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Some Deep thoughts after seeing Matrix Revolutions


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Deep thoughts /after seeing Matrix Revolutions DVD

Just finished seeing it on dvd.. GOd i love that ending. its such a good movie. it makes one think what ones purpose on this planet is. I think my purpose is to live my life to the fullest and meet as many interesting people along the way. THe people I have met have helped me grow as a human being, has helped me improve and has changed me in many ways.

Like Neo sacrificed his life for others, I will try to strife to be the best person i can be to make those around me happy. Its not an easy world we live in. ITs a world full of heartache, and strife. Terrorism and hatred. racism and bigotry

but the world is also full of beautiful things

sunsets, the surf hitting the white sands of a beach, love......

Is love just a word? ITs a theme imminent in the matrix revolutions. Would I die for my soul mate. That one person? YES. God put us on this planet to find our soul mate. ADam and eve is testament to that. we all need that special someone to share ourselves with.

but it is during that search that we discover oursevles. that we grow as a human being. that we fall down... but we must get back up.

Smith was in shock at the end when neo rose one final time he never realized in his programming that a person would sacrifice themselves for others. which is why he was in fear of what neo was goin to do.

I too will rise one day to take on that challenge to defend those I love. my family , my friends, my soulmate .

I love my family, my long time friends, my new friends on CP and those who have supported me over the years. Its not easy trying to stand out amongst a crowd. But I will always try to be that NEO among the Smiths. I will stand up against a society that I sadly believe is failing and crumbling around us. From kids shooting kids in schools, to wars in the middle east. Things only can get better. WE have to believe. Its all we have.

I put this on drama board already btw in case this one is deleted beacuse its considered more a drama topic


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I've taken 3 semesters of philosophy aswell , and find it very enlightining .....but I like to keep it to myself , as each one follows his/her own path in this crazy existence known as LIFE .


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Originally posted by fliptoniaaa

bling....when u watch the matrix on weeeeeddd!!!!!!! then get back to us...until the u havent seen it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

Have you ever looked at the back of a $20 dollar bill? Have you ever looked at it with weeeeeeeeeeeeeed? :smoke:

I think it would be too much for the Blingster....:tongue:

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Originally posted by xxgrooveericxx

Have you ever looked at the back of a $20 dollar bill? Have you ever looked at it with weeeeeeeeeeeeeed? :smoke:

I think it would be too much for the Blingster....:tongue:

Bling on weed???? :eek: Neva.

Poor guy would prob. get a hell a buzz just from a contact high.

OH Good LAWD!!......could you imagine???


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Originally posted by Bling

Like Neo sacrificed his life for others, I will try to strife to be the best person i can be to make those around me happy.

Bling, sacrifice like Neo or sacrifice like Flipper, but make those around you happy by not posting so much bullshit, would you?


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