The yankees are good at talent and person evaluation. Well when georgie keeps out of it.

mondesi is a good example of george getting involved

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

hey now.....there's no embarassment over here for magellanman, I encourage and support all Yankee bashing:)

and jtk.....glad to have you on board

.......all together now


** stomp, stomp....stomp, stomp, stomp**


** stomp, stomp....stomp, stomp, stomp**

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

jon, dont even bother with bxbomb, kid is getting desperate, he's recruiting or atleast trying :laugh: :laugh:

hey bx, you've sank to an all time low retard, go fish somewhere else. Boy, that one blew in his face (not that getting soaked is anything new to him).

Hate to sound like a broken record......

a). Georgieboy is a carpetbagger...

B). Yamkees buy WS championships...

c) Yamkees are loaded with mercenaries

and my all time fave...

d) bx, you need to up your medication or atleast get on one if you aint. :D

With your ranting whilst foaming at the mouth, you are wasting good talent. I think if threw a couple of chimps, a flame-eater and a baby kangaroo to your mix, you will have a 3 ring circus :laugh: :laugh: You could take your show on the road and be somebody FINALLY!! . Be all you can be...Here comes the "Yamkees Travelling Circus"

Now, get back to ranting, you are totally entertaining me :)

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Originally posted by magellanmax

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

jon, dont even bother with bxbomb, kid is getting desperate, he's recruiting or atleast trying :laugh: :laugh:

hey bx, you've sank to an all time low retard, go fish somewhere else. Boy, that one blew in his face (not that getting soaked is anything new to him).

Hate to sound like a broken record......

a). Georgieboy is a carpetbagger...

B). Yamkees buy WS championships...

c) Yamkees are loaded with mercenaries

and my all time fave...

d) bx, you need to up your medication or atleast get on one if you aint. :D

With your ranting whilst foaming at the mouth, you are wasting good talent. I think if threw a couple of chimps, a flame-eater and a baby kangaroo to your mix, you will have a 3 ring circus :laugh: :laugh: You could take your show on the road and be somebody FINALLY!! . Be all you can be...Here comes the "Yamkees Travelling Circus"

Now, get back to ranting, you are totally entertaining me :)


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Originally posted by yazzman

i know there is a lot of debate on who is baseball's best player. i am looking for your opinions on the five best players and pitchers you would start a team around. you have to factor in age , attitude and all that as well. that is why guy like bonds , schilling , pedro are not on this list .


1 albert pujols

2 alex rodriguez

3 vlad guerrero

4 todd helton


1 mark prior

2 jason schmidt

3 kerry wood

4 roy halladay

I'll go ahead and post my top players and not engage in this worthless drama bullshit.








Pedro Martinez

Barry Zito

The fourth choice on this list is very difficult for me.....

Tim Hudson, Mussina, Colon, Wood are all worthy candidates, IMO.

Oh, and watch for Rich Harden of the A's.....

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Watch out for Carlos Beltran of the Royals. The guy hits over 300, slugs 30 hr's, 100 rbi's, and steals 30 every year. He's still just 26 and plays a great centerfield. He might not be in this elite category yet, but could be in a year or two...

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