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For those that are in some sought of relationship or maybe in the past...you know how we always assume that the guy tries to pay for most of the things like dinner, movies, drinks, gifts, etc.

Guys have you ever had a girlfriend that hooked you up so fucking much and took care of everything or girls do you maybe do this with your guys?

I know my ex had some serious $$ and this girl hooked me up like you wouldn't believe...I'm talking jewelry, clothes, vacations. Damn I really screwed that shit up...that shit was hot!

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My girl does that and it pisses me off.

Call me old fashioned but I believe the man should pay for MOST things that are done together. Im not talking pay her credit card bills and crap but just the basics. If we go to dinner...I pay..things like that etc.

We kinda just share everything now. Although I still like to pay for most of it cause thats the way it should be.


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yes, i did... she also had money and bought me clothes food and even a set of wheels for my car. she had a great body and was really sweet... but dumb as a bag of dimes. i tried to stay with her cause the arrangement was so cost-effective. but she was dumb and i mean like retarded dumb.

ex. lots of ran and her parking lot flooded... the water was well up the door frame and she really thought she could open the door and get in before the water did.... i asked her why she parked at that side of the parking lot, she replied.... because the drain is there and that's where the water goes away at.

true story

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I'm with tekno on this.....I'm old skool and prefer to pay for expenses when we go out. From time to time my gurl will say "let me get that." Now I'm no Joe Millionaire and if I am light then I take her up on her offer.

Nomember - You had a good thing man. Get the paddles out and see if you can revive the relationship. "CLEAR!"

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I pay for pretty much everything in my relationship cause he pays his own bills and I'm a spoiled daddy's girl(we're both in college still). The wierd thing is is that his family is richer than mine and we both work but my parents pay my bills. So i pay for ALL his meals and anything we do on the weekends and stuff, but I don't mind at all. i love spoiling him and I know he's not taking advantage. i would never want him to pay for everything-thats not right. when we were living at home he p took me out all the time though. its payback time now.

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Originally posted by nomembername

For those that are in some sought of relationship or maybe in the past...you know how we always assume that the guy tries to pay for most of the things like dinner, movies, drinks, gifts, etc.

Guys have you ever had a girlfriend that hooked you up so fucking much and took care of everything or girls do you maybe do this with your guys?

I know my ex had some serious $$ and this girl hooked me up like you wouldn't believe...I'm talking jewelry, clothes, vacations. Damn I really screwed that shit up...that shit was hot!

no. never.

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i've never been spoiled and i dont have the money to spoil anyone... i think the most i ever spent on somebody was $400 on a bracelet

i know this one chick though who pays for her boyfriends child support TO ANOTHER woman while he cheats on her anyway

some chicks are retarded :rolleyes:

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Guest gabo
Originally posted by tranzwhore

spoiling each other makes it even more special!!!!!!!!

but I always spoil, now its my turn

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Guest gabo
Originally posted by i3itch

i've never been spoiled and i dont have the money to spoil anyone... i think the most i ever spent on somebody was $400 on a bracelet

i know this one chick though who pays for her boyfriends child support TO ANOTHER woman while he cheats on her anyway

some chicks are retarded :rolleyes:

buy me somthing biatch!

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my bf and i argued about this yesterday....he hates when we go out and I pay for him. He says that the guy should pay for 99% of the time when we go out. so instead i buy him presents, and tell him theyre nonrefundable. that way, he gets spoiled like i know he wants to be and just doesnt admit it and the way i like to spoil him, and he can still pay when we go out.

gotta love compromise.

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my ego wants me to pay all the time, but she usually tells me b4 we go out to eat or maybe to the movies, "i'm takin u out", therefore, its on her.

i have more issues with friends or a group payin the right amount for a dinner that we had together. but thats another thread.

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My boyfriend spoils me a lot and when I had money i tried to spoil him as well, even now when i'm so broke i still try to do little things for him that get me in debt.

can't wait to start making more money so i can take him out and buy stuff...

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Originally posted by thrillfire

My boyfriend spoils me a lot and when I had money i tried to spoil him as well, even now when i'm so broke i still try to do little things for him that get me in debt.

can't wait to start making more money so i can take him out and buy stuff...


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Guest gabo
Originally posted by tranzwhore

spoiled rotten ova here!

so with all the money you're saving from being spoiled you can go out and spoil me!

Dont get cheap on me now.

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My bf is spoiling me a little lately. its really sweet cause he finally has some money. He says he wants to do what he can since I always buy him stuff. But he's also just being really sweet to me!! Which makes me wanna ask-can't you be spoiled without having tons of money spent on you? Time is money (and so is the thought behind it)!! :)

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Originally posted by gfofaguy69

My bf is spoiling me a little lately. its really sweet cause he finally has some money. He says he wants to do what he can since I always buy him stuff. But he's also just being really sweet to me!!

Sounds to me like he might be feeling a little guilty about something.

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