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I have to give JP credit

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I give him credit cause he has been around doing this after-hours thing for a long time. No one cant say they never been to Factory. Maybe a small very small portion would say that. Me, I have been there 5 times and the reason I went was for the fact it was my friends birthday and we all met there. I can honestly say I had a good time. We all hear bad rumors and good stuff about the JP. So what! Every dj had and did things in there past, present, and now. Im not gonna continue this post, but im sure everyone understands what im saying.

All I have to say is that he had proved himself NYE @ EXIT 2004. What dj in NYC can pack one of the biggest venues in NYC til 4-6 pm the next day. I mean there was always a place to go afterwards. Always and that was SF. Yeah there was other venues, but SF was the target to chill til dawn.

It sucks to see that a drug crowd follows, but lets be real there are drugs in every club. EVERY CLUB!!!! We all know that.

Im not a fan, but I give him some credit.

Victor Soto

Victor Soto

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Yeah but JP's parties have the most drugged out kid's in it.The reason he has had so much succes is because of drug's.I know lot's of people that must get banged up at crobar but they know how to handle it.The jp kid's end up passing out or bieng escourted out of the building.I personally have been going to factory for the last 5 years,and never really had a problem with drugs.Most of the time i was even sober.

You can really blame the club because they do have the power to really,really search at the door.Then when walking around it's obvious who's smashed and had to much.Kick these people out cuz there only gonna get worse.If people love Jonny that much they will tone down there drug use.Club's like Crobar will never be shut down for drug's because they enforce all the rules.

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Guest klassiksking
Originally posted by ************69

Yeah but JP's parties have the most drugged out kid's in it.The reason he has had so much succes is because of drug's.I know lot's of people that must get banged up at crobar but they know how to handle it.The jp kid's end up passing out or bieng escourted out of the building.I personally have been going to factory for the last 5 years,and never really had a problem with drugs.Most of the time i was even sober.

You can really blame the club because they do have the power to really,really search at the door.Then when walking around it's obvious who's smashed and had to much.Kick these people out cuz there only gonna get worse.If people love Jonny that much they will tone down there drug use.Club's like Crobar will never be shut down for drug's because they enforce all the rules.

just as bad as vinyl/arc

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I agree with the both of you. Like I said on another post. These kids these days dont know how to handle a drug. All I can say is pace yourselves. A little amount can do A LOT of damage. Every drug has a little or more power in it. No one can tell.

You young people out there are ruining the scene for everyone.

PACE YOURSELVES !!!!!!!!!! Take a little at a time, lol -

Dont do the whole thing at once. lol..

Victor Soto

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I am one of them, I never step foot into Factory for any event.

I know I missed its hey day. I love when I tell people I never went to factory, they look at me like I have 3 eyes.

Originally posted by vsoto212

I give him credit cause he has been around doing this after-hours thing for a long time. No one cant say they never been to Factory. Maybe a small very small portion would say that.

Victor Soto

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Guest amd

How come everyone blames young people, like no over 21 gets fucked up? Believe me, im 23, almost 24, been doing this whole deal since back at the tunnel and factory in 97. The only thing that I ever see on these boards are people blaming others. Stand up and admit that you are part of the problem. If I was, I would...but I haven't touched a thing in over 2 years, I just go sober or drink.

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Originally posted by ************69

Yeah but JP's parties have the most drugged out kid's in it.The reason he has had so much succes is because of drug's.I know lot's of people that must get banged up at crobar but they know how to handle it.The jp kid's end up passing out or bieng escourted out of the building.I personally have been going to factory for the last 5 years,and never really had a problem with drugs.Most of the time i was even sober.

You can really blame the club because they do have the power to really,really search at the door.Then when walking around it's obvious who's smashed and had to much.Kick these people out cuz there only gonna get worse.If people love Jonny that much they will tone down there drug use.Club's like Crobar will never be shut down for drug's because they enforce all the rules.

This is so true...I couldn't believe when I went to SF last year, the week after they got shut down, and people were stumbling around as retarded as ever. It's only gotten worse since then. I was in Vegas for the opening of Black, so I just hope I get to check it out before it gets shut down.

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